@Toronto Maple Leafs

The Zero Accountability Crew Strikes Again

The Zero Accountability Crew Strikes Again

by mcmike8


  1. mcmike8

    >“I don’t think we can get frustrated… We’re trying to do all the right things,” Marner said. “I think we’ve had our chances, we’ve had our looks. It just hasn’t gone for us yet.”

    “I feel like we’ve had some good chance and good stretches of play.” “I think there was stretches that we controlled play and had good O-zone (time),” Matthews said. “Sometimes it goes in. Sometimes it doesn’t.”

    Keefe: “They’ve had a lot of scoring chances in the series that haven’t fallen, haven’t gone their way. They were dominant in many ways in Game 2….”

    Tavares: “I just think it was a tight hockey game.”


    Well as long as they had chances and it was a close game then I’m content! If I cared at all, I’d go back and compare this to every other playoffs where they said almost the exact same thing.


    Unlike a guy like Benn on Dallas who just says “We got what we deserved.”

  2. hmuserfriendly

    And this is why we will never fucking win

  3. InsufferableLeafsFan

    I hate the fact that I still believe they can win this series.

    You’d think after nearly 40 years I’d learn – but nope, just as optimistic as ever. Fuck, I’m an idiot.

  4. XPhazeX

    Those are such media awarness training answers.

    Which is probably a good thing honestly but fuck is it ever stale

  5. TayOs1998

    Just for once admit that you don’t care. We see it in the way you play. Fuck off

  6. Fuck off you bums! Seriously fuck this team!

  7. pimpdaddy69ca

    I mean I honestly believe they played better hockey this series than they did vs Tampa. I always believe they have been unlucky. That being said I think they need to feel a little more fired up and show some fight and desire to win

  8. GreyKnyght

    Honestly, I’d rather they just not say anything than the stale, trained media responses they keep repeating. At this point, I only want their actions to speak, not their mouths.

  9. killploki

    How New Jersey played after being embarrassed the first 2 games is what I wanted last night’s game to be. Unfortunately the leaf fan in me was not overly surprised with the outcome.

  10. toronto_programmer

    I fucking hate these answers because it just oozes entitlement. Like if they keep doing the same thing they are bound to eventually win because math or something.

    The Tavares quote hurts the most. This is your captain and he just shrugs off a loss like that? This needs to be a fire quote about how everyone, including himself needs to be better and show up on time, not just whine about playoff hockey closing down lanes.

  11. BlackWhiteVike

    I really want to know what Keefe says to them during the intermissions, he basically says nothing on the bench and they start every period like shit.

  12. Dash_Rendar425

    JFC call each other out, fuck the media and what they have to say.

    You all played like shit and you did it collectively.

    I can’t wait to hear all the stuff they have to say about Keefe when he’s gone.

  13. No_Calligrapher_8493

    Man I hope they change the playoffs to include an “almost scored” section. I bet we would win 1-2 extra games a year.

  14. they’re not wrong if they’re talking about game 1 and 2 but game 3 just wasn’t good.

  15. I think I stopped caring about this season now.

  16. lianalili

    Why does anyone care about what these guys say in the media… they are paid to say the most basic non-inflammatory answers.

    I understand being upset at their play but who cares what they say in the media…

  17. Wesley-Kenneth

    Raise the “we had our looks, it just didn’t work out” banner.

  18. TouchlessOuch

    I recognize that this is just their media training talking, but part of me wonders if the intensity really is just missing. Are they so conditioned to weather the peaks and valleys that it’s not registering that the effort is not even close to where it should be? This is by all accounts an embarrassing disaster and should warrant a reaction.

    I hope behind the scenes they’re pissed off and not ready to quit. If I hear Marner say that nothing needs to change in their approach again this offseason I might spontaneously turn into a pile of salt.

    I’m nobody, but like guys, these responses are unacceptable for the playoffs. I’m pissed off as a fan, please be pissed off with me.


  19. LionKingMatthews

    So they dismiss everything as “Luck” pretty much. How bout fucking bear down and bury those fuckin chances. People give credit to Matthews for hitting the cross bar in that early shift, but that’s a god damn miss! It just is! It doesn’t even register as a shot! He missed! His whole reason for being an elite player is burying shots like that, and he couldn’t finish!

  20. godston34

    same shit from last years after losing ‘we’re losing but we good thanks for asking’

  21. DizzyDelta786

    Such a shit team. Clear the house and burn it down

  22. HenryGreatSageJunkie

    Good teams have valid reasons for why they lost. Great teams win.

  23. wicked_crayfish

    “As a leader of this team frankly I’m embarrassed by the leaderships performance this evening. Our depth players performed but we unfortunately did not. We will and have to be better next game.”

  24. re-verse

    Imagine Marner coming out and saying “I just didn’t try hard enough, and I’m ashamed that I haven’t been taking this seriously enough. I’m sorry to all the fans I’ve let down and will try much harder from here, I need to raise my performance to what they pay me”.

  25. reevoknows

    Just once I’d like these guys to shoot from the hip in these media availabilities. Show some fucking passion. You don’t have to throw anyone under the bus but the media is used as a conduit between the players and the fans and they’re constantly leaving us shaking our heads.

  26. AcceptableSide8

    That sounds like a broken record answer. These guys just don’t care.

  27. Current-Own

    I gave up listening to player pressors a long time ago. Even after wins. I basically just listened to what Keefe had to say. Now i don’t even want to hear from him. I haven’t watched this team play a game for years. I find it too frustrating and painful to watch. Now I just check on the score every now and then on game nights and check in on reddit to see what fans are thinking and offer my two cents worth once in awhile. It’s too bad but it seems that nothing ever truly changes with this organization. Just the faces over time. A calamity Jane team. A good comedy.

  28. Macklebro

    Why can’t Matthews just say “Ye I played terribly yesterday, it’s on me to step up in these kind of games and I failed to do that”

  29. MakeTheNetsBigger

    Mitch, you are only trying to do the right things at the most basic tactical level. You’re not doing them with **intensity**.

    I’m old enough to remember the teams that made the conference finals in 99 and 02. This team on paper is way more talented relative to the rest of the league. But man oh man could they use some players like Sundin, Tucker, Roberts, McCabe, Yushkevich, Markov who would turn up the intensity in the playoffs.

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