@Tampa Bay Lightning

Nazem Kadri vs Victor Hedman Feb 19, 2013

Nazem Kadri vs Victor Hedman from the Toronto Maple Leafs at Tampa Bay Lightning game on Feb 19, 2013.


  1. This is the same guy who has Niklas Kronwall as his profile picture. He is one of the biggest pussies in the NHL.

  2. So many keyboard warriors, hahahahahahahahaaaaaahahahahaha you fucking tards. Stop arguing on here. It's like watching two retards fuck, funny at first but just sad over time.

  3. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that mrvonfukustein and YouTearyEyedBitch are the same people…hahaha

  4. cheap shoot from Kadri.. shouldn't play hockey if you can't deal with a guy pushing you..

  5. I don't know what video you fucking MORONS are watching, but Hedman cross-checked Kadri from behind to start this whole thing. Fucking idiots. SO stupid. You guys just hate on the Leafs for the sake of it. Open your eyes. Good for Kadri standing up for himself. I'm glad he popped him too. Hedman started it with the cheap cross check.

  6. Kadri is apparently a pussy for taking on a guy who is 6'6 even though he is one of the top scorers in the NHL while still being a 21 year old playing on the 3rd line… hahahahaha

  7. God I hate when the refs prematurely break up the fights, it's like they want to be a hero or something, just let them go cleanly instead of grabbin Kadri by the neck

  8. If Hedman or any other TB player has a problem with Kadri punching him in the face with the ref in the middle they are free to take up their complaint with McLaren or Colton anytime.

  9. He didn't take on anybody, he sucker punched him when he knew the reffs whould help him out. Easy being tough when you have a bunch of goons on your team.

  10. Kadri going for that one bomb against one tall bitch. Where have I seen this before….. oh yeah 9/11

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