@New Jersey Devils

[Novo] Jonas Siegenthaler took a pay cut last offseason to stay with the New Jersey Devils. He has a message for Jesper Bratt and Timo Meier: “Soon, something’s going to happen big here. I believe in it. That’s why I signed… I hope Timo and Bratter believe that too.”

[Novo] Jonas Siegenthaler took a pay cut last offseason to stay with the New Jersey Devils. He has a message for Jesper Bratt and Timo Meier: “Soon, something’s going to happen big here. I believe in it. That’s why I signed… I hope Timo and Bratter believe that too.”

by MountainBaker8217


  1. Bratt and Timo both signing for 5 x 3.4 get it done!

  2. FriedCammalleri23

    Siegs is a ride or die.

    That’s the attitude everyone on this team has to have. If you’re here to cash out, go somewhere else. If you want to win some championships, come on down.

  3. whichwitch9

    Damn. The boys are laying on the peer pressure here

    No shame in wanting to get paid, but I can’t blame the guys in it to win for getting salty, either

  4. DoctorTurkleton

    Idk where Novo is getting this from, Siegenthaler has never taken a pay cut

  5. silvermarsh

    I’m loving everything I’m hearing from the boys the past couple days. They know this is a team that can go all the way.

    Peer pressure the fuck out of Bratt and Timo lmao

  6. USAJourneyman

    Devils are just going to keep coming back stronger with all the prospects they have

  7. ChocolateSavvy

    If this team thinks that a ‘Jack cap’ is a successful way to run itself, they’re never going to get over the hump. Jack bet on himself early, it’s been a boon for the Devils, and not so bad for Hughes. But if a guy that wants $8.5-9 that scores 40 goals refuses a pay cut, why would that mean ‘he doesn’t want to win’? No one told Hughes to take less when he wasn’t yet worth $8m. No one told Nico to take less. But NOW everyone’s on their high horse. GTFOH. These guys deserve what they can get. If it works, great, if not, they’ll go get somewhere else. There’s ZERO reason anyone should take ‘less’ to ‘win’. This isn’t a game for them, it’s their job, and while they do make millions of dollars, they have earned that right by being one of the 600 people ON THE PLANET good enough to even get to the show, and one of the roughly 30-40 that can score 30 goals or a point per game. Pay them. Don’t pay them. But stop acting like THEY owe this team a god damned thing.

  8. blueandgoldilocks

    I’ve had a mixed bag when it comes to Siegenthaler, especially when it came to game 5 (which I will argue was an accident)

    But if he’s willing to say something like this? You’ve got mad respect from me

  9. bigpinero46

    Habs fan here, fell in love with your young squad during the playoffs. Was rooting for you guys hard! Future looking good.

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