@Vegas Golden Knights

ESPN Anchor’s ‘Joke’ Backfires HARD

Legendary ESPN anchor and reporter Joh Anderson had an all-time gaffe after he made an insensitive joke about indigenous hockey player Zach Whitecloud of the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. Charmin. Passes to Scott. Steal by Cottonelle. Defending the Quilted Northern side of the field……..

  2. We all have a history. Some more than others. Some more Brutal than others. Histories we can learn from and history that must not be repeated. It's important to know history.
    Unfortunately, this is bound to happen again with more frequency if other states follow in the footsteps of Florida.

  3. Where does he get off making fun of someone's last name? Everyone's name is just a series of specific sounds that we respond to. I would bet anything that John Anderson's father's name is not actually 'Anders' (super cool name btw. shoutout to native scandinavians) which means his name is a straight up lie. Just… don't judge people by their name… Like… we are taught that in kindergarten. The important part is learning from it. Not just learning not to say things like this on air but to not even say them ever…

    or think them to begin with really but… idk is that asking too much in today's political climate? Basic human decency?

  4. Time's up for all these bigoted, racist POS that will stoop so low to make insensitive "jokes" about marginalized people. They say ugly things and then when the consequences start coming at them, they give these stupid, weak apologies. But are they actually changing their mindsets or just setting the internal boundary so they don't say these things out loud? Like remembering not to swear when you're around Grandma. I think he should make way for younger commentators who might actually have some personal ethics and sensitivity to the lived experiences of others who are not like the 90% ignorant white male dominated field (who, by the way, all bit*h and moan about diversity in their field). Their commentary is quickly becoming very irrelevant.

  5. Hear(or say) the name “Whitecloud” and your instant reaction is ripping into it, not “this name is possibly native”. Wow that’s an incredible level of ignorance and stupidity. I heard it and thought “oh cool a probably native player on this team.“ Anderson has been doing this for how long? Has announced/met how many people (with last names)? He’s either monumentally stupid or knew, went for a cheap (and not funny) “joke” and thought it’d be fine.

  6. obviously this guy is a failed comedian. But, I come to ESPN for the news on sports, not for some moronic jokes or any jokes for that matter, or for Comedians. All most people are asking is "Stay in your fuckin' Lane."

  7. How is this racism? Got everyone is as soft as Cottonelle ultra comfort toilet paper!

  8. This is a case of someone being ignorant. Who hasnt heard a name and made a joke about it at some point in their life? I am not saying there is nothing wrong with it, but top call him a bigot or a racist is a bit much. I am older and we are now getting wiser to know better. Some people just take longer than others. He has apologized to the player and the player accepted his apology. The man deserves to make a learning experience out of it and move on.

  9. Screamin A Snitch could’ve made the same comment and the laughs would be heard nationwide! Screw ESPN… 🖕🏿🖕🏿

  10. Yep you'd better cancel him and his family for the rest of eternity throw them all in the Gulag. There can be no redemption. Get a life people 🖕🏻

  11. Another sportscaster/ comedian. Ha ha. And the A's announcer. And the guy on WEEI, with his Mina Kimes "joke."

  12. I don't know whats going on now a days?
    I've never seen so many high paid professionals act and be so extremely ignorant and stupid.
    What a bum…the trailer park is missing you.

  13. White people have to stop making fun of indigenous peoples names and backgrounds why do white people think they're so superior than others when we are all the fucking same just with different pigmentation of the skin that's no reason to feel superior than others is pathetic and needs to stop now

  14. Man I have heard worse on call of duty, I'm not defending him just should have just ignored it. If he's a closet racist nothing will ever change him.

  15. People sure are pussies these days. Strom is the leader of the softies. Always there to cancel when someone makes a faux pas. Just because someone says something offensive shouldn’t necessarily make them a pariah. If that were the case Cenk would be unemployable.

  16. My first thought on hearing Whitecloud wouldn't be a Native American name. It also doesn't strike me as a particularly weird name. I grew up with a guy named Glasscock. Now that's a weird name.

    The announcer's joke wasn't funny, and was sort of mean for no reason. That's the problem here.

  17. There was probably no intent of racism in the joke. The caster is allowed to make jokes to try to add some spice, but this was a mistake. There’s no need to crucify the anchor, a simple apology is all that’s needed if you’re a decent human being.

  18. I'm tired of white people masquerading as American Indians all while lying to my people and telling them that they're African Americans. It's so infuriating

  19. People need to lighten up! White cloud is something you wipe your ass with. It's just funny, not personal!!

  20. Well the announcer looks like the sh*t on the toilet paper 🧻 😂….so there !

  21. Land thieves haven’t changed their arrogant disrespect for hundreds of years. All the rest of us should shun them until they learn to be fully human.

  22. Ahahahahaha! He looks like a 5 dollar Indian to me. How come the so called Indians today look like Caucasians. Stop it


  24. Native people so sensitive pulling the race card. Not the fist time someones last name has been made fun of, imagine growing up with the last name Cox, Dyck, Siemens etc.

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