@Vegas Golden Knights

Pietro DoPS hearing today

What are your predictions, friends?

by jhstrong


  1. LVDucks238

    A hearing hasn’t resulted in a fine yet these playoffs so he’s definitely getting a suspension. Better only be 1 game though.


    Clearly he should have cross checked Drai in the head instead since that is fine. If next game gets out of hand McDavid and Drai should be eating wood.

  2. skilzkid

    Hopefully they see all of the unpennalized cross-checking the oilers were doing and just fine him. That said, my prediction is one game

  3. Fortunedd

    He getting at least a game I’m expecting more. Dudes dumb and should’ve just finished his check, not look weak with dirty play.

  4. Unfortunately this is likely a suspension. Stupid play by a savvy veteran. Out of character but I get his frustration in refs not protecting him or Stone.

    Maybe guys step up next game if they’re without our number1 defenseman.

  5. Billdick13

    How is this worse than Kane cross checking him in the jaw after the period was over in game 3? That didn’t warrant a hearing?

  6. throwstuff165

    Petro and Theo have been switching off playing like they’re concussed all playoffs and it’s Pietrangelo’s turn next, so a suspension might actually be doing the Knights a favor.

  7. shadownet97

    Watch Nurse not get anything even though he literally broke the rule book by instigating under 5 min to go in the game.

  8. RoombaArmy

    A game suspension. Stupid and dangerous play, and while I understand that it comes from a very frustrated guy who didn’t get any fucking call for what was being done to him, still not okay.

    I wish that Kane also got a hearing for charging him and whacking him in the face after the buzzer but sadly Pietrangelo is just our #1 defenseman and not a “star player” so he doesn’t deserve protection from the refs.

  9. BeardedPaladin

    He deserves the suspension, maybe even 2-3 games. It was way over the line.

    Hopefully this opens eyes towards the reffing situation of this series though. If the reffing tightens up we will win this because they won’t be able to do that shit to another player to get the outburst

  10. HaloInR3v3rs3

    If DoPS hasn’t done anything as of yet considering the travesty of Oilers offenses in the last 4 games, I don’t think they should make Petro the poster boy.

    Fine him and make it explicitly clear that any more offenses will be met with suspensions.

  11. Subject_Clue5947

    1 game for sure maybe 3 if they want the oilers to win the series

  12. You can consider me the enemy for now, but I have jumped in a couple threads just to talk hockey and have not been set on flames yet so here we go.

    I personally believe one of two things should happen
    (Not worth mentioning Kane since while he deserves SOMETHING, nothing has been done yet so no point beating that dead horse).

    1) Petri gets 2 games and Nurse gets 1 for the instigator at the end. I think this makes the most sense as nurse was dumb to do that but I do love a good fight. Petri gets two for going out of his way to be the 3rd guy to drai and two hand overhead axe chops near his head/wrists, definitely intent to injure.

    2) Petri gets a game and Nurse walks. I think this is the most likely scenario as I do not believe petri is a repeat offender of any sort and nurse is not typically our tough guy as we play him 26min a night.


  13. Negative-Agency-7762

    It’s a joke.

    Target the back of stone

    Draisaitl was slashing and whacking the game prior

    Kane crosschecks him in the face

    He might get one game max, but that’s an Effin joke

  14. usernamedstuff

    This should be a suspension.

    That being said, Kane crosschecked him in the fucking face, with intent to injure, after play was blown dead, and he got two minutes. They’ve been crosschecking Stone in the back over and over again this series, with nothing from the refs. The one last night that drove him into the pipes, and the goalies skates, was absolutely egregious, and it ended up with a goal for the Oilers. No call, nothing.

    The officiating last night was an absolute fucking joke. That phantom slash on Theodore that resulted in a goal in the first, was absurd. Then the Oilers are elbowing and crosschecking our guys with intent, and nothing.

  15. VegasKnights980

    Maybe they should look into the multiple cross check hits to the lower back of our captain who has a history of back surgeries 🤬 or maybe the pos that can’t pay his bookie that punched Petro after the period was over

  16. Steel_Bolt

    Looks like buffalo head should’ve settled down.
    I saw that cross-check from last game though lol. Joke league.

  17. RoombaArmy

    Suspended nurse for one, expect Petro to be out for two.

  18. SiliconeArmadildo

    What it should be: max fine, based on his history of misconduct (or lack there of).

    What they’ll probably do: Suspention for 3 games, because McJesus and his McApostle are fucking babies.

  19. ozboi83

    Here we go…. You guys know “they” love to stick it to us…

  20. M-Houndoom2

    I’m guessing that the league will suspend Petro for 3 games in order to placate McDavid.

  21. lookieherehere

    I’m just going to echo what most of you have already said, but here it is. Damn it Peter Angelo, you knew better. What he did deserves punishment. HOWEVER, it’s criminal that Kane got nothing. If the league would have done their job on that incident, this one probably wouldn’t have happened. Now you’re probably taking our best dman off the ice in the most pivotal game of the season so far. Fuck the NHL and their total lack of equal rule enforcement. Could you imagine if one of our guys took a run at McDavid like that after the whistle?

  22. VegasMatt82

    Hope the guys can step up tomorrow but I’m feeling less than optimistic about it

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