@Toronto Maple Leafs

Change | The Steve Dangle Podcast

On this episode of The Steve Dangle Podcast,

00:00 Toronto is eliminated from the Stanley Cup Playoffs
1:43:00 The rest of the Stanley Cup playoffs
1:53:00 Ryan Reynolds pulls out of the Ottawa Senators sale
1:57:00 Shaving Steve live on the show

Recorded: May 13, 2023

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  1. I’m tired of the conversation about the refs. Every fan base has horror stories of the referees or the league jobbing there team. But guess what. Somebody still wins every year. The refs don’t have it out for the leafs. The leafs just don’t have a very tenacious or mentally tough team.

  2. adam… the leafs have been suspended pretty well each playoffs under dubas they are playing with an edge and are punished immediatley for it bunting 3 games playing with an edge what did you guys say then he was a liability, clifford last year playing with an edge being that physical presence suspended for boarding never saw the ice again… and do we need to get into the kadri suspensions? and yet you guys pointed out an elbow to the head no suspension gudas boarded guys and no suspension bennet cross checked no suspension… leafs are in a spot where they are damned if they do damned if they dont but we as a fan base cant call for them to play with an edge but then get up in arms and call the players liabilities when they get suspened instead we should be calling for the department of player safety to be reworked from the ground up

  3. You don't know what the refs are going to call or not call. It's not as if they never call anything in the playoffs. Why was the pick called last year but Gudas holding a stick wasn't? It's nonsense.

  4. Playoffs you need pucks in deep, pucks on net and get in them dirty corners and lay the body. you need men for playoffs not cupcakes

  5. You guys are funny. You keep trying to figure out how to make it work with the same people. The same front office, and the same players. You guys are like a dude who's girlfriend treats him like crap, over, and over, and over again, but he just keeps coming back for more. She will change. He can get her to change if he just keeps trying. You guys really are Leafs Simps.

  6. you don´t pay a guy that doesn´t perform in the playoffs +11. So trade him. Or if he wants to stay, 10 mill 8 years. Id rather have mitch as a leafs fan.

  7. It’s not about toughness or grit. It’s a leadership issue. The guy they need to trade is Matthews and he’s the one piece they’ll never get rid of. He doesn’t take responsibility and can’t show any leadership (something the team should have figured out after his disorderly conduct fiasco).

  8. Man, I like Steve and everything, but he can be so unbelievably unpleasant when he's determined to be a sad babyman.

    Doing the thing where he waits for Adam to start talking so he can interrupt him. Smirking through his portents of doom. Talking down to everyone. And you can see the frustration of Adam & Jesse, having to deal with this inconsolable infant, but what do you do; at that point he's their jerk buddy and their names aren't in the title.

    I'll be glad when it's a couple weeks from now, Steve's (hopefully) been able to call some third round games, and he's cheered up a little. You can pretty much write him off for these episodes directly after a big loss.

  9. The dude that made the tweet about the eastern conference finals, that stupid line of thinking, is the entire reason why many people think the draft lottery was rigged for the blackhawks. If writers believe that philosophy, would it be that surprising to find out the people that run the league think that way?

  10. I don't know why I noticed it just now, but Jesse's hair is so cool 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  11. You have a top 3 goal scorer in the league playing as a centre and a Selke nominee playmaker playing as a wing. How about swapping positions?

  12. 1:35:16 Honest to god Adam, do you think you are enlightened mentioning Tom Wilson? Do you think the Leafs would be the only team interested in a player like Tom Wilson? You really need to give your head a shake. Every single team, every one, wants a player like that. You are not playing 4 D chess here. If you got annoyed with Bunting's antics this year, wtf do you think Tom Wilson would do? Tom Wilson has got a bad reputation with everyone around the NHL. Oh, not Tom Wilson, but someone like him? 31 other teams would want that player too.

  13. 23:57 my understanding of the "chip in the puck" is that the puck has several infrared LEDs, and there are sensors around the rink to pick up that signal and calculate the position of the puck. That said, IR is still light, and light can be blocked by solid material. IR does have better penetration than visible light, but it's unlikely the sensors would be able to pick up the puck from where it was, i.e. between Bob's skate and pad. At 25:53, Steve starts digging at the real issue here. In the other sports mentioned (soccer, tennis, baseball) there's pretty much always an unobstructed view to the ball in every situation. Meanwhile, in hockey, especially on the goal line, you're going to have a hit or miss look at the puck. It's a similar thing in football, if the ball is in a scrum of 22 250+ pound dudes, any sensor is going to have a hard time picking it up. Something the NHL could do is adapt the NFL's pylon cam, which has helped a lot in replays. Put it in each goalpost, say 6 inches up (to not interfere with the peg), looking across the goal line. Probably wouldn't have helped here, but it would clarify a lot of plays I think.

  14. Could stop laughing when Adam said "I'm the *$tch and the moan!"

  15. 31:00 missed a great opportunity for a "Holl and Ass" pun on Hall and Oates, if the Leafs insist on keeping that terrible goal song

  16. Maybe Jarnkrok shouldn’t allow Gudas to hold his stick like that? Like why is he so soft? Gudas isn’t holding it that hard, he’s basically guiding it away from the puck. Jarnkrok just let’s him do it.

  17. Holding the stick is one of the most undercalled penalties in hockey. I probably watch about 100 games annually, and I'll see maybe 3 a season. I'm sure scouting the refs has actual numbers, but that play has to be insanely egregious to be called.

  18. NOTHING is going to change.The core will stay and will eat even more money while hoping for a better result….

  19. I like Skinner but he has been overplayed. He has been pulled 2 or 3 times & Jack was great when relieving Stu. I really hope that Jay goes to Campbell in game 6 but knowing how Woodcroft 's line ups he will more likely have Skinner in the net.

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