@St. Louis Blues

Theodore slash on Kostin – Have your say!

Shea Theodore took this slashing minor against Klim Kostin. Was slashing the right call? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Kostin could beat the crap out of him😬 if only they werent up 4-0 haha

  2. These playoffs as being ugly for the league, they need to change the way the referee hockey games. Seems to me the best rule-breakers not the best hockey team will win the Stanley Cup. GROSS NHL fix your game.

  3. That looks like a, you f@#$ around and find out moment to me. I'm good with a non call or matching penalties. I really doubt the spear happens if the cross checks don't occur.

  4. It appeared to be pretty obvious that with the oil down 2-1 in the series but hitting 51% on the PP that the league needed them to get some early PP opportunities. How else do you explain the blatant crosschecks by Kostin to start this that were not called. Let one go OK, two is borderline, three needs to be a call. Later in the first, even oil fanboy DeBrusk said that the call for a poke to the hands of McDavid was weak.

  5. Looks like a kid acting tough and as soon as the other kid touches him, he fall down crying. Looks kind of funny

  6. thats a classic "2 minutes retaliation penalty, don't do my job for me"

    then do your job.

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