@Colorado Avalanche

Chris MacFarland on Nichushkin: “It’ll just be consistent with what the messaging has been. We can’t comment on Val’s situation at this time…He was a very important part of the team in our past, and that’s our hope that he’s going to be a very important part of our team in the future for sure.”

Chris MacFarland on Nichushkin: “It’ll just be consistent with what the messaging has been. We can’t comment on Val’s situation at this time…He was a very important part of the team in our past, and that’s our hope that he’s going to be a very important part of our team in the future for sure.”

by vonheisenberg


  1. ThePirateCondor

    The amount of political side stepping going on here is ridiculous. If we can’t count on him in the future (which seems unlikely given we can’t even talk about what happened), then we need to move on. Not having him these playoffs hurt big time

  2. mattevs119

    Had someone point something out after someone with the team was quoted as saying Val was not involved with the girl that was discovered. Correct me if I’m wrong but all players have a roommate on the road. I wonder who Val’s roommate was and if they were possibly involved with it. Would something like that piss Val off to the point where he decided he couldn’t be there anymore? Idk I’m just trying to make sense of it all.

  3. I_Fart_It_Stinks

    Rehab I’m guessing. I am pretty sure the team is not allowed to say if he is in rehab.

  4. aldiwankenobi

    I just hope the Avs organization aren’t sweeping this under the rug for a decade and then it comes back just to bite them back.

  5. SomeDudeinCO3

    “Hope” and “for sure” make it impossible to read anything into this. At least it’s not a “fuck that guy, he’s done.”

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