@New York Islanders

Butterbean knocked down with the first punch by Bill Eaton Mike RjHorne

Playlist: September 13, 1997-Butterbean’s IBA World Super Heavyweight title defense against the surprisingly durable “Cowboy” Billy Eaton


  1. Actually you got to look at the damage at the end of the fight, Bill looked like he was Asian he was so swollen up in the eyes and Butterbean looked like a smooth stick of butter

  2. I love how Butterbean kept running into the left cross over and over again. Eaton occasionally tried to set it up but then he was like why bother and threw it raw.

  3. These clowns would be knocked out easily by real heavy weight boxing Champs. The form is terrible. It's like a swing fest.

  4. Eaton looks like a young Al Bundy. I swear I heard him say “Let’s rock.” Right before he threw that punch.

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