@Florida Panthers

WOKE Colin Kaepernick ATTACKS his adoptive parents and accuses them of RACISM because of this!

WOKE Colin Kaepernick ATTACKS his adoptive parents and accuses them of RACISM because of this!


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  1. all these movies an stories on this man how they going to do it the man lived very privileged life. an kinda boring to no adversity no anything they'll have to make alot of shit up just to get people to watch

  2. Hope they never give him the benefit of the doubt with anything ever again. He’s a clown of the highest order. Adopt another kid and write this moron out the will he doesn’t need it anyway.

  3. If I was his adoptive parents I would tell this clown to delete my phone number and that he’s no longer welcome in my life.

  4. He can't bare the thought of being raised with privilege. His woke friends must has teased him about it. John Lennon said it best "One thing you can't hide is when your crippled inside"

  5. This guy brings new meaning to the phrase (piece of shit)
    Personally I wish you'd just leave the country just get the hell out of here worst person in the athletic realm in my lifetime

  6. Colin Kaepernick led the 49ers to the Superbowl and two NFC Championship games… The were QBs who's stats were way worse than Kaepernick's when he was benched and not given another QB job..His stats are better than some of your favorite QBs.

  7. This is what happens when you let yourself get sucked into the miserable black hole of victimhood. And victimhood does not discrimminate – no matter how much you have, it will convince you of otherwise. And it is very hard to get out of that frame of mind. But that isn't an excuse for him. He is a grown man, a successful grown man, who chose victimhood and is attacking entire groups of people, and his parents to justify it in his own mind.

  8. Poor Colin, just a manipulative, entitled, mean spirited individual! My sympathy to his adopted parents!

  9. Its messed up that a piece of trash like Kapernick is making all that money by being a hypocrite and a scumbag, and screw the people paying him

  10. Where was the black community when he was growing up? Why didn't they want him?
    As a Chinese American I would have been disowned…or worse if I pulled that crap. Deplorable! If I were Mr and Mrs Kaepernick, Colin would be dead to me and forbidden to use the Kaepernick name!

  11. They should have left his MAMMYLESS PATHETIC A*$ stay at the orphage to eat GRUEL with MAGGOTS!!!!

  12. Wow man, how low can you go calling your parents racists that's not racist related. When I was a kid I had an afro, my parents told me to just to trim my hair, that's not racist. He's just out there just to get attention and make money and disgrace his family. Shame on him.

  13. I wanted a mushroom cut and a mohawk at various times in my life, and my parents wouldn't let me. I'm so glad they stood their ground when I complained.

  14. He is just grasping to stay in the news. He couldnt play at the end of his career he couldnt even get looked at during his own workouts. To blame the 2 people who kept you from moving from foster home to foster home. He is an absolute joke whiner.

  15. They adopted him at 5week old.. loved him took care of gave him a good education. He is just like Prince harry and his wife. Professional victims make money off trashing your families. If anyone should be canceled it's colin,prince Harry and Meghan Markle

  16. If them "White" Folks didn't adopt Colin Kaepernick what was the chances of him doing it all on his own. Alot of black folks in the NFl had Zero help.

  17. Big fan of your channel, and can't stand Kap – no lie but Braids can be "professional", it depends on where and who you are. Plenty in my profession who have braids or twist, same with others with long hair and gel. It's only not professional until others do it. The same could be same about fades and other styles of haircuts/styles. Stop the propaganda. Professional is you and what you do to build up trust.

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