@New York Rangers

Mercogliano: Talking to Gerard Gallant now. He said he hasn’t talked to Chris Drury yet. He said all he’s heard so far is what he’s read. Points out that he thinks they’ve had two really good years. “I can’t believe I have to answer these questions about getting fired.” #NYR

Mercogliano: Talking to Gerard Gallant now. He said he hasn’t talked to Chris Drury yet. He said all he’s heard so far is what he’s read. Points out that he thinks they’ve had two really good years. “I can’t believe I have to answer these questions about getting fired.” #NYR

by 09-24-11


  1. Zombie_Jesus_83

    Unpopular opinion: I would rather keep Gallant than hire the human piece of garbage that is Joel Quenneville if we can’t find a different alternative for a coach.

  2. Sjdillon10

    if you actually knew how to adjust during a series you wouldn’t have to worry.

  3. Whoknowsthesedays

    Dude has secretly been Adam gase this whole time. 0 accountability whatsoever as a head coach it’s wild

  4. ChaWolfMan

    There’s a reason he didn’t last long in Las Vegas and Florida

  5. Dead_opera

    I’d feel real secure if my boss hadn’t spoken to me for days after the biggest failure of my career.

  6. kvnklly

    Hmmm if we didnt collapse like we did the last 2 playoffs after having a 2-0 lead, and taking multiple before you changed shit and taking no accountability what so ever by deflecting all blame on player efforts then maybe you wouldnt be hearing this shit.

    Also players that were interviewed didnt exactly give off a great tone when speaking about you despite the words they said or they just outright skirted the question

  7. Mediocre_Ad7432

    I can’t believe the consensus from everyone here seems to be to keep Gallant. What changes are we expecting? He needs to go

  8. forhisglory85

    I translate what Gallant is saying as, “My winning record speaks for itself. Maybe look at the guys first for a change.”

  9. infinitebest

    I’m unsurprised that this dude is surprised here. He sucks.

    I would love to know what he actually does (aside from line blender)?

    We know what he doesn’t do: strategy, system, analytics, get the team ready to play, mid game adjustments.

    …but what is his job description?

    We could win the cup and I would still die on Gallant is a terrible coach island. There are probably a dozen folks on this sub that could better coach this team.

  10. EsembeeNY

    Honestly, I think Vally would make a good HC. I’d hate to lose him in the booth but I feel like he’s got a great hockey mind and has similar thoughts as most of the more intelligent fans.

  11. NathanDrake75

    As soon as Game 4 ended, I immediately realized why the Golden Knights fired him. If he doesn’t worry about what we’re currently worrying about, I’m not sure what to say.

  12. brooklynbotz

    Between this stuff and Brian Cashman’s quotes today I think I’m taking a break from sports for a bit.

  13. BernieManhanders23

    We’re still only 48 hrs past that hell and pinning this entirely on GG I feel is a bit reactionary. Not surprised there will be careful consideration and not rash judgment headed into next season. We’ll make the right move in the end.

  14. MH566220

    What the Rangers need is a fresh name. Not someone who’s been switching teams every 2 to 5 years. Either a top assistant coach, or AHL Coach. Someone who understands the Eastern Conference. Someone who when the skating and passing game aren’t working is going to get them to dump, chase and forecheck. A North – South guy, not East – West. A guy who is going to develop a real 2nd power play unit, as well as let the kids play. It’s a tall order, but that man is not Gallant.

  15. NYdude777

    Should be fired for just that attitude alone

  16. BestDadBod

    Mike Keenan benched Leach. Need someone who is willing to reward hard work and punish laziness/sloppy work. All the NHL coaches are the same – goons afraid of losing so they just stick the star players out BecUse they are afraid to shake things up

  17. Smorgas-board

    We shouldn’t believe it either but here we are, Gerard

  18. Direct_Crab6651

    Clueless moron. Sutter was COY last year and was fired. This guy blows back to back 2-0 leads the last two years, this year with a super team, and he doesn’t think there should be any conversations about his job?

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