@Tampa Bay Lightning

My Panthers fan friend sent me this. I thought you would all appreciate it. Radko!

My Panthers fan friend sent me this. I thought you would all appreciate it. Radko!

by bullskull


  1. unclelayman

    Such a bad look. Screaming in a rookie goalies face is pretty low, especially since he knows he got away with a pretty clear stick hold.

  2. Valuable-Fuel-4803

    Not the Bolts, so the look doesn’t bother me. Expect it from Radko honestly. The Leafs and their fans deserve it for feeling so entitled. I just wish we got a shot of their cry baby GM as the goal was scored.

  3. Gudas screaming in a rookie goalie’s face after a) that rookie played at a respectably close level to their $10M goalie, and b) he just got away with blatant interference on the GWG sure is a look. all that’s missing from the Radko Gudas trifecta is him headshotting someone lol.

    i understand why people wanted the Leafs to lose badly but i really didn’t care how this series ended. fuck the Leafs and i am *sure as shit* not cheering for a team with Gudas, Tkachuk, Bennett and Lomberg

  4. Maywestpie

    Not cool. Not nice. Goalie seems like a sweet kid. And wasn’t his fault. Still happy they’re gone.

  5. Elegant-Cat-4987

    I’m surprised he didn’t do this to marner with that WWE elbow lol

  6. Bigstakes7287

    I’m happy for the panthers win but this is douche bag behavior. You’re about to go through the handshake line and be congratulated on your win and you rub it in the rookie goaltenders face after he played freaking great? I know some of you like Gudas and he has friends on the team but I hate this fuck. And it doesn’t help he looks like prince Vultan from Flash Gordon just not as cool.

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