@Calgary Flames

This cringe brought to you by the Calgary Sun

This cringe brought to you by the Calgary Sun

by Comfortable-Ad-7158


  1. MonkeySailor

    Strong ‘old man yells at clouds’ & ‘Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong’ vibes from that article

  2. Iginlas_4head_Crease

    I mean, he’s not wrong:

    >Times have changed. Sutter is old school and old school is not what you want to be.
    >An irritating dinosaur who couldn’t relate well enough to his sensitive skaters in the age of easily hurt feelings.
    >He couldn’t stickhandle around the emotional minefields and didn’t even appear to try.
    >Ten or 20 years ago, players were players and generally “wouldn’t say boo.”

  3. deleteallsocialmedia

    100% of people who are upset with Sutter being fired are the same people who “vote UCP because they can never vote for the NDP”

  4. SpitfireFan

    I don’t think it’s a great take but it’s not worth melting down about. Why some of this sub Reddit want to melt down as soon as someone has a not in the box take is pretty weak.

  5. BoBonnor

    Oh no! Not the snowflake players. How many snowflakes play in this league considering every coach like Sutter gets fired for the exact same reason all the time

  6. GladdBagg

    What a knob; the fucking GM couldn’t even take it here with Sutter, and Tre was the one that hired him ffs.

  7. jonos360

    Rick Bell is so much worse than Rick Ball

  8. jonos360

    Not gonna lie, like at least 1/10th of people on this sub also think players “get paid like millions of dollars ” and should “shut up and take it” because “regular people can’t do this”.

  9. Pbfury36

    The annoying thing about this article is that it doesn’t mention all the questionable things sutter did last year (lucic top line, handling of Pelletier, Nick Ritchie shootout, etc) Recently it had come out that the power play was never practiced at all this season. Sutter did not do a good job coaching this year and it was evident.

  10. 5hadow_Swrl

    Knowing he didn’t practice PP or 3on3 once this season with all the OTL we have im glad he’s gone hopefully we get a good run next year otherwise its gonna be a painful 7 years

  11. Then_Original_1269

    The players are soft now. Darryls a good coach just didn’t meld well with the softies

  12. paholmes

    It’s Rick Bell. Need we say more? 🫤

  13. JohnYCanuckEsq

    Oh no. How dare those snowflake players want to be treated with respect. What is this world coming to?

    I had a boss last year who played mind games, drove high performers to other companies, and turned a highly functioning office into a toxic work environment due to her ego, narcissism, and tin foil hat bullshit.

    I am now the boss. And those employees who left? They’ve all come back.

    Leadership matters.

  14. themoche

    Didn’t get a long with the players, GM or media… but most importantly the team underachieved by a lot. Almost every coach in every professional sport would get canned without questions for that combination.

  15. Stanstudly

    Dude is an idiot. But I will say there was a lack of accountability for the crappy season from the players. They’re the ones playing the game. Obviously tough to succeed if old Sutter puts you on the wrong wing to make Looch more comfortable, but still.

  16. Chemical_Signal2753

    Without being at the practices, in the locker room, and in team meetings I can’t say who is at fault. In general, there is evidence of players being “snowflakes” today and being unwilling to buy into a team game the way they did decades ago, but there is also evidence than some of the tactics of “old school” coaches are actually pretty abusive and wouldn’t be tolerated in other workplaces. Personally, I suspect it is a little of both.

  17. janroney

    Snowflake? Yikes. Wake up man… the NHL is a workplace like any other and actions like DS did are not tolerated anywhere. And I thought the word Snowflake was canceled?

  18. Mista_Incognito

    Came here to see outraged snowflakes, left satisfied

  19. Straight-Plate-5256

    Every person that says the players were too soft probably bitches about their boss being a dick but continues to work a job they hate that makes them miserable.


    I think everyone was at fault in this scenario, but maybe the team will do better next season with a coach that can cater more to Huberdeau. I don’t think that’ll be the case though, and it’s nothing but a dark 7 years until his contract expires.

  21. The_Man_with_1_Name

    You know, I honestly thought Sutter was like that, surly one answer sarcastic guy but just to the Media, then behind closed doors was an awesome players coach, a hard coach, and strict to the system but a fair type of attitude. You know the saying “play hard and play the system as a team you get the minutes”. If that is not the case then I can say I was wrong and he is not the coach for this team. It definitely seems like this is the case, he doubled down on being a hard-ass and it bit him, the majority of the team quit on him. I am now putting all my hopes into either a Ryan Huska or Mitch Love for a Coaching promotion and I say why not give Craig Conroy a shot at the GM Position. That being said I like the team defence approach this system had at times this year, but to hear no PP practice and no 3 on 3 practice that blows my mind, especially with how often we were in those exact situations.

  22. kobedziuba

    Keep in mind Kadri loved playing in Toronto when Babcock was the coach, so I don’t think it is just “Sutter is hard on player and players are soft”.

  23. WhiskeyDelta89

    How are you supposed to take anything seriously from someone who uses snowflake unironically?

  24. monty6666

    He’s not even a sports columnist or a Flames beat reporter, just a general columnist. Probably trying to feed some red meat to the Postmedia chud clientele.

  25. Grimmer026

    We have a lot of money tied up in aging players who are already not producing worth their cap. Team needs to focus on youth development and Sutter is not that guy.

  26. bdecs77

    “Snowflake” meaning “unwilling to tolerate being bullied by boss for no reason” in this case of course

  27. OrionsSwissArmyKnife

    Knew this would end up on reddit. lmao so predictable

  28. MonocleCatt

    They post this shit so people will share it and generate traffic. Just ignore it and move on.

  29. DeadDoveDoNotEatt

    Oh this was actually published lol yikes. I was pretty sure someone spoofed this because….. it sounds like a Beaverton headline.

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