@Buffalo Sabres

The Sabres Zone – Our Mindset As Fans Must Change

In this video we discuss the Sabres fans mindset as well as other key topics when it comes to making or breaking our chances at an eventual Stanley Cup title..thanks for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Signing Taylor Hall was definitely influenced by Krueger judging by embedded episode about signing Hall. Also influenced by Eichel, who had requested a trade because he was sick of losing. So Adams trusted his coach and captain to go out and grab the biggest UFA in hopes to make the playoffs. Kind of back-fired, but it definitely seems like Adams has learned since then. That was his first offseason as well.

  2. This is very sage. I know Sabre fans want to break that horrid streak but when they get in they need to compete. Remember Jersey getting in unexpectedly a few years back and everyone thought they were ready only to fall back until this year. Would you rather be year 1 Vegas going to a final (best recent example I can think of) or the Blues 23 year playoff streak of absolute futility that yielded 2 conference finals and a barrel of humiliation? Buffalo are getting back but they wanna go deep rather than going home early like Boston. 🤔

  3. Sabres have the offence now its time to fix the D . Off season moves – new D coach, a veteran stay at home D man to partner Owen Power and a PK specialist to play on the 4th line with Krebs and Greenway. Also promote Michael Peca from Rochester to Buffalo to help coach the forwards.
    And yes you are right Wayne when you said Krueger influenced Adams to sign Hall because Krueger coached Hall in Edmonton .
    Thanks Wayne for the video!

  4. I'd love us to squeak in and go all the way 👍 Stay the course KA and Donny Meatballs 👍 Couldn't agree more Wayne 👍

  5. I love the fact that #89 is still kikn ass ive also heard a rumor that all the boys took a vacation together after the season ended their a family youre right no room for any Kane on this team

  6. I absolutely love your takes, I’d like to add that we need to stay healthy too. The guys were dying towards the end of the season and we didn’t even make the playoffs. Imagine another month with those injuries. We would not have gone far in my opinion.

  7. Definitely need some muscle. Some one not afraid to through a body check. Hitting is amplified in the playoffs. If we don't get 20 to 25 hits a night, in the regular season,we will be considered weak and lazy and we don't deserve to win.

  8. We are the youngest team in hockey. We must allow this young core to get better over time by just playing in more & more games. No maxing out the short term cap just making smart decisions on who we sign long term. Also making smart short term additions in the next few years that can help add needed experience or help fill short term holes.

  9. I love the fact that you have the same feelings about Kane as those of us that live in the South Buffalo area and have a wee bit more insight into that whole episode with the cab driver. BTW the cab driver was a douche bag as a kid. My uncle once gave me a great bit of advice that I will impart to you, don't let the assholes get you down! Especially when you see all of the stupidity online, hopefully the Laffs go down tonight.

  10. I am happy with everything that is happening for this team, I am enjoying the ride because these guys are headed to great seasons down the road!! Let’s go Buffalo

  11. I “mostly” agree about it not being about making the playoffs. Mostly.

    The reasons I’m not fully on board are the Cinderella Cup run of a number 8 LA Kings, and what the Panthers (who we were 1 point behind I’ll remind everyone) did to the Bruins and are doing to Toronto.

    Basically, the Cup IS the goal, but you gotta be in it to win it. I like what we’re building here, but let’s get in and see what kind of story this team can write for itself.

  12. Stay the course. Keep drafting and Developing. Don’t get into cap hell. We could easily be the best team in the division in 2-3 years.

  13. Thanks for the shoutout! I wrote that comment after feeling pretty disgusted by some comments I saw by some Sabres fans on Facebook. Saying the season was a failure and even going as far as saying Adams and Granato should be fired for not getting free agents at the trade deadline. Just sickening. I have stopped trying to engage logically with these fans because it doesn’t feel good for my mental health. Thankfully there is more all around positivity.

  14. Wayne what is Ryan Johnson’s problem. I wish the kid would just be honest. If he dont wanna be in Buffalo just say I’m taking it to the deadline and going elsewhere. He’s stringing us fans along.

  15. I was desperate for us to get a goalie like hellebuck or Gibson. Both have term remaining on their contracts and are a major improvement over UPL. I get the mindset of looking ahead to the Future but we are set and ready to go the time is now to start making moves not 3 years from now when Thompson and tuch starts to slow down. We have so many prospects and so many pics coming up that I absolutely think we should have made a big trade this last deadline for a playoff push because it wouldn't have compromised the future. That's on the desperation of making the playoffs I haven't seen the sabers make the playoffs since I was a kid

  16. This is exactly what I've been saying. People were wanting us to start selling off prospects to bring in rentals just to make the playoffs this year. This is a long game. All these kids we're drafting are coming up together in the AHL. When they start arriving, the chemistry is already there. It's cliché, but "trust the process." It's paying off already and they're doing it the right way.

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