@New Jersey Devils

[Morreale]_Just a reminder: The Hurricanes were legitimate Stanley Cup contenders at the start of the season; picked by many to even win it all … The Devils? The hope of just challenging for a postseason berth …

[Morreale]_Just a reminder: The Hurricanes were legitimate Stanley Cup contenders at the start of the season; picked by many to even win it all … The Devils? The hope of just challenging for a postseason berth …

by Devil_Dane


  1. stanley_g00dspeed

    And then we went and kept pace with them all year, finishing with one of the best records in the league and fantastic analytics. I’m not pissed we dropped two games to the Canes, I am pissed the offense has disappeared under the spotlight and we have regularly looked totally lost in about half of our post season games. Expectations shifted about midway through the season, I just want us to stop getting our shit pushed in.

  2. rjlud02

    Yes BUT, we did better and ended 1 pt behind them. We don’t suddenly get a pass when we regress to a postseason contender… truth is this young team is shot, Timo has the worst puck luck and our G situation is far from resolved. Call it what it is… you can poke a million holes in Graves, Seigs, Dougie, and Sevos games as well… and now they’ll win three in a row and I’ll completely change my tune

  3. NJDevilsInChile

    You can’t compare a perennial top team in the league who has gone through a lot of trials in the post season with a team that has been in its second playoffs since 2012, just because they finished 1 pt behind the former team. Seriously. Teams learn to win. Is it frustrating that it looks like we don’t know how to enter the o zone at times? Yeah. But Jack is 21 and looks like he’s been stifled in the post season. He’s going to have to learn how to be who he is in the playoffs. Expectations should not have shifted just because we overachieved this season

  4. Think it’s pretty nonsensical to constantly call back to preseason when the season has changed everything. In the big picture we’ll get over it if we continue to get blown out by Hurricanes and lose the series, but right now it’s perfectly fine to be beyond frustrated by how harshly spanked we’re getting. It would be a whole another thing if we were still losing, but we’d be in the games, but constant blow outs? I don’t know how it doesn’t demoralize you.

  5. ilovehenrique14

    I don’t mind losing, and the Canes are valiant opponent. But they’re absolutely getting their shit kicked in with no fight back. Make things competitve

  6. Sauronsindexfinger

    The Canes mostly play an old fashioned style of play. Get the lead and trap. Ironically the Devils dynasty years perfected that. Brindamour is from that era and it shows.

  7. Fizzix63

    It’s only 2 games in, the Devils can turn it around.

  8. The Canes look great and they are missing 3 of their top players. This series should be way more competitive and we look like dog shit right now. The BMW line is the only one doing anything. Our top players need to wake the fuck up and start playing like they are capable of. None of them look any good…only Hishier looks like he is giving it his all!

  9. DevilJacket2000

    That’s great and all but being out scored 11-2 in two games isn’t good. At least they were in Carolina and we have a chance to get back in it with just one win. Hurricanes are much better at home than on the road. But they’re still pretty good so we can’t have any galaxy brain lineup decisions getting in the way and lazy defensive plays that directly lead to goals.

  10. NJD1214

    I’m happy with where the Devils are. I’ll be happy with the season regardless. That doesn’t mean I’m happy with them losing 6 to 1.

  11. rtl_snk

    Sick of hearing this. Getting the same as an arsenal fan with all the “well we just wanted top four.” Expectations change. We should not be getting beat this easily.

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