@National Hockey League

Keep it classy, Edmonton.

Keep it classy, Edmonton.

by Sharks1976


  1. Darth_Donkeyo

    Ok but like to be fair, drunk people do that everywhere lol (But also Edmonton sucks)

  2. Mandalore-44

    Was that Evander Kane throwing some haymakers???

  3. sportsjunkie75

    Low IQ here in Alberta, as proved by our UCP government

  4. Wasnt going to go to ice district zoo tonight…Might now though

  5. Das_Siegfried

    I have never understood why some ppl feel SO invested/connected with a group of millionaire athletes to such a degree that they’ll engage in fisticuffs for them. You think those athletes would do the same for you lmao?

  6. imaybeacatIRl

    Mixing assholes.and alcohol always produces this… And everywhere had assholes and alcohol

  7. CitizenNaab

    Oilers fans are on a heater this season

  8. JustBoredIsAll

    Man, all I see are a bunch of whaler fans.

    I’ll see myself out now…

  9. Pnils13

    The city of Vancouver enters the room…

  10. Spartanias117

    All i see is someones dumbass instagram handle right in the middle of the fucking screen

  11. Asusrty

    The spirit of Alexander Semin came upon that 2nd dude fighting

  12. Ghost_Pains

    Ah yes Edmonton the only place in the world where people fight. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. bigdawg00OG

    Thought these were after ufc events Lmao

  14. outonthetiles66

    I’m pretty sure I saw McDavid in one of those fights?

  15. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Atleast there is no knife In this video.

  16. Alpine506

    That’s such a hockey fan way to stop a fight😂 let them fight until we can see who’s got the upper hand then we break it up😂🤘

  17. ChangeControll

    To be fair, that is classy for Edmonton

  18. RaltarArianrhod

    I hate Edmonton as much as anyone, but I’m 100% positive you can find shit like this from any sports team fans.

  19. DrSeuss19

    That little guys actually did really well for himself. Also I didn’t know EDM was THIS ghetto but here we are

  20. Constant-Beach728

    Funny thing is… it’s not even hockey related… they are all fighting over who loves Canada’s new carbon taxes more

  21. Any_Reputation_179

    Stupid left hand wankers, morons, Arschlöcher

  22. Santa_Claus77

    Jesus. I can only imagine how upset they’re gonna be tonight when Vegas take them out.

  23. Shadowvail

    I love how in the second fight, that guy was coming back and then of course people broke it up before he could get in more punches. Not saying fighting is right, but that was just unfair to the guy lol

  24. MCFromThe905

    I’ve seen better security from a 5’0 ft tall woman working the door at Scotiabank.

  25. laboufe

    Literally every fanbase has idiots. To claim it is only Edmonton is dumb.

  26. alphachimp_

    All these fights started because someone some Draisaitl is better than McDavid.

  27. MeatHamster

    Sports Fans are generally a big group of idiots. It really doesn’t matter which team or sport they support.

  28. popculturetommy

    This happens in mostly every fanbase and every sport. This sub needs to stop harping on whatever franchise is doing this at the moment as if it’s exclusive to them, FFS.

  29. Scissors4215

    Man. How soft are that guys punches? He rained down punches on that guy and nothing….

  30. I miss 06 when it was just chicks flashing people! Aww, simpler times….

  31. Dry_Yam_8049

    Remember it’s important to record the fights over stopping them.


    Can we get a bigger watermark next time?

  33. likethemouse

    It’s because of these types of people they had to make their little outdoor viewing party 18+ (also all the games start so late it’s like already 10pm at the end of the 2nd)

  34. whateverthrowaway202

    Hey, you guys have those people too

  35. Ya_Got_GOT

    Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, Edmonton.

  36. jaded-optimist

    I always forget about the hot chicks of Edmonton.

  37. KidcharlemangeSF

    Never trust a Canadian dude with a mullet


    God I wanna get the shit beat out of me by a girl in a McDavid jersey

  39. Help-Mom-Im-Scared

    Step one: find video of [insert fan base here] doing something stupid or scummy

    Step two: post with the caption: “stay classy, [insert city here]”

    Step three: have people in the comments talk about how fans of [insert team here] are terrible and among the worst in the league

    Step four: repeat ad infinitum

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