@Columbus Blue Jackets

Allo stadio e al Museo: #JuveBayern, visto da J e Berni – J and Berni check out J-Stadium

Ultimi appuntamenti dell’incontro fra le due mascotte: inevitabile una visita al JMuseum e poi… tutti allo stadio!

J and Berni bring their Champions League adventures to an end with a J-Museum tour and an access all areas look at Juventus Stadium!


  1. Просто поражает отношение Юве к своим соперникам. Никаких грязных выпадов и громких речей. С любовью ко всем. Великий клуб с громадным сердцем. Юве – я твой навеки.

  2. Simply amazing attitude Juve to their rivals. No dirty attacks and high-profile speeches. With love to all. Great club with a huge heart. Juve – I'm yours forever.

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