@Florida Panthers

Not eating this shit all of round 2

Just doing what I can. Let’s go win game 2 boys

by Jaxson_GalaxysPussy


  1. OxfordCommaRule

    We should also pledge not to eat any poutine until we win the series.

  2. yeezy_jeezy

    We appreciate your sacrifice soldier. May it not be in vain. 🫡

  3. TherealDJStryker

    Ss a European, I want to try it. we dont have this here

  4. xavier_laflamme70

    No Pasta first round, no Maple syrup second round, we’re being truly denied of deliciousness.

  5. cwhitta1

    That’s the syrup of losers… and I eat loser’s for breakfast!

  6. WrestleSocietyXShill

    I’m Canadian so I can’t abstain from the stuff or I will literally die, but I respect and support the gesture

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