@Philadelphia Flyers


In this video, James Allcott reactsa to the sacking of Claudio Ranieri and hiring of Roy Hodgson as Head Coach of Watford as they attempt to survive in the Premier League

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James Allcott content focuses on Premier League, Champions League, EFL Championship talking about Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Man City, Tottenham, Barcelona, England, Chelsea, Jurgen Klopp, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, transfer news, tactical analysis and much more. James has made content with Mark Goldbridge from the United Stand, Rory Jennings, The Kick Off with True Geordie, Thogden, JaackMaate, ESPN and many more.

#premierleague #JLA #football


  1. Sad Ranieris gone. So so fed up with our owners and the way the clubs going. Yes the owners are responsible for the best years of football i've experienced but I am so disenchanted with the club and have been for a while. So so jealous of clubs like Brighton/Southampton etc.

  2. Roy did a fantastic job at West Brom when he came in with 10 games left in the season and we picked up 20 points in that time. He did a cracking job at Palace too. He turns struggling sides into stable competitive mid-table ones. At his age he's a short term appointment but I think he's probably the best manager they could get.

  3. Watford football club is run like a conveyor belt for both players and managers. They also have no homegrown players in their XI. Bit of a joke of a club, look forward to them being relegated.

  4. Crystal Palace fan- shocked at this news. Hodgson is a very established and competent manager, but as a club Watford definitely doesn’t suit him. We all know they go through managers like recycling bags and their players aren’t cut out to suit his system. I’m interested to see how it pans out, but I can’t see his working or him staying there longer than Ranieri did. At Palace he had time to turn things around and stabilise us. He arrived 4 games (not 7 as many people think) into the 17/18 season so had 34 games to get us safe. Watford only have around half a season.

  5. I’m a Watford fan James and you’re spot on. The only strategy we really have is to appoint a new manager and pray for a bounce. Also annoys me how so many pundits say it works for us. The real reason we’ve been relatively successful is that we always have a competitive championship team because of our links to Udinese, and when we got promoted the premier league was really weak. Now the league is strong again we just look absolutely clueless

  6. This is short term at best, Watford is a muggle of ideas with no real direction like they could easily be a mid table team it's just the mentality of the clubs Board that they feel they deserve to be in a higher position I mean you would expect them to be higher up with wins against teams such as Man U and Everton

  7. Did you know, wherever you are in the world, you’re never more than 100 yards away from an ex Watford manager

  8. As a Watford fan got say this is an amazing appointment. Owners showing their ambition and knowledge once again. Can't wait to see what Roy does in his next 3-4 years at the club. It's an amazing long term strategy. #UpTheHornets.

  9. Watford’s strategy doesn’t work like Chelsea’s because they are constantly battling relegation, so a manager has really no chance at staying a year or so. At Chelsea, the managers have a good chance to stay at least a season and a half, which grants some stability to achieve that season’s goal. Watford need to stay in the PL so the managers only have a tight window of 13 games to achieve anything…

  10. As a Watford fan, it’s sad to see what’s happened to us the past couple of seasons. Just 3 or 4 seasons ago we finished mid table with a good number of points and now we can’t even hold a manager for 3 months

  11. Nothing against the fans of Watford, but I’d love to see Hodgson get to within spitting distance of escaping the drop with 4-5 games to go, just for the board to unceremoniously dump him like they did to Pearson only to completely collapse and get relegated anyway.

  12. As a punter can say Watford were 90% guaranteed relegation with Ranieri. It was that bad. So then it just becomes problem of calculating scenarios. A drop costs this much, a new manager this much, and a new manager bounce gets us this much closer to survival. Don't think these people running Watford are clueless, despite what other people may think. They use numbers to the best of their ability. Not as skillfully as the owners of Brentford or Brighton, but well enough.

  13. wtf is wrong with England? :O
    Why not get one of billions of talented young up and coming managers? :O :SSSS

  14. I think it's just unfortunate that the pozzos created a great legacy being in the premier League for 6 out of ten years reaching and FA cup final now they're ruining with this managerial employment method

  15. As a Watford fan , As bad as the Norwich result/performance was I don’t think Ranieri should have been sacked. Overall I think under him we’ve looked positive , decent attacking play (without Sarr) which made for good signs. Although defensively very poor throughout the whole of the season we should have given him time to work on the defence, build up confidence , and work on having a game or two to keep a clean sheet. Ultimately if we still continued to ship goals I genuinely think we should have continued our positive more forward play attitude under him. No excuses for how bad Norwich was and after this result + draw against Newcastle Burnley is a 9 pointer. Love the pozzos but our managers are looking over their shoulder the moment they take the first training session. Think this is something that may be unpopular within the majority of the fan base…

  16. What you’re not mentioning is that this is a cultural thing – it’s normal for Italian owners to do this. Look at Cellino at Leeds. Palermo and Sampdoria often do the same thing with 4 coaches in a season. Inter went through 3/4 coaches in one season after Mourinho won them the treble. They keep all of these coaches on retainers so that they can bring them in if needed

  17. Watford are the opposite Southampton recently, how many times should Hasenhuttl of been sacked but they stuck with him and will continue to. If that’s Watford cant imagine who and how many managers they’d have been through

  18. Hi James I appreciate your point, and I am here to, stupidly or not, try defend .Yes it has got to the stage where a lot of fans are starting to get a slight annoyance, but we still feel it works. Most Watford fans liked Ranieri and were behind him, and so were the board. they were giving him players and seemed to be behind him, yet look at the Norwich game as well as performances prior, simply he cannot stay after that. Then when you look at the way the Pozzo's run their club the gaffer doesn't have as much power as most other clubs, note when we hire and fire the person in charge they're a head coach, and most play similar formations and slightly similar styles, because the Pozzo's model is that they run the club and the person in charge slips in and out when needed, almost like a generic keeper coach, the gaffer is just the man at the top while they do all the dirty work. Thing with Hodgson however, he's been hired as a manager rather then a head coach, which is something Adam Leventhal (main reporter in the club) has pointed out and made light on that he's, in the statement about his hiring, is listed manager not a head coach, plus like you said they've also made a big not of announcing Ray Lewington as well, something, an assistant, they don't usually announce as obviously alongside the man in charge, which all seems like a suggestion of change. But what I propose to you is this; Why doesn't this system work? Look at Bournemouth, since the Pozzo' came in we had 15 (I think) managers/head coaches and Bournemouth had just Eddie Howe then a couple last 2 seasons. they went up with us in 2015, came down with us in 2020, then last year we got promoted while they've stayed down in the championship, more so in the 5 year span we both had in the premier league we got to a cup final, something they didn't do. How can you say you need and must have a system which revolves around stability when they had that and did no better, worse even, then us in recent years.. The Pozzo's took us over when we were on the verge of going under, they got us stability, got us up and gave us 5 years in the prem, and now a 6th potentially more (prior to this we'd had just 2 premier league years, finishing last both time) with a cup semi in 2016 and then a final in 2019. This is more then us, as Watford fans, could have ever dreamed off and whether it's right or not, that success is down to them and their way of working.

  19. Watford doesn't deserve premier league. But once they get religated they will again come back. Which is bad.

  20. it's that einstein quote or whoever said it. "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"

    Watford have changed the manager without any different plan in terms of squad, or any real injection of funds to improve anything other than the manager.

    Roy might be ok for a honeymoon period, but in the end it will hjust be the same thing

  21. Was the board on coke when they appointed Roy Hodgson as manager?
    Wtf? This guy is clueless
    Too old too in the past
    Worst manager in wfc ever needs to do one now
    He has brought f/all to this club just incompedence get rid NOW!!!

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