@Dallas Stars

Jayson Tatum Does Not Get Called For An Offensive Foul While He Hit The Three After


  1. You can't say he fouled with all the flopping on contact. If that arm movement pushed Maxie pad back that much? He need to take his weak ass to the gym. That one trick pony, rim running bum…

  2. Am I the only one who's annoyed at the commentator acting surprised Harden made the pass? He was being guarded extremely well by JB who would've blocked the layup/floater. Made the right read but got criticized for it.

  3. Tatum and LeBron are guarded by the Three Musketeers, helps them always.

  4. To be fair, Harden did the same thing but here's the deal, if no chicken wing and you hold the ball, you are allowed to do things like that according to my experience

  5. lmao telling you blind fools, it’s gonna be Lakers vs Celtics for who will win #18 while Lebron is still in the league. Lakers fans gonna have a rude awakening about Warriors fans “crying about fouls” once these same refs start favoring the C’s 😂

  6. The game is staged. When warriors led lakers by 11 not as expected, the refs went out and took the game in control. The warriors were so smart and immediately give up the game.

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