@Carolina Hurricanes

Why is NOBODY talking about Sebastian Aho?!

Why is NOBODY talking about Sebastian Aho?!
#SebastianAho #Aho #nhl
Sebastian has been one the best players in the NHL for the past 6 seasons. Aho always finds a away to elevate his game in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. He currently has 56 points in 59 career playoff games so far. Aho is also one of the best two way forwards in the NHL. He is amazing both on the powerplay and pk. He is an incredible skater with elite puck control. With all of this being said, I believe that Sebastian Aho deserves more recognition for everything that he has done in his career with the Carolina Hurricanes so far.

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  1. Even when Aho is not scoring he is always in the right place right time. Always occupies their opponent's best defenders. Makes the passes that break out their other forwards and is a faceoff wiz… oh yeah also a forechecking machine.

  2. For anyone who doesn't watch him play regularly, I can say with confidence that Aho is seriously the league's best forechecker. This dude is a nightmare for defenseman.

  3. i think aho is the nr1 reason why the hurricanes have so many short-handed goals

  4. I'm a Blues fan and Aho is probably my favorite player outside St. Louis. Dude is so fun to watch.

  5. Heā€™s the heart of our team I really wish Aho and the Canes would get more attention in general the dudes a beast

  6. If you actually watch Aho. You know heā€™s not even good.

    Doesnā€™t have very good defensive ability. Doesnā€™t have very good puck skills, dekes nor the ability to beat guys 1 on 1. Doesnā€™t have a big shot, doesnā€™t really have a high iQ.

    If you watch, heā€™s dumping it a lot. The whole team is, a lot of offensive turnovers from just having no iQ and a lack of skills to beat guys and create chances.

    The only reason he is deemed ā€œgoodā€ is because on this trap, camp coward hockey the canes play he is chosen as the guy to run the offence and the power play.

    Put anyone on this team and have them play this coward system and they will succeed, if they buy in. But this isnā€™t hockey snd Aho isnā€™t good.

  7. The main reason is probably because there seems to be some issue with Carolina and the rest of the league. If you watched the second round, it was unreal how TNT, TBS, and ESPN talked about it. A lopsided 4-1 series was dominated with talk of Jack Hughes, Luke Hughes, NJ's speed, NJ's ability to score, how young NJ is, etc. Even during the handshake line the broadcasters said the NJ was banged up and we'd probably hear about just how bad it was… As if Carolina wasn't missing 3 of their top 6 forwards. When Carolina did something good, it was never Carolina doing good, it was always NJ making a mistake. It was one of the most bizarre things i've ever heard. I assume it's because they're in a southern market because nothing else makes sense.

  8. He's not American so media etc. don't hype him as much as they do with, for example, Jack Hughes šŸ¤· At least that's what I think is the reason behind these "underrated" players.

  9. Iā€™ve been watching the Carolina Hurricanes for the last 5 seasons. One name thatā€™s always mentioned is Aho. Iā€™ve even said that once Jordan Staal retires that I personally feel that only two players on the roster could take up his Captaincy. Jaccob Slavin and then Sebastian Aho. I would not be upset either way if Aho isnā€™t the captain before Slavin; however Aho is on course to easily be one of Carolinaā€™s next Captains. Already an Alternate and easily can step up.

  10. First, let me get it out there, I agree he is a premier player and a lot of the lack of attention is because he's with our Hurricanes; however, now the bad news. As effective as he was against the Islanders in the first playoff round this year, he practically disappeared from the stats sheet against NJ. Two assists in games 1 and 2. Then the remaining 3 games, one meaningless short-hander goal when we were shellacked by NJ 8-4 in game 3. He disappeared in games 4 and 5. Game 5 he couldn't seem to stay on his skates. When Aho is tied in points and in +- with our arguably best 3rd line play (Martinook) for the playoffs, things need to improve for him. We need him to show up against Panthers or Leafs, or we're done.

  11. fishy is the goat – carolina just doesn't get respect but it's all good we know what we got šŸ™‚

  12. Aho is in my opinion the best two way centers in the league! If Aho was playing in the west he would probably have a few 50 goal seasons by now. He plays a responsible defensive game. Another note on Aho. When going head to head with McDavid going back to international Jr's play, Aho has out played and out scored McDavid. McDavid's worse stats are against the Carolina Hurricanes. Aho's best stats are against the Oilers. Aho is in the top five of the players from the loaded 2015 draft but many players below him get ranked higher. Why? Most of them including McDavid are not the ALL-ROUND player Aho is!

  13. They hate the Caines for some reason. It's honestly obnoxious. The broadcasters only talk about the other team the entire game.

  14. He's on par defensively with all the guys that get Selke consideration except Bergeron. Laughable to have Hischier nominated and not him.

  15. He also never played C at any level until his 2nd season as a hurricane. Rods 1st as coach.

  16. I would argue that Aho is as impactful player on his team winning as almost anyone in the league even though he isn't p/g this season. Points are easier to understand.
    Naturally player like McDavid is considered best player in the world as he scores at insane pace. Oilers game revolves completely around him and Draisaitl and the team scored tons of goals. Of course those talented players are the reason it's build like that.
    Canes on the other hand plays more disciplined game and gave up 2nd least goals this season and scored with pretty average rate. They were also second in points after Boston. I think Aho is a perfect player and example for that team/system. Carolina plays also with depth compared to teams like Oilers. There are no point per game players in the Canes. I'd argue that Aho still could be as impactful player as anyone even in the league with his current scoring pace. Funny thing was that his WAR was worse when his points were up few seasons ago.

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