@National Hockey League

Not my video, but my thoughts exactly. 5k fine for this is a joke.

Not my video, but my thoughts exactly. 5k fine for this is a joke.

by moderngamer6


  1. Key_Replacement5251

    Players like that ruin the game for me tbh

  2. justinreddit1

    Funny video but sadly it’s accurate. This league is a complete joke when it comes to discipline and shit like that will lead to the players having to take matters into their own hands.

  3. I think that was more of a punishment than elberle got for breaking someone’s neck

  4. chuckypopoff

    This is honestly sick. Fuckin embarassing

  5. thereal_omegavince

    “$5000 fine for nearly removing 2 people from this earth in 1 game” is such an incredible sentence

  6. Roberto_Sacamano

    I’ve been splitting my time between the nhl and nba playoffs so I missed this, but wow. That’s a fucking disgrace

  7. 4242throwitaway

    The fucking dazed moron goon in charge of Dops strikes again.

  8. I don’t understand how 5k fine is the most the players agreed to in the CBA.

    I also don’t understand how the people in charge of the League cannot see how stuff like this is detrimental to the popularity of said League. It’s one thing to talk about heavy hits. But this is just absolutely trash behaviour that nobody can find entertaining.

  9. Wu-Tang_Cam

    Toronto should bring in an enforcer next game.

  10. CharlyWerk

    Just break his neck instead, you may get off scot-free.

  11. Keegantir

    I don’t like Toronto, but this is why I hate “playoff” hockey and the “let them play” mentally. There are rules in the game for a reason. When the refs put the whistle away, the game changes, and not for the better.

  12. saltycracka22

    Really only a matter of time before another Todd Bertuzzi-Steve Moore incident. They just don’t give a shit about player safety.

  13. VictimOfCircuspants

    Wait, didn’t you all think this was funny when it was happening to the Bruins? Interesting.

  14. hyperspacial

    I get its not right, but yall gotta stop complaining about it. The hockey gods don’t like complaining.

  15. Tucker897

    “We care about player safety” the fuck you doing about it then? Why hasn’t every player in this league been vocal about this sort of shit and I mean like after games doing pressers and shit like call the refs out call the league they can’t fine and fire all of you.

  16. Idea_On_Fire

    Can’t say I’m a Panthers fan. Go Toronto, go Canes, go ANYONE.

    But actually go Kraken, my official #2.

  17. JDubs234

    Always hated Bennett and now I have a reason

  18. sympathyhex

    That’s some of the dirtiest shit I’ve seen this year. Unreal.

  19. _Retired_

    You’re just mad that the Panthers embarrassed the Maple Leafs at home. Get over it.

  20. VanFart111

    Someone on the leafs side gotta lay him on his ass

  21. Ghost_Pains

    Dear god that’s nasty. That made me physically uncomfortable to watch.

  22. FamilyGuy64

    Embarrassing is an understatement. They suck, I wish they were more consistent. If that was Marshy he would have had 2 games

  23. SuccessfulMess1075

    George Parros bases his decisions are his personal feelings towards the aggressors and the victims. It doesn’t matter if you like the leafs or hate them this is embarrassing and this level of incompetence is a prime example of why this league will never be relevant. It’s hard to have any respect for anyone involved in this league from players, media and ownership when this is acceptable and no calls out George Parros and Gary for being this corrupt. Except the Ranger and look what everyone involved with the league did then.

  24. Appropriate-Dog6645

    I wonder if Simmons and Clifford will be in lineup

  25. AnyOfThisReal-_-

    Potentially paralyzing? Grow up…

  26. Lonely-Ad3750

    i want the leafs to play like bennett for game 3 because apparently it’s legal to chokehold a guy. we saw it with kucherov too so i say we play the same

  27. Master-File-9866

    It’s the playoffs. The rules for what is and isn’t acceptable changes. I would be willing to bet you could find similar incidents of leafs doing this to panther players

  28. smn_hockey

    this is the dirtiest fuckingcrosscheck

  29. King_Kodiak62

    Is it just me or does the league just hate Canadian teams?

  30. Material-Cat-1571

    In European soccer, the guy would be banned for a year. There are guys who are banned for months for a lot less than that. They also have to pay bigger fines, lol.

    The NHL is legit complicit for refusing to punish those acts more harshly

  31. SeagullAttackDrone

    coach chippy makes amazing content

  32. Mrinked91

    Honestly 2h slash to the fucking teeth…..if the league wont do anything about this shit time the players do…..

    There is going to be another Steve Moore incident and it’s going to be on the Leagues hands….shit Moore’s kinda was too….though he brought it on himself by going after a guy and refusing to fight….but again didn’t deserve his neck/back being broken by a cheap shot from behind. Had he fought and then got injured i don’t think it would have been as big a deal. (Moore i mean)

  33. eatKONG

    I was gettin pretty hyped on the panthers but this is some buzzkill behavior

  34. Yagerflager

    This entire sport is a joke and not worth anybody’s time anymore. Sad state of affairs.

  35. knowing147

    yeah true, clear clips of dirty play. So when do you show the clips of the two Bolts players getting concussions from Leaf players? All I’m saying is be consistent or your words mean nothing.

  36. H8ersAlwaysH8

    Can’t tell me leafs don’t get treated different.

  37. tball788

    This is how you bring back enforcers like Marty McSorley. If the refs don’t protect the players they will look to someone else to do it like they did in the earlier days.

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