@Minnesota Wild

Marcus Foligno kneeing on Radek Faksa – Have your say!

Marcus Foligno was given a five minute major for this knee on knee hit to Radek Faska. After review he was also assessed a game misconduct. Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. oh thats bullshit he had the knee there but it was unintanal bad call if theres anything there its a trip on the wild player who had his legs out

  2. There was no significant deviation to the line either player took, so either it was kneeing by Foligno or he had a bad aim

  3. The NHL finally had the guts to call a major again after Bunting. In another video I mentioned that Foligno was more of a danger to himself than to other players with his bad aim, well…. this time his bad aim injured the other player. He made sure he got his leg in between Faska's, and well, that's kneeing. I hope DPS gives him the rest of the series off.

  4. BTW, for most physical fouls, if a player gets a 5 min major, they tend to get the game misconduct automatically:
    50.5 Game Misconduct Penalty – When a player has been assessed a major penalty for kneeing he shall also be assessed a Game Misconduct.

  5. Dirty play, gotta make contact with the upper body first when hitting. Could’ve ended Faska’s career. Unbiased I don’t cheer for either team.

  6. Nothing but knee. Terrible aim for body contact. Correct call. I'm just glad this game wasn't decided 100% by the PPG so it won't be the Mild's excuse for the next week. I wonder if DOPS will also suspend for 1 game

  7. 50.1 Kneeing is the act of a player leading with or extending their knee outwards for the purpose of making contact, or attempting to do so, with the opponent.

    Slow it down as much as you want, I can't see how Foligno is leading with his knee or extending. He went in a straight line, stopped striding, left his skates on the ice and tried to go for a clean hit. Unfortunately, Faksa was off-balance from jumping to get the puck and tried to dodge, then presented his own knee. According to the rulebook, there was no penalty to be issued on the play.

    Let's not even bring up the defensive-zone high stick on the third goal that should have disallowed the goal.

  8. Foligno did not change his stance or path of travel. Faksa did. Should have been no call on the play. If anything, 2 min tripping (given the "tripping" precedent set in the previous game). But, unfortunately, Foligno decided to criticize the Ref's after the last game…. So…. Yeah…. Hashtag "as expected"…. The funny part is that I told my buddies "I will be SHOCKED if Foligno makes it through the first period"… They gave me a puzzled look and I replied "He dared to criticize the Zebras…. You just don't do that… He'll be gone the first chance they get"…. Man-O-Man… I am tired of being right…

  9. Wild player intentionally stuck his knee out there, major penalty, game misconduct and suspension for 5 games.

  10. It's not the knee that the refs look at.. it's the upper body. Foligno made no attempt to make a body check (hit with his upper body) which means his lower body (knee) was his intended point of contact. The fact that he didn't stick he knee out is irrelevant, his knee was already extended.

  11. It’s the Wild, surprised we didn’t get 3 five minutes penalties in sequence + short a player for the series. Maybe subtract more cap space and make them play 5-3 for a period. That call turned the game before it started. Maybe 4:00, not five.

  12. Marcus would usually commit to that hit. But the 2 calls he had against him the other night are probably in the back of his head. So when you only have a second to decide to make the hit or not. It looks like he didnt know if he should or not. And just skated straight through and froze and it ended up being a knee. Thats my take on it

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