@Seattle Kraken

Cale Makar on hitting Jared McCann

Cale Makar speaks about hitting Kraken forward Jared McCann


  1. U gotta be a big boy but u weren’t and now u cost ur team the series vs a team that’s 2 years old. Ur a disgrace for being the remaining cup holder and acting this way. Hope the kraken clean you out 2 more games and move on

  2. Makar barely breathed on McCann. As a player you have to take some responsibility for staying on your feet after post play bumps and brushes. That's a joke that there's a suspension. McCann just fell down like a 6 yr old first-time skater.

  3. People saying it shouldn't be a suspension…it was 3 seconds after the puck was gone and he took their leading scorer out of the game and maybe the series. One game is the absolute minimum he should have gotten.

  4. Good hockey hit. Makar is a respectful guy and let up on Mcann

  5. Foligno just got a game misconduct. Per NHL logic he should be suspended right? A guy with a history? Not saying his hit tonight was dirty but, where the hell is the consistency?!?! Cale has no history whatsoever!!! Besides maybe ratting on himself to get the refs to call off a penalty.

  6. Fan of neither team, but Makar is one of my favorite active players. That said, if that’s any other player not named Cale Makar it’s 2-3 games easily. Brutal play.

  7. Dude let his emotions come into play. McCann and him were going back and forth the whole time. The fact that he said, "didn't mean to finish him that hard" and "I think they would have done the same" feels like he kind is admitting it was premeditated. The game speed and emotions get high, but awareness has got to be the priority when other people's health is on the line. Its when you are just trying to get back at the other guy that someone usually gets hurt.

  8. Can someone add a poll here? Dirty/not Dirty.

    Dirty I reckon. Trouba comes to mind for brutally taking helmets off, but not like this

  9. Everyone here acting like he's the only one to lay a dirty hit. Mccann throws elbows straight into dudes chins. EVERY hockey player at one point has laid a dirty hit. Gtfoh lol

  10. Two hand swing your stick at the side of his head to make it even next game

  11. That hit was worse then Scheifeles hit last playoffs. Should have been 5, 10 and the game and 3 games minimum. Nhl has refereeing has been terrible

  12. 'I hAve tHE bEst vISion iN the GAMe' – Makar…. also Makar ' I dIdNt know the pUcK wUZ OUT!!!!!'

  13. Should be 3 games but league won’t suspend a star player, this fuckin Mickey Mouse league

  14. Guy is the new darling of the NHL, and looks like a 12-year old Boy Scout, hence the short suspension. If this was any other player, 3 games easily. Different rules for different players.

  15. If he had a pattern of late hitting people, the suspension would be more severe. He's not a typical "dirty" player on the ice. Give him a break and that's what they did. Him and McCann were at each other hard all game and the emotion/adrenaline got the best of him that time. My guess is, he won't make this mistake again for awhile if ever.

  16. I can see the reason for the suspension, but to say this was intentionally dirty is ridiculous. I couldn't tell where the puck was either until the whistle had blown and by then the hit already happend.

  17. Damage control. I don't believe anything he says. Emotions were high and he made a call, which he now regrets. He should be out as long as Jared is.

  18. We’ll miss him in game 5 but sounds like his legs could use a few more days of rest. I raced bikes for a decade when I was his age and 4-5 days off was sometimes the best thing ever. I over trained for sure… but I’d feel so damn strong after an extended rest. I hope he comes back strong on Friday to help finish the series at home ❤️🍻

  19. Makar, "I never try to injure other players." (I just want to slightly concuss them by hitting them late when they are not expecting it.)?? LOL. We all saw the video Makar! It was a cheap shot and we all know it. Now you are not only a cheap shot but also a confirmed liar.

  20. 1 Game suspension is a joke for that hit. Even more so was for the ref's to call it a 5min Major then reduce it to 2min minor. who cares what the player says to the refs on the ice. They are supposed to make the proper calls.

  21. "I didn't know he had scored." Dale Hunter, 1993

    "I didn't know [the puck wasn't there.]" – Cale Makar, 2023

  22. I didn't mean to finish him that hard with a smile on your face. You'll get your's next year. games are to big this time of year.

  23. What more do u guys want? He basically apologized for 2 minutes straight. What a bunch of poons. I know you krappen so called “fans” have been watching hockey for about a week or so now so it’s understandable that you don’t know that shit happens in hockey.. it’s a violent sport. I remember in the 2003 cup finals stevens knocked karyia out cold and he came back in next period and scored..its a violent game. Makar obviously is not trying to injure the guy he’s never been dirty player.

  24. All this did was show how soft some fans are. And to actually sit there and believe Makar is a dirty player is easily the most laughable thing ive ever seen. Hes known for being one of the cleanest and chillest players in the league. Get over yourself. Golf and soccer are other sports options if this is too much for your poor souls

  25. It takes a real coward to hit someone not even close to the puck when they even expect it. The puck was on the other side. If it was someone else, it would definitely be a more than one game suspension.

  26. Dirty ass player. Try having someone shove their forearm into your neck. Remember all that controversy about police officers doing things like that? The neck area is a dangerous place

  27. Cale Makar should be afraid, very afraid to show his face in Seattle. Don't make the Kraken angry. 🐉🐉🐉

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