@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers Likely To Call Up Dylan Holloway | Carter Savoie ELC Coming? | Zack Kassian’s Future

The Oilers Fanatic goes over the latest on Dylan Holloway, Carter Savoie, Zack Kassian & More!! #LetsGoOilers


  1. I don't know why Arizona wouldn't want kassian. They need players with contacts. Package kassian Archibald benson and samarukov to Arizona for draft picks

  2. Kenny should give Savoie an elc and bump him to Bako next year. He seems to be turning into an Oilers' version of Johnny Gaudreau. Give Holloway a "taste" of the NHL. Don't pressure him, just let him experience a few games. I believe that will be an important part in his development (just like Stuey). We've seen prospects like Dylan Cousins and Dawson Mercer get a chance in the NHL this year and look how well they've played. For next year, Holloway will be in Bako for a bit more development and guys like Noah Philip, Ryan Fanti, Matvey Petrov, Ty Tullio and Carter Savoie will also enter BK's lineup. Hopefully Stuart Skinner can become an NHL ready goalie next year and Malone & Vincent Desharnias will get a chance too. As for Kass bury his salary until the playoffs and then trade him to Arizona or some eastern teams next year.

  3. Watched a few highlights of Bakersfield games to catch views of Holloway. Kid can definitely skate and make plays, just never saw his shot. It’s always tough to get a read on AHL players. Perlini looks like a beast down there…he’s a goal a game guy in the AHL.

  4. If the Oilers hold off on Holloway until camp / next year it preserves his rookie status (aka he wouldn't play 10 games etc.). Now think strategically (and ignore totally what I just said). IF they make the playoffs (looks pretty good right now) guys "may" be hurt along the way and you have 4 callups. FOUR. Do you hold on and maybe bring a Vet (sorry but Experience trumps enthusiasm in the playoffs, you don't want a guy learning the pace and that he'll be smeared along the glass unless he keeps his head up) to fill a hole. What if two Left D's go down. Options are limited. What about a goalie (here Stewie, come to the pipes Stewie), what about pretty much anyone else. Yes, you have a few guys on hand to fill in "some" spots but not a lot and do you really want to put a defensive disaster in a game when someone in the Bake is hands down better (ignoring contracts (Kassian by way of example only)).

    Look, they need to hang on to as many of the four as they can. Not bringing Holloway up isn't a crime (especially as he's day to day right now). Other heavy hitters we would have counted on for call-ups are not longer available for us due to injury. Holloway may be great BUT testing him in the last 10 games of the season plus playoffs is a risk I don't know if we really need to take. Just thoughts on my end. Comments are quite welcome. Take care all. Great vid as always Patrick

  5. That's a sweet looking lineup. Regarding Kassian, I agree 100% lol

    P.S. Thanks New Jersey

  6. Can't wait to get a look at Holloway up here!

    BTW – Them's some heavy new riffs ya got goin' on in the intro there, Patrick. Local talent?

  7. Let's hope that the injuries down in the Bake don't derail their post season. Before the injuries, the team was looking quite deep, but now they might really need Philp and Savoie to step in right away.

  8. Mixed up the intro ? Nice 🙂

    Thanks for the infos.
    Man, that Kassian contract is just crazy.
    So much in the foot shooting.

  9. The future looks bright . Agree Kassian is over priced for what he brings nightly. Money could be used to retain some of the players that need to be retained.

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