@Montreal Canadiens



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  1. If he trades up, I don't think he should be doing it for any pick except the 2nd (Fantili). The other 2 picks are relatively similar in potential and either of them could end up falling down to us if Sharks or Blue jackets end up picking Michkov. So why sacrifice so much to go up for Smith or Carlsson when one of the 2 could easily be available at 5th considering Michkov has a super high upside?

  2. I would see them trading a 5th to get a higher one yes but to lower their draft chance they still might end up with Michkov further down the line since it is becoming more difficult for him to get here.

  3. If Michkov isn't coming or said something that turned off the teams, I'd try to move up for sure because after the top 5, the talent is dropping quite well unless they don't care about taking Benson

  4. If they trade 5 overall up for 2nd overall pick it would be homerun definitely beside others pieces would be awesome 👌

  5. If Michkov is still there at 5th, they absolutely need to take him, whatever happens, he's too good.

  6. Fine that we're at number five. We had a good year, better than expected. Let's face it who doesn't like a win. yeah we could have and but we didn't so we got the pic that we deserved and I think I have enough faith in Hughes he's going to get us an awesome player we never know what he's going to do on draft day anyway but I don't know the build is going just the wayTOt have faith people a cUPwill be coming !

  7. It seems to me that the closer we get to the draft, the more unclear it's becoming of what players will be leftover at pick 5. So imo, unless Anaheim trades us the 2 pick (Chicago isn't moving Bedard), I'd imagine there will be no desire from Hughes to pay up to get a guy with very similar value in his eyes.

  8. We can wait until 25-26 for him. We will suck next year anyways. I say we take Michkov at #5 and hold down to it. If Caps want Michkov desperately, they can offer their best package, and we will consider and hand pick their best prospects. We have 3 years to think about it.

  9. I think we need to do a special op to go to Russia and snag Michkov and his family and bring them here. Golden Seal team 6.

  10. If they make a trade the Detroit Redwings might be a good choice. The Redwings have 2 firsts 9 and 18 and 3 2nd round picks back to back to back.

  11. 100%, there is no scenario in which they should draft someone other than Bedard, Fantilli, Michkov, Carlsson, or Smith with that top 5 pick. If they don't like the guy they're left with, they should try to get a good package for trading down or just pick him anyway.

  12. Draft a player at 5th, and if the goalie is still up for the second first round pick, snatch him. If carey decides to goalie coach…

  13. I dont mind if they don't drafr him. But they shouldn't pick anyone else than Michkov 5th overall. If they dont want him tbey need to trade down.

  14. If SJ drafts for need they'll pick Michkov over Will Smith. They have 2 centres (Hertl, Couture) under contract for the next 5 and 4 seasons … they don't need another top 2 centre.

    On the other hand, SJ has deadbeat wingers … this team also doesn't seem to mind Russian players (they have 3 on their roster).

    Thus Habs need do nothing … Will Smith (or Carlsson) could fall into their lap.

  15. Liked your video and opinions on what the Habs should do with 5th overall pick. What's your opinion on Ryan Leonard? If Habs keep the pick and Carlsson or Smith are gone, would you pass on Michkov for Smith's teammate who has size, skill, grit and can score???

  16. We had a GM that made this much sense, The Berge would definatly trde the fith so he could get a lower pick, like tenth or twelve or thirty–ffs we are supposed to be building a champion here.

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