@New York Islanders

Trevor Gillies Hit On Cal Clutterbuck

Trevor Gillies hits Cal Clutterbuck


  1. Challenge him to a fight if you have a problem with what he did, don't elbow his head from behind like a little bitch.

  2. call me silly but was that dirty? he hit his body, no? this was nothin like his previous hit besides clutterbug deserves it

  3. @hockeyrocks68 sorry but you are a moron if you think the steckel/crosby hit was the same as the cooke/savard hit

    What about clutterbucks hit? that was pretty dirty. while the hit was definately after the play clutterbuck definately sold it.

  4. @EyesOfTheSouthSTi at least he's able to play hockey and he can bring something else to his team other than penalty minutes….

  5. @mokyboy11 that doesn't matter. whether Gillies can be offensive or not doesn't change the fact that Matt Cooke is doing the same things. neither one of them should be playing if you ask me.

  6. @dkb827 i agree. Clutterbucks hit had a higher risk of injuring benevito or whatever compared to gillies hit on clutterbuck.

  7. I saw a facewash on the hit, but it wasn't a headshot. A roughing call is all it should have been.

  8. @hockeyrocks68 it'as not about Cooke or Gillies – it's about consistency. I watch plenty of Pens games and understand that Cooke is much more skilled than Gillies but that's not the point. It's about watering down the product and turning what should have been no more than a two minute penalty into a media circus.

  9. This was NOT a Headshot regardless what Colin "the Head-Pussy" Campbell says.
    This was also NOT a hit from behind, but Clutterbuck's hit was, was he suspended?.
    This was an unnecessary Boarding infraction by an NHL goon.
    Worth Ten games? I'm not so sure, but Gillies is not a star.
    If he was a star like Sindey, he wouldn't have been suspended.
    BTW I dislike the Islanders!

  10. Clutterbuck got 2 for boarding IIRC – I do know that he served a 2 minute penalty, Gillies got a 5 min major and game (plus). Wound up being 4 on 4 for 2 min, then a Wild PP for 3.

    Just thought I'd clear it up for you who didn't watch the game but felt the need to comment on something you didn't know about.

  11. Anybody with two working eyes and a half working brain can clearly see what happen here….this is absolutely ridiculous… cluttlerbuck is the one that hit the isles' player from behind.. gillies clearly hit clutterbuck's side.. injury unfortunately is a apart of the game…i'm watching CBC HNIC, and they never even mentioned what they showed.. which is cluttlerbuck hitting the isles player from behind.. the media SUCKS THE NHL'S DICK IN EVERY SINGLE OUTCOME. it's like watching CNN or FOX NEWS

  12. @EyesOfTheSouthSTi You include sti in your name which indicates you don't know shit about cars. Imports and southern pride huh. The only thing that matters less than your opinion is probably your credit score.

  13. @7nCYder first off john scott used to be on the wild and he is the shit. second off clutterbuck knows he made a poor hit and takes the blame for it and knows he is in the wrong where gillies is a piece of shit who is just aiming to injure players. clutterbuck is not cheap, he leads the nhl in hits and they are generally all clean hard hits, this one was just accidental and this kind of shit happens.

  14. @rossmillsap you cant compare gillies hit to clutterbucks seriously? clutterbuck didnt aim to injure the guy

  15. Kind of wierd that they give a really harsh suspension for what was nothing more than roughing or boarding against a player that drilled Gilles' teammate into the boards from behind.

    Did that player that drilled Gill…es' teammate into the boards from behind get anything for drilling Gilles' teammate into the boards? Usually when a player drills someone into the boards they get some sort of discipline for drilling someone into the boards.

    No? Okay then.

  16. That was a clean hit – no contact to the head with an elbow. It was late but no more dangerous than what Clutterbuck did to the other Isles player. Like people have been saying here, there was a glove in Cal's face but nothing more. I've seen much worse, like the blind hit on Brad Stuart by Kostopoulos that drew nothing more than a minor penalty. THAT was intentional to the head. Go check it out and see for yourself.

  17. Clutterbuck clearly tried to slow up after he realized the guy was turning his back to him. You can tell because his arms do not extend out through the check. Gillies got called because 1) He left his feet. 2) It's intent to injure because he is no where near playing the puck. 3) He hit's him with his hands up high, obviously going for the head.

  18. Trevor gillies shouldnt even be considered a hockey player he gets in for 5 mins a game at the most and all he does is injure people and throw cheap shots

  19. this was a clean hit from gillies if anything maybe a fine but wtf no suspension on the clutterbuck hit like that was cleary a hit from behind and gillies was a clean shoulder on shouler the nhl needs to get rid of colin campbell and get someone better

  20. @hockeyrocks68 – looks like your boy Cooke showed again what a remoresful hitter he is today. I wonder if Mario will write a letter about that hit.

  21. Ok retards, lets look at this again!! I'm not a NYI fan or a fan of any team other team but the Boston Bruins, just to get that straight!! 2 NYI get hit from behind (the 1st 1 clean, but the 2nd 1 was boarding every which way to Sunday) and Gillies hits the guy that boarded his team mate (that was way less of dangerous hit) and he is gone for 10 games? WOW OK!! Morons that don't know shit shouldn't talk shit!!!

  22. @howaboutit08 Neither hit was suspendable imho, Clutterbuck let up on the guy, he should have got a boarding penalty, maybe a game misconduct, but the Gillies his wasn't even close to from behind, if anything it was interference. The refs need to start watching the game and stop thinking about reputations while they make calls.

    And I don't cheer for either team. Sadly, I'm an Oilers fan… I used to have pride :/

  23. @drummerboyy3232 The player Cal hit had just BARELY turned when Cal hit him (and he had the puck, which is weird for Cal because most of his hits are late) and then Cal gets blasted in the face just because he made the hit. Gilles hit him for no other reason then to try and hurt him because of a questionable hit. Also, there would be no reason to call Clutterbuck for anything because there is no penalty for checking from behind in the NHL, and he was close enough where it was not boarding.

  24. this video should be renamed "Clutterbuck hit on Dibenedetto"… i like how Aaron Ward said that Gillies had his arm on Clutterbuck's neck… the fuck? Gillies is a strange character but he shouldn't be getting this much shit

  25. Dibenetto had possession/control of the puck when Clutterbuck made contact. Clutterbuck did not have either of those two when Gillies made contact with Clutterbuck. Should Cal have been penalized in some way for boarding? Probably. Should Trevor not have been penalized at all? Are you serious? If Cal should have been penalized then Trevor deserved to be penalized. You cannot have it both ways. Trevor has a reputation for making poor on-ice choices. Teach him a lesson before he cripples someone.

  26. I saw clutterbucks name in NHL 12 and i startes to call him clutterfuck but then my brothers like just u wairt THEN HE SXORED 5 goals WITH CLUTTERFUCK

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