@Philadelphia Flyers

Ristolainen gets five and a game for late hit on Koivu

Rasmus Ristolainen received a five-minute major and a game misconduct for this hit on Mikko Koivu.


  1. Absolutely not worth 5 and a game. 2 for the high hit or maybe 4 because of the injury, but not 5 and a game.

  2. I think that quite a lot of people judges hits by how the person getting hit reacts. If Koivu would've been knocked unconscious or anything like that there would probably have been a lot more comments calling out Ristolainen!

  3. Game misconduct of a clean hit. A little high but Risto is taller. Stick was low. Elbow was low. Basic shoulder hit after pass. NHL has no clue

  4. Not late at all. The rule clearly states the hit must be delivered immediately after the players loss of the puck. He was lining him up while he still had it

  5. I'm grateful I can at least remember a time when hitting was allowed in hockey. Its sad to think there are kids growing up today who have no idea how exciting this game could really be.

  6. The nhl is fu*king bush league now it's all about scoring. Yet all us hockey fans pride ourselfs on how tough the sport "is" or I mean was might as well play golf on ice.

  7. wtf its a clean hit. theyre both finns so i dont think he tried to hurt koivu. ristolainen has hell alotoff mass

  8. Any hit to the head that has enough force to make a man bleed like that is 5 in my books, just unnecessary and dangerous.

  9. Someone below said the cut was from Koivu's own stick being popped up into his face, and to me it absolutely looks like that's what happened. I did not see definitive contact with Koivu's head. It looked close, and I definitely saw Koivu's stick jam into his face, but I believe Ristonlainen kept the hit on the shoulder. I think this was a poor call. I believe the fact Koivu cut his face on his stick is what made them turn it into a major, and it don't believe the cut was from Ristonlainen's shoulder hitting Koivu's face, I believe it was his own stick by how it looks. And I think you could make a case for interference, it's borderline. And you could just penalize him because it was a dicey hit and if nothing else was almost a head shot. But I don't believe this should have been a game misconduct.

  10. Why there's not 4 minutes penalty in NHL when you hit and opponent is bleeding because of it?

  11. WTF 5 min n out of the game cos of this hit!?Max 2 min penalty would be fair ffs!RR55 likes to play hard but hes not a dirty player so this call was 100% BS!There is alot more dirty hits almoust every game and rarely Refs give this big penaltyes on those so clean Hits r illegal now a days?Soon there isnt any hits bcoz players r afrait BS penaltyes like this and Hockey aint Hockey w/o Big hits..Horrible Call!

  12. Stupid call. Time between the pass and the hit is around 0.5 seconds, which means that the hit wasn't late at all. Secondly, the hit is clearly targeted to the body, the shoulder clipped the lip a bit which made the cut in it, but shoulder/chest was the target, and principle point of contact. 2 min penalty would've been justified for slightly reckless check, but 5+20 is ridiculous.

  13. LMFAO Five And A Game!?
    Man what are these zebras watching? Maybe interference but definitely not a game misconduct.

  14. There are a lot of paragraphs in this comment section… 2022 perspective- high and late.

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