@Washington Capitals

Lars Eller destroyed by Eric Gryba


  1. Finally! a hab's player "IS REALLY HURT" when he play's rag doll and hit's the ice!! only problem is that the ice caused the injuries and NOT the ottawa player!!

  2. I think Montreal ought to get a FORENSIC SCIENTIST to see if he was intentionally hurt. Regardless of clean hit or not, Ottawa and Melnyk are the lowest class organization in the NHL.

  3. Lots of people will disagree with me but I'd rather see Gryba have destroyed Subban than Eller. Excuse me, I mean subbitch

  4. clean hit. BUT! NHL should ban hits to the head, automatic 10 game suspension or something like that.Players will be more careful before giving a big hit like this. Thus less injuries. Make the player in control of the check responsible. That was a blind side hit and Gryba knew it.

  5. Don't care what sport, blind side hits are shameful. Anyone can do it. I think people that do them are pussies.

  6. Hey. It's 2013 not the 70's. So, if a dump person while chatting on a smartphone cross the road on a red light. You drive a car. You know he's wrong.. You are in a hurry for a very important whatever. Do you accelerate to prove your point that the guy is wrong and that you have the right to pass on the green light or you do the right thing and you do all you can to avoid the guy?

  7. Intentional or not, a hit to the head should be an automatic suspension. Add a lot more games if it's intentional. Hits like that can end a career and/or cause degenerative illness in the future.

  8. Learn the game Frog. You Montreal people cry, cry, cry, but you have no sack! look at Subban chirping from the bench. real tough guy. I dont care what anyone says, that was a hockey play, a hockey hit, and it was clean!

  9. So when are the Canadiens and he city of Montreal going to press charges? that seems to be the way things work up there.

  10. You've already made your opinion quite clear from your 3 posts about this hit but there's no need to use slurs to get your point across. Grow up.

  11. It was a clean hit, but if you saw your team mate's face gushing blood due to a hit that at first sight looked dirty, wouldn't you be pissed and chirping too? Don't be so quick to throw rocks, and put yourself in their situation.

  12. the contact was made to the head, but not at first. it was a whiplash effect, and height difference that caused eller's head to hit Gryba's shoulder. Clean hit, the suspension was the wrong call.

  13. The hit was high and he caught the back shoulder. Cheap shot. It will be a suspension. You do that same hit to a superstar, your toast.

  14. clean hit, the league is turning into the NFL. put them in ballerina dresses if you want a bunch of pansies out there playing grab ass. this is hockey.

  15. From the back view the kid that got hit, his head never touched gryba, clean hockey hit, if he didn't break his face off the Ice, their would be no suspension, he'll even Kerry Fraser said no penalty, just a bad hockey play, shanny is a Whiney pussy, he was the prick that made fun of the sens riding the bike years ago, time to get an impartial guy that hands out the discipline

  16. For anyone who believes this was a clean hit check Brendan Shanahan's video review of this play. Many differnt camera angles. It does show clear contact to Eller's head. End of story. It deserved a suspension.

  17. I disagree. Everyone loves to see a player they hate get rocked!!!! You don't ever wish for serious harm to come to them, but I think its great when a cocky little player like Gallagher gets put on his ass with a huge hit!! Keeps them in check!

  18. Yeah, Eller was injured pretty bad. I agree, seeing players you dont like get rocked is nice. I hate Torres and cooke and any time they get laid out I enjoy it, but I don't want them to be injured.

  19. F*cking Diaz. Gryba did the eh… normal thing. (Not supporting the sens, Bruins fan.)

  20. And gryba isn't the only jerk in the league, sorry to the Bruins but Marchand, shaw, stoner, Torres, Keith is a big jerk. Picked on the twins and backs away like a pansy, Scott, brown, and I have a lot more. Ask me for my reasons, I have them and I am a Canucks fan and a jets fan

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