@Florida Panthers

This actually made me laugh out loud

Paul Maurice had some interesting remarks in his post game interview following the Florida Panthers win over the Toronto Maple Leafs in game 1 of this round 2 series. He believes the Panthers are being judged harder than others and this was seen near the end of the game, when O’Rielly got cut from a high stick up high. On that infraction, a high sticking double minor call was handed to the Panthers after which, the camera cut to Maurice on the bench holding up his hands 5 – 1. Referring to the 5 calls for the Leafs against the 1 for the Panthers. His dead stare at the ref while holding his hands up genuinely made me laugh out loud. So, todays NHL hockey video, I figured we could go over the penalties and you guy’s could decide what you think!

#hockey #nhl #highlights #nhlplayoffs #torontomapleleafs #floridapanthers


  1. Ekblad 🤣 that’s my bad guys. By the time I got to this video it was 3am and apparently I’m getting too old for that haha. Thanks for watching though!

  2. who gives a fuck if its 9-0 if the penalties happen call them im tired of this even penalty bullshit call em as they happen.

  3. Interesting way to look at it, but to do a complete job you need to examine what maybe wasn't called as a penalty in the whole game. You are counting the 4 or 5 against FLA as fair, but I think Maurices issue is what wasn't called that made it seem lopsided.

  4. Like considering the game the Panthers play no its not surprising they take a lot of penalties and yeah, between the goal Florida scored on the delayed and the double minor either Maurice is miscounting or counting the dbl minor as 2 which would also be dumb. Lest we forget this is the same Panthers team that had Gudas get allowed to practically mug Brad Marchand in either game 1 or 2 of last series.

    As for the validity of the calls:
    1, Bennet elbowing – Honestly couldve been called an elbow or a charge here comes in hot, leaves his feet, definitely gets the arm up into the face area this should be a penalty, period
    2, Forsberg tripping – Like you said call speaks for its self, should be called and still only like the 2nd or 3rd 5-on-3 the Leafs have had ALL year
    3, Giordano hooking – Probably the softest call made all game but still easily a hook, dont like it considering 20 get let go over the course of a game but technically the right call
    4, Mahura high stick – Again speaks for itself and high sticks should literally be called all the time, only time its not considered a high stick is on a follow thru and this, nor the other one later qualify
    5, McCabe tripping – the penalty that wouldve been had the Panthers not scored on the delay, ez ez call no doubter
    6, Bennet high stick dbl – Any complaints, any?

    Now u can make arguments about what other stuff went on that could've/should've been called probably against both teams but for what was called and let go I think most (unbiased) people would agree it was pretty fair which is rare

  5. For once, the officiating was pretty good.
    I didn't find much wrong with how the game was called, at all.

  6. If you take a penalty, you should get called for a penalty. It’s pretty fucking simple. Teams that follow the rules and play clean hockey should be rewarded with more power plays than their opponents

  7. To be fair, ima bruins fan and after watching that first round… florida commits an insane amount of penalties. No hiccup tbh

  8. Maurice must have not watched the Wild vs Stars series. If you call out the refs, they will screw you for the rest of the series. I had Panthers in 6, but after this, I'm going Leafs in 5.

  9. Coaches blaming officiating in the nhl seems to be a new tactic in playoff hockey. It’s crystal clear that these are penalties

  10. It’s the toughest sport to officiate. The game is faster than it’s ever been. I’d be in favour of the NHL changing the whole system and have all calls made by the NHL front office video room. The officiating system was born in an era of blurry black and white TV and no video replay. We live in a world where every angle of the game can be recorded in high detail. Everyone has high definition TV’s and we all see what happens but we’re still relying on two dudes skating around and whatever split second judgment they can make. It’s actually kinda stupid if you think about it. There would still be an element of discretion but would be more fair more often than how it’s done now. it’s the same issue with baseball and basketball. At some point it should almost AI that makes the judgments.

  11. I think he is just playing the game in the game, lobbying the refs to be as little of a factor in the outcome of the games as possible. It might even work, we know the refs look for things to call.

  12. I think Maurice's point is not that the Panthers penalties weren't legit. He's probably talking about things that penalties that were not called on Toronto.

  13. plot twist: paul was actually signalling to his friend across the rink what meal combo he wanted from Micky D's postgame.

  14. That mahura call should’ve been embellishment on bunting… come on now only a soccer player is flopping like that when a still stick taps his face 🤣🤣 what has hockey come to

  15. Leafs got the right calls for, so no complaints there. However, there were definitely missed calls against them

  16. A good analysis. To do a full analysis of whether or not the officiating was fair, you'd have to also look at any & all Toronto infractions that were not called.

  17. It’s not about what got called in torontos favour, it’s about what didn’t get called against Toronto that would go in floridas favour. So many things Toronto did which were similar to the Florida penalties went uncalled

  18. you showed 1 game… just saying, if you have watched like he said 'the last 8 games' this was by far the better officiated game, but you also missed ALOT of uncalled shit which was only uncalled that would put the kittens on a PP

  19. Goals scored on a delayed penalty shouldnt negate the powerplay. You have 6 skaters on the ice anyway, changing your goalie for a forward since the opposition cant touch the puck is just smart player management.

    Before you disagree, think about how it would go if a delayed penalty is called in the final minute of a game where the goalie is already pulled. Do you add a 7th skater? A delayed call goal is not a goal with a man advantage

  20. Florida has had 7 penalties to Toronto's 2 after 2 games! If those numbers were reversed Leaf fans woukd be screaming!!

  21. Thanks for the breakdown bud, I love to play but I'm not one to watch so I appreciate a decent summary, especially living in Leaf country

  22. Doesn't reviewing for the goals they called miss the point? Pretty sure his gang signs are insinuating their some calls they didn't make

    Funny move, coach. Keep it coming.😂

  23. He doesn't want his guys going to the box all the time, they need to stop playing dirty.

  24. They aren't showing the interference pull down on Gudas behind the net minutes before the Bennett hit and pull down on Knives where he held on to Bennett before going down and wouldn't let go that Leafs fans are screaming about. Even though the Gudas hit and pull down was exactly the same thing, only he didn't get injured. Plus where are all of the highlights of the rest of non-calls for both teams that the refs missed? I saw plenty of them on both sides with the missed call count heavier for the Leafs non-calls they got away with.
    One thing that I do believe is that the NHL is telling the refs to let them play more, but they are getting way too lax and too many players are getting hurt from the lack of control they take in all of these playoff games. The NHL doesn't care about the players as long as that viewership keeps increasing. Granted the games have been good with all the teams involved from the start of round one, but you can also see they are out of control as well with what has been allowed to happen so far and the slaps on the hands of those involved in game ending to career ending hits on these players.

  25. I wonder if those calls went against the other team for the exact same infraction, if he would be complaining? I doubt it.

  26. If the Panthers commit loads of penalties they should get the penalty. Not a bias. Not a mystery. They cross checked one guy to the head. And another wrestle mania play resulting with a concussion. So if you play like that you should get ALL the penalties. It’s a joke not in the NHL

  27. 5 penalties but we all know that refs put the whistles away for the playoffs and call bare minimum. Meaning the Panthers are a team that hack, wack and claw at you knowing only a small fraction of their penalties and shenanigans will get called. 🫤

  28. Yeah, right. The refs always pick 1 team and mnake it obvious they will treat any team playing against them badly. Yeah, right. Sure. Stupidity at its best. Blaming everything and everyone except your own players.

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