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New York Rangers: Jacob Trouba Media Availability | May 3, 2023

New York Rangers captain Jacob Trouba answers questions from the media following the 2022-23 NHL Season on May 3rd.

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  1. I don’t even care what these heartless losers have to say. This team is cursed and we’ll see the Coyotes win a Cup before the Rangers ever win another one.

  2. No it's all on you & your teammates! Defeatist attitude will not turn into winning!? You guys didn't want it more!

  3. These guys just don't want it
    They may think they do but they just don't. At least not as much a the other teams.
    Ya look at the swag and attack even from, teams with lesser points
    Blow It up
    Panarain, Trouba, way wayyy overpaid. Too much money tied up in guys who don't show up
    Kreider was the only one that scored multiple goals 5+ but had an awful game 7
    They didnt even show up which is the pathetic thing.
    Blow it up Drury. Start over. Oh wait. NMC's prevent that.

  4. I love how matter of fact and nonchalant his answers are. They simply faced a better team whose coach made the proper adjustments to win the series. Enough said.

  5. They just need the proper coach. At the end of day the coach is the heart of every team and has to guide them to play the way they should. I think next season they will be stronger

  6. That response alone is why they lost. Yes they are fast but that means you check them hard on the blue line. There was very little of that and they got blown out on a game 7 of playoffs. Be more ratty and physical.

  7. Overpaid at $8.5M for mediocre D and minimal offense. Time to move this guy.

  8. The people saying “get rid of them all” are dead wrong. We don’t need to overreact. We just need to address the needs and resist the wants. We didn’t need Tarasenko AND Kane, but we got them and didn’t give up much for them, so it’s not the end of the world. Solidify the 4th line. Try to resign either Tarasenko or Motte. Let Kane walk. And get a 3rd line D-Man to play with Schneids. If we do that and they can win for the fans and each other. We’ll go a long way. There’s too much talent that we have to try to start over now. Have some faith.

  9. Was kane the captain for the playoffs? I love how this moron tries to decapitate a player with 10minutes left down 2-0 in a game 7 and lets hughes skate circles around them all series.

  10. How is it trending upwards when you get eliminated in the first round and last year lost in conference finals with a worse team

  11. Wish they would ask the questions we would all like to hear the answers to. Such as, “why did you guys play like you didn’t want to be there” 🤷🏻‍♀️

  12. Just think if you all tried hard in game 7. Would have been interesting for sure

  13. You guys are young so you don't understand. I am almost 70 years old. I know from experience that all the things you are thinking about and are talking about won't make any difference. I have seen so many good Ranger teams go out in the playoffs.

    They have only won once in over eighty years. So please take it from me when I respectfully tell you that none of the ideas you have will add up to anything. Nothing. Nada.

    The Rangers are cursed. They are. There's no other explanation. They are cursed. And the only reason why they won in 1994 was because the Rangers had the messiah's power to bring home the Cup in the name of Mark Messier. He alone was able to rise above the curse and lead the team to the championship.

    You had to be there to understand. You had to see Messier's quote that the Rangers will win Game Six. You had to be there to see his hat trick in that game. You had to see Matheau put in that goal in double overtime in Game Seven at MSG and know that it was Messier that lobbied to have Stephan Matheau come to the Rangers at the trade deadline.

    But you could not have been there so you don't understand. Nobody but Mark Messier will ever make a difference for the Rangers.

    Read his book and you'll understand why he is the greatest captain in the history of NHL hockey. Messier is the only man who can coach these Rangers to a championship. Nobody else will make any difference and no trades, no new coaches, and nobody but Messier can do it.

    Eighty years! EIGHTY YEARS! Eighty years….

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