@New Jersey Devils

This warrants a response

Need a hero Devils fan to come with an equally hilarious response to this at Game 3 on Sunday

by taciturnpoet


  1. Jballzs13

    I can’t even tell what that is tbh lol

  2. scarlet_stormTrooper

    Taking creepy to a whole new level

  3. pretzelogically

    If your sperms actually were fortunate enough to make her kids they’d be changing tires and doing brake jobs at Towne Fair instead of being superstars in the NHL. How’s that?

  4. Brindamour left philly cause lindros banged his wife. Do with that information what you wish

  5. sarch3092

    Its the playoffs that is absolute gold. It is just the right amount of disrespect without going overboard and still being funny. 9/10 and I hope some of our fans sitting near the canes bench start getting creative.

  6. DaMonstaburg

    It’s not hard to find a photo of Jack’s mom but that’s a bit of an unusual commitment. A poster, sure. But a pillow?

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