@New York Rangers

Quick thoughts: Rangers lifeless in Game 7, star players such as Panarin and Kane don’t show up

In a brutal, flat, uninspired and lifeless Game 7 performance, the New York Rangers lose 4-0 to the New Jersey Devils and have been eliminated from the playoffs after taking a 2-0 series lead with two road wins. Artemi Panarin, Patrick Kane and other star players do absolutely nothing. Full episode of Locked On Rangers will drop tomorrow. You do NOT want to miss that one.

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  1. i usually agree, but the kane hate is just absurd. has a messed up hip and still showed up more than most of the other forwards. what's everyone else's excuse for not showing up to play?

  2. instead of injury prone Cane, I wouldve loved if they had gotten Anderson from Montreal – gritty, plays hard, hard to play against… missed opportunity. Hopefully in the off-season

  3. The bread man was non existent in the playoffs… AGAIN. Kane was playing lazy af… WHHHHYYYYYYY do I put myself through this with this team each and every year. I marched in the 94 parade with my youth hockey team, and have felt nothing but misery ever since 😭😭😭😭

  4. Devils are and were the better team all season. They were the better team in this series.

  5. You got ran out of the barn by a younger,faster and hungrier team. The Rangers were suffocated for 60 minutes. Stop saying players did not play up to potential.

  6. Kane was loafing and floating the entire playoffs. What a HUGE disappointment he turned out to be. I honestly thought he'd be a monster come playoff time. Get him off the team ASAP.

  7. Garrad Gallant remains of the N.Y.Yankess mgr., Aaron Boone, that it reasonably appears Yanks will not win with him.? They apply here with Gallant; they locked either tired, & lackadaisical, with absolute drive or passion out there last nite. Last year Gallant scratched Kappo Kakko inpurdroment, almost losing to Car-Hurricanes, thank god, see the Rangers showed resealing. But this is not this year, wow another NHL upset. We'll get em next year right.? LetsGoRangers🤘🏼!

  8. Saying Kane dropped the ball… I just can't even anymore with the stupidity of my fellow Ranger fans. The guy is 34 and beat to shit.

  9. Management and coaching. Incompetent. Very talented team without guidance , suffering from second guessing on ice play. How can fans not see this?
    And the Devils played a better game as a team.
    This is why I wasn't happy with all those draft picks Drury traded away.
    Perhaps it was Dolans decision???
    Anyway let's go Wolfpack

  10. They need to get ride of these guys and start over the coach tried but the players where god awful time to blow it up im fine with reading literally anyone and everyone I don’t care

  11. Kane averaged almost a point a game on a new team after 16 years. Not all on him

  12. I agree kane had a bad performance but you can’t put it all on him. Panarins game doesn’t translate to playoff hockey, Mika disappeared this year, defense is sloppy. Laf is a bust and constantly makes the wrong play and As far as I’m concerned Adam fox lost us that game by giving up that first goal.

  13. This Rangers team is lazy! I seen it last season and much of this season. We lose games many times because too many players will take the night off. Teams that win cups, play harder. As a Ranger fan since 79, I only seen the one cup team in NYC. That team in the 93-94 season, with Keenan behind the bench never took nights off without consequences. The games we lost in the playoffs were hard fought battles. This 23 team, looses ugly and low effort outputs…. The Rangers in the 90ties only had the 1 cup, and should have had 2 or 3 in that decade. Why? A tough coach made the difference. We had Keenan for 1 year and won a cup. Remember Leetch being benched twice during that playoff run? I do and he went on to win a Conn Smythe.

    Gallant is a players coach, its time to find a coach willing to bench lazy star players, like Panarin. Actually, trade Panarin, he is useless in the playoffs.

    Rangers did not go down with a fight, they were too lazy to make a fight of this in a game 7 or in game 4…..

    Congrats to the Devils, they fought hard and deserved this series win…..

  14. I'm looking for just one objective take by an analyst, ranger fan, YouTuber, anyone. Every single one of you keep saying "The rangers didn't want it enough! The rangers stars didn't show up!" The rangers did want it, they did try to play their game and implement their style. The bottom line is that they got out played and out worked by a better team. The Devils out played them consistently in the regular season, got out played by the rangers playing a different style of hockey in the first 2 games, then made adjustments and absolutely dominated the rangers. They got out played in game 6 as well but Schmid had a bad game. Any objective hockey fan can see this type of thing, take your home team goggles off and look at the series for what it actually was, not what you heard everyone else say then parrotted off. The better team won, the rangers weren't lazy, they were not as good. Period.

  15. Rags fans refuse or don’t want to face the facts that they got beaten by a better team simple , even if the rags played their best they would have lost because of an inferior product and a team of individuals playing a bonafide well constructed team playing like a team

  16. When will Ranger fans finally admit that it wasn't their flat play that lost this series. This season the Devils are just the better team.

  17. LaFreniere is a bust, zero points in 7 games, playing with Pat Kane. His buddy Kakko Krappo also a bust.

  18. You needed guys like O’Reilly who may carry the Leafs to the final. Drury in trouble now? Did you need Cane and Tarasenko? One or neither of them?

  19. Panarin has to go, Rangers need to try and rid themselves of that albatross of a contract and Kane is washed up and no way he is coming back, a complete whiff by Drury with that trade. Kreider and Zibanajed were soft and completely outphysicaled all series and mostly invisible during 5 on 5. Tarasenko made 0 impact on this team. Adam Fox had as bad a series for a Rangers defensemen as I have ever seen, guy is vastly overrated, and simply at most times looked lost on the ice he has no speed or physical toughness and I better never hear him being compared to the great Brian Leetch, that is disrespect. Fire that fool Gallant already his system is east west hockey, can pile up points in the regular season but is a complete dud in the playoffs, guy has blown 2 straight 2-0 series leads and Tampa has not won a series since the Rangers choked that series to them last year. Just an embarrasment by the Rangers scoring 2 goals in 4 losses to the Devils and making Schmid look like Brodeur.

  20. Problem is desperation, paying the price. Kane & Panaran , Tarsenko ? Your not going to win a playoff series best of 7. You might win a game though. You watched playoff games right? You need grunt, guts and pain to win a pivotal game 7. Sorry but a regular season game in November ain't playoffs.

  21. Rangers are a shit hole organization that wants to short cut it every year by trying to buy a championship. Epect the same results over and over until they figure out how to build from the ground up.

  22. Lafrenière is incredibly slow and has absolutely zero impact in big games. His skating is worse than below average, it's utterly bad. I'm getting sick of comparisons with Jack Hughes and people claiming #86 progression was also slow. Hughes showed flashes of greatness early on and always displayed elite skating and puck handling. Statistically, Hughes was at 0.6 pts/game in his 2nd season, over a point per game at his 3rd, and got 43 goals and 99 pts this year. Lafrenière never reached 0.5 pts/game. Alexis disappears vs. fast teams because he simply can't keep up with the pace. Let's face it: Lafrenière is a bust.

  23. Lol Kane had 6 points in 7 games. I’m sure there are others to blame. They also moved him off PP1 and a lot of times he didn’t look comfortable. They shoulda just gave him the puck always and let him work. Give him
    The puck and get out of the way. But Panarin disappointing in the playoffs is nothing new. He did it in Chicago too.

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