Просто поражает отношение Юве к своим соперникам. Никаких грязных выпадов и громких речей. С любовью ко всем. Великий клуб с громадным сердцем. Юве – я твой навеки.
Simply amazing attitude Juve to their rivals. No dirty attacks and high-profile speeches. With love to all. Great club with a huge heart. Juve – I'm yours forever.
Voi e cechi incitare 💕
già finito? deve continuare! ahaha
the match was really tense, nevertheless, i love this duo
Просто поражает отношение Юве к своим соперникам. Никаких грязных выпадов и громких речей. С любовью ко всем. Великий клуб с громадным сердцем. Юве – я твой навеки.
Simply amazing attitude Juve to their rivals. No dirty attacks and high-profile speeches. With love to all. Great club with a huge heart. Juve – I'm yours forever.
hahaaha il dab
Bellissimi sti video
Bello bello
J is the name of the Zebra or what? Awsome!
Lol please do the same when JUVE goes to Munich
Vai Juve possiomo vincere la chahampions league✌
forza juve
Dab dab
fino alle fine forza Juventus
these are just too cute:))) keep it up<3!!!
Forza Juventus
Ehi jay il week end voglio incontrare dybala