@Calgary Flames


Nhl news today calgary flames news during nhl playoffs 2023 Watch for all the details about the nhl news of darryl sutter fired – Nhl highlights today 2023 Calgary flames press conference darryl sutter relieved of his coaching duties in the midst of the nhl playoffs game 7 highlights calgary flames fire darryl sutter today. nhl hockey highlights darryl sutter press conference best quotes don maloney interview calgary flames nhl today round 2 schedule start date nhl 2023
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  1. Watching chucky, who wanted out, move on past the bruins and be the team catalyst, must have been the last straw for the Flames brass.

  2. What are you yammering on about? You are like the tabloid papers. Signing a coach to a 2 year deal is pretty standard and not some huge commitment like you are making it out to be.

  3. It be better to get rid of the guys wanting out if they didn't get their way. NHL turning into an NBA scripted show more each day.

  4. If that doesn't say "we have ABSOLUTELY NO FAITH ON U!" than nothing does!!?? They're willing to forfeit millions of dollars over next few seasons just to get rid of him!!? Clearly management or the players or a combo of both really don't like him!!??

  5. Get ready for the howling next season when fans figure out, hey, maybe it wasn’t the coach.

  6. Sutter absolutely needed to be let go. It's not possible to coach players in a "toxic" environment.

  7. Look at all the money the taxpayers are having to pay for the new Flames stadium!? Thats gotta be worth, I dunno, 10 head coaches!?

  8. The Flames did what they had to. The exit interviews with players and some of the stuff Huberdeau has said since didn't really give them much of a choice.

    I'm glad Calgary's just cleaning house. They have an incredibly strong candidate for coach internally already that I would be shocked doesn't get the job, but that's going to be the next GM's call.

  9. What sealed Sutter's fait was with a playoff position on the line and needing to win games he put Ricthe in on the shoot out. That is committing job suicide. Daryl was a good coach but that is way behind him,

  10. Yeah I can see why Sutter and the players might have a contentious relationship. Sutter is the type of coach who wants his players to put an effort in every game and the players weren't too keen on doing that.

  11. Saw that one coming. The Sutter system was not working in Calgary anymore and it was evident with the on ice play.

  12. just proves alot of you hockey 'experts' don't have a clue about what you are talking about..i am personally glad both are gone..absolutely terrible GM..and an over the hill out of touch coach

  13. Quick note that Murray Edwards is ONE of the Flames owners, not THE Flames owner.

  14. As expensive as Sutter's contract might be…Huberdeau's is so much bigger. That, to me, looks like the real choice made by ownership. They HAVE to find a way to get more value out of that contract or else they're toast for almost a decade.

  15. Sutter has been a major problem in Calgary for a long time. How many coaches can consistently produce failing results and continue to keep their job.

  16. Poor Athletes having to stay in 5 star hotels driving Ferraris to their mansions have to deal with a tough coach who says mean things.

  17. Whhhhooo cares!?!?

    Let’s see tkchuck and gaudiest leave and then your team stinks and you fire the coach cause it’s his fault!? Sitter was the only thing going for this team now they have absolutely nothing. Good luck getting anyone to go there

  18. Johnny did the Flames players hold a meeting without him this season? If so the Kings did that in Tampa in 2017 when Sutter coached them and he was let go later that year

  19. Sutter should have never been the coach,,,,his style went out years ago. Today's game is faster and younger players, something he didn't like.

  20. The thing is nobody likes Darryl Sutter until he wins and then they love him. He is tough on players he’s old school and he really doesn’t give a damn what anybody thinks. He has his way of doing things and sometimes it’s very successful. Other times not so much but if you’re going to hire a guy like that you gotta understand he’s gonna play the journeyman guys he’s not going to develop new talent that’s not his job in his mind his job is to win now so he’s gonna put the people he believes can best help him win on the ice and then he’s not gonna listen to any prima donnas….. which the NHL likely has at this point because these guys are very highly paid and the life is much easier now than it was when Darrell played …. The kings had nothing bad to say about Gerald when he was winning. When he started losing then all of a sudden he’s too difficult and too strong-willed and not a good choice for the younger players it’s just like anything else if you win everybody loves you and they don’t care what an donkey-hole you are. How about an owner saying look you signed a contract you play here to the players rather than caving because they don’t like the coach anymore once you go down that road it never ends

  21. Best thing for the Flames franchise would be to move them to Quebec city!! Calgary Sucks!!!

  22. Flames going to miss playoffs next year too.They will never replace Sutter and they will be worse next year.🥅🏒🇨🇦🥅🏒🇨🇦

  23. Over paid babies…get all those overpaid players a soother…cuz I dont like my boss either! Go win a cup somewhere else Darryl as you will!! Key guys? They are spoiled divas and we pay for this b.s?

  24. Hockey is about the team not the coach. Results more wins less losses. That is what fans want. You have to coach modern athletes. Sutter is a dinosaur. Guys like him are dying off. 3:48

  25. The old guard are being let go in favor of fresh ideas, and different, refreshing ways of looking at the game. Coaches like Sutter can succeed…12 years ago. It's time to move on from some of these past their prime coaches, and the NHL needs to stop shuffling them around and give hungry, new coaches a chance to prove themselves.

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