@New York Rangers


Just 48 hours after Coach Gerard Gallant yells at NY Media that “he’s not fired” – Chris Drury and Coach Gallant agree to part ways. Did Gallant know something that the public doesn’t?

Find out in this video.


  1. SO I have built a roster. If you trade Goodrow, you can get all of them under the cap. No need to move Laf, not sure why you would look at that….they can afford him. His agent wont be asking for 4. Chytil is in his first deal after his bridge. This is a major out of touch thing Rangers fans do. You didn't even begin talking about Goodrow…its just…just….just….you are wrong…liek so very wrong…you started by showing a cap hit thats irrelevant, you say no playoffs…based on nothing…and don't know how to look at contracts for RFA players…its silly…you talk in circles…

  2. Don’t Panic! Let’s not drop them out of next year’s playoffs when this year is still going on.

  3. You look at 11:49 the lines here it's very clear. You either transition 1-2 players to the right wing or you let a big left wing contract go.
    Can't lose Kreids (30-50 goal scorer), Panerin NMC, Zibenijad NMC (not to mention was best player this season), Trocheck NMC, Vesey is super good for lines 3-4. I don't think it's a good idea to break up the kid line when they were spectacular last postseason and they were one of the few lines doing things this postseason.
    Whomever is the next coach is going to have to have the ability and patience to transfer 1-2 left wingers to the right wing. This has been done around the league just requires patience. I don't see any other solution.

  4. Laf will get the same 2.5 ish that Chytil and Kakko got for their bridge deals. With how little cap space we have, we absolutely need a guy that produced 40 points for $2.5. Not to mention he will continue to get better even if he doesn’t ever become a star like we thought.

  5. Lafreniere is a bum, for the life of me how did he whine up being a #1 pick he's very inconsistent get Rid of him & get some good player's for him.

  6. did the rangers have a really great season after last years ECF ? i think not and they played jersey like they played all season

  7. Trade for players that show up in the playoffs. All great in the regular season. You need guys that play with grit in the playoffs. The Rangers have no one. The playoffs are a different game. All these European players with their east west game and zero hitting are never going to go far in the playoffs. I'd dump Panarin he was invisible against Jersey and his $11 mil salary and get some guys that back check and go into the corners.

  8. No second acts. The deadline trades worked great last year but not this year. Especially with Kane being injured plus the goaltending they faced in rds 1 and 2 last year. Watching playoffs over 50 yrs and no two years are the same. Drury's attitude was I got you Trochek, Kane and Tarasenko so pressure is on you Gallant. Ranger owner is also impatient because they have a lot of over 30 forwards and kids are still developing.

  9. They move Goodrow and sign Laf to a bridge deal. Ain’t no way they’re letting Laf go without first giving him serious ice time to truly see what they have. Remember, Jack Hughes used to suck, but with 20 min a game and PP1 time it’s kinda hard to suck forever. If they let Laf go I think it’ll be a huge mistake looking back. Let Laf cool

  10. All i hear are its gonna be tough…how about getting a coach that will be the missing piece and winning the cup 2024

  11. The the playoffs are what counts. Your best players always show up at that time of year. Weaker players disappear. Who cares what they did in the regular season. Their best players did not show up.

  12. Mark Messier as new coach. He wants to coach the rangers. Yes he’s a first time coach but he knows how to win and can motivate they players to play hard Lafreniere is gone.

  13. Sooo when the players do good it's BECAUSE of Gallant but when they underachieve, it's SOLEY on the players?!
    C'mon man!

  14. I’ve been a Rangers fan since the early 80’s and there problem has always been the same. They overpay or trade for old veterans ( usually past their prime) , they don’t draft properly, they don’t develop prospects properly and trade away prospects that they shouldn’t. and give to many no trade deals. When will they ever learn. They should get rid of Pararin Trouba Goodrow. Let Halak ,Kane Taresanko go

  15. i like the way coach Gallant talk to and about his players. gives the team good moral

  16. Hard to compare the team under Quinn vs now, and you have to remeber Gallant inherited all the good along w/ the bad. That pp had nothing to do w/ GG it was made under Quinn. I would argue these player were always going to progress and get better just based on their ages. Maybe Keider is a bit of a surprise, but everything else has shaken out according to plan w/ the exception of the Kids being as good as hoped. Quinn didn't do them any favors and I would say GG really didn't do them any favors either. Chytil had to fight the hardest to earn his spot and maybe he's better for it, but I wouldn't necessarily say that's always a productive thought proicess. Kakko as well has pretty much admitted he hates GG. Players, especially foreign players, get really confused when they feel good about their game and the directrion it's going but their coach refuses to use them apropriately and seemingly bench them for no reason. As far as the Cap goes I'm not even worried. If Torornto can continue to make it work w/ their situation, I have all the faith that we will do the same. I also firmly believe this is an attractive gig for any coach so if Knoblach was offered it he would absolutely take it. I'm not sure he's going to be offered it though. I've got my eyes on Andrew Brunette and Jeff Halpern currently. If they go w/ Quinville I will be so mad I may not watch. I think the more important thing is the pieces around the coach. Say what you want about Quinn his assistants were good, and that was something I was worried about when they brought GG in. Jacque Martin had just completely turned our defense around but he gets let go. Also who ever developed that PP was clearly needed to still be here when things started to waver. Whoever, whatever is the next head coach they need to start having long conversations w/ a Mr Steve Valiquette bc he sees what's going on out there on the ice. And he understand's this team and where they are vs where they need to be.

  17. We're F*ked. It would all be fine if we got the cup.

    Lafs gonna go. Goodrow is gonna go. Honestly Id send off Fox and look for a mediocre puck moving defenseman n drafts. Id sign miller and move him. Id look to move out Panarin too.

  18. Very big mistake mistake you got two trades and expect to get the team synchronize. If y’all these trades were done early in the season then yes he gets fired but he is not at fault the players did not play to their high standards. If he was given a chance next year with the team he haces now and don’t make it then absolutely fire him. Not right to fire the caoch

  19. Bad…u blame the coach ..u got all the penalty calls early in games…uh maybe The Devils are just better….Rangers are good…he’s not a bad coach…but he took the fall…

  20. What are these clowns in the comments saying?😂😂 Laffy is our future. I know people hate to hear it, but you have to develop your top picks. Every great player we draft doesn’t just magically become shitty once they put on the jersey. Our bonehead management has forced our young players to play bottom 6 minutes and no pp time, stunting their development

  21. Pretty much sure it’s the under paid coaches fault for failure!! Not the overpaid hockey players who chose not to play at 90%..

  22. Chris Drury’s struggle is his fault. Let’s get it straight, he created his own mess. And the players complain to the GM about the coach. Fire the players, this sissy team.

  23. I wonder if there's a deal you could make with Montreal to take Laf off their hands and get like a Brenden Gallagher? Its the only way I'd probably let that kid go, to get a serviceable replacement right winger. I don't know the correct answer here, but I think the problem again with them was defense. It may not be popular, but I'd trade away a big contract, and Fox would be my first thought. I have always liked Trouba better, and Fox disappears when you really need him. I don't know, because there might not be a well liked answer here.

  24. DRury made the mess. He needs to give up on the overpaid losers, Kreider and Zibanejad, and restart the rebuild.

  25. I think that they should pursue Mark Messier he’s never coached, but if you want someone that knows everything about hockey and the only man that’s ever brought a Stanley Cup to this team since 94 and a lot of years before that, we had none give him a shot behind the bench can you imagine the people that wood pile in that place the electricity that the players would feel put Mark Messier behind the bench he will bring us the Stanley Cup he would be an excellent coach

  26. Gallant called the players pussies after game 3. They cried and rebelled

  27. I think that at the end of the day, a whole lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes that we will never be privy to – in the locker room, in conversations between coach and players both on and off the ice, in conversations between coach and GM, etc., etc. And that stuff would tell the story of what went on with the team – why their effort level seemed to plummet at key times, why the coach made key decisions, etc. And why the coach got fired. As fans, we will always be mostly in the dark on that stuff, unless someone writes a book after the fact, so we are left to speculate. No matter how much one knows about hockey, there's such a massive amount of information we don't have.

  28. 2:08 I don't think looking at a team's win-loss record in the playoffs is a good metric for judging overall success. The Rangers were 10-10 in the playoffs last season, but they made it to the conference finals and were 2 wins away from the Cup finals, which is an unqualified success given the team's pre-season expectations.

  29. I would get rid of Kreider and Panarin and keep Laffy if I had my way! Drury created this problem by trading away everything the last two seasons. This is the fastest rebuild and decline in NHL history.
    I distinctly remember Drury saying in the presser that we would no longer have a team that gets tossed around and sticks up for itself, Boy that didn't last long.
    Last year was our Stanley cup so learn to enjoy the taste of cack, because the Rangers will be sucking a lot of it in the very near future!

  30. Speaking of the cap, why not mention that Drury BLEW it up signing Trouba and Panarin to almost 25% of it. Get those contracts out and there's a great chance on adding to this roster in a meaningful way

  31. я бы уволил панарина, тарасенко, кейна, гудроу. зибанежад тоже под вопросом.
    самый переоцененный панарин. он не может играть в PO. панарину надо в кхл, там его место.

  32. Laffy, Mille Vessey go…I would really like to see KREIDER go yes here's got numbers but he hurts the team by taking too many shifts and games off.

  33. I dont understand how any ranger fan happy about this …2 years went to eastern conference finals and 1st round playoffs this year where we were not a favorite to win against the devils ….awful move ..

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