@National Hockey League

How i feel Americans look at Canadian fans vs what it’s actually like.

How i feel Americans look at Canadian fans vs what it’s actually like.

by Comfortable-Ad-7158


  1. OutlawCountryFan

    I only like one Canadian team and they didn’t even make the playoffs this year, so I really don’t give a shit about any other Canadian team, go Florida

  2. I’m not like that at all. It takes effort to hate things.

    Rangers went out, that sucked. So since I’m very close, I was rooting for the Leafs. They went, now it’s the Oilers, as I was a huge Gretzky fan as a kid.

    Everybody’s different.

  3. cams0400

    It depends of the fans. When my team isn’t it the playoffs I cheers for western Canadian teams and when we’re in the playoffs other Canadian teams can suck it even when we’re out

  4. equianimity

    Habs, Oilers, Senators>>>>>> Canucks > Flames, Jets >>>> Leafs.

  5. Chungo420lol

    In my opinion as a jets fan the leafs are the only team worth disliking. I respect the oilers so much.

  6. FrothytheDischarge

    I would support the Canucks to win their first title but their fans are a violent bunch and would end up rioting again whether their team wins or loses.

  7. johnnymavrigg

    100% this. As a Leafs fan, I dislike all other Canadian teams. I would rather an American team win than a Canadian one

  8. That’s exactly right.

    There is zero reason to feel obligated to cheer for another team just because their from the same country.

  9. schwengy

    I used to support any Canadian teams left. But then I saw how certain fan bases felt about the 2011 Canuck run. The sheer jealousy and bitterness was laughable. I remember reading one article that argued Vancouver wasn’t really part of Canada anyway so why not pull for Boston.

    Since then I’ve thoroughly enjoyed rooting for their demise. It’s really fun and adds a whole new element to the playoffs.

  10. rik1122

    Edmonton is the only team I want to see hoist the cup this year. I’m American, but biased towards the Canadian teams. A Leafs-Oilers final would have been ideal.

    Canadian fans actually know what it’s like to play hockey outside. Hockey is your sport, as far as I’m concerned. I want to see your teams win after Minnesota inevitably buckles in the first round.

  11. HufokkinTonite

    I live in Canada and my team is American. We don’t actually care in Canada, that’s mostly all media. Now if they kept Canadian players too Canada and American players to the USA, then I could see it being a big deal.

  12. Tinyrobotzlazerbeamz

    It was picking the lesser of two evils cheer on a Canadian team or a swamp trash ass Florida team.

    It was a tough choice but I did root for the Leafs over Florida. /s

  13. Impossible_Syrup_150

    As a Canadian there is no way I’d cheer for the Leafs. I don’t give a fuck who is left in.

  14. GingerMarquis

    This is so fake. There isn’t one “sorry” anywhere.

  15. Stunning_risotto

    I need this on a shirt so I ca stop explaining that I want the other Canadian teams to lose more, and faster.

  16. atomic-z

    I feel like this was a thing in Canada up until social media came along. Now having been exposed to each other’s vitriol it’s near impossible to support other Canadian teams that strongly.

  17. noahthewall

    As a leafs fan I don’t cheer for other Canadian teams simply because they don’t cheer for us. Otherwise I would love to, but I can’t when I know they hate us

  18. Throck--Morton

    As a leafs fan it’s The Leafs > 24 American teams > The Bruins > 4 Canadian teams > Ottawa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Montreal.

  19. arashinoko

    I cheer for every other Canadian team except the Oilers, as is tradition.

  20. raxnahali

    I only support the Jets, I have my reasons.

    1. Calgary – Jamie MaCoun – xcheck broke ducky’s ribs and effectively took us out of the playoffs in a promising year. Ducky was our Gretzsky though, he was in his prime and the best player in that series.
    2. Oilers – 2 years during the Oilers dynasty I was of the opinion the jets were the second best team in the league….but we had the oilers in our division…drove me nuts. To this day I still feel my anger rising everytime I think of Anderson running Essensa and ripping his helmet off. NO CALL…the anger….
    3. Vancouver – I have never been a fan of this fanchise as a whole, they just are blah. One season we met in the playoffs with a decent team. The jets lost, but I wasn’t expecting much. I do love their fan forums though. Those guys are on point 😀
    4. Toronto – the most overhyped and underachieving franchise that is constantly being rammed down our collective Canadian throats whether they are crap or a contender. This really came to the fore for me when Ottawa was having an incredible year and we couldn’t watch them on the CBC because the Leafs were like dead last and dominating HNIC every Saturday. Every freakin Saturday we as a nation were forced to watch the atrocities to hockey inflicted upon us by the Leafs. The outcry got so bad the Ron actually had to address it on air. We were still force fed a crap team in primetime instead of a contender in Ottawa. Why I hear you ask? Because the GTA was and still, as it was then, the most populace area in Canada, which makes for good tv ratings even if the Leafs are absolute garbage. The arrogance of this franchise, that has not won since 1967 is truly astounding. The false hope of Austin has made it even worse, though I have enjoyed the last 19yrs of 1st round exits. It was pure unadulterated joy for me, I cried when the streak ended. I could go on here, as the national sports media in this country is so Toronto skewed it is beyond irritating, but I’ll stop here.
    5. Montreal – what can you say about Montreal, not much the last 25yrs. They have a reason to be a proud franchise though it was so far in the past that now their claim to fame is being the last franchise based in Canada to win the cup. So many of these weiner fans show up in my barn every time the play in Winnipeg cheering mediocrity I can’t help but shake my head. These Montreal fans are a special breed of masochist. I do not have strong feelings good or bad towards Montreal, though they are very much like Toronto with the “look at me, I used to be great” BS.
    6. Ottawa – I’ve never developed a real hate for Ottawa. 15yrs of not having a franchise leaves a real hole in that rivalry and the Jets for the most part have beaten Ottawa more often then not if memory serves. My fondest memory of Ottawa is Buff showing Stone how NOT to cross the neutral zone. God that was a killer hit, and Buff held up on him.

    I don’t cheer for any of these fanchise’s when the Jets are knocked out or not in the playoffs. I have absolutely no reason to do so. Go Jets Go.

  21. Iliketomeow85

    Canucks and Flames are impossible to cheer for, awful fan bases with constantly unlikable teams but they always deliver some kind of horrific choke job for the lulz

    Montreal is kinda “ehh it’s Quebec” so it’s almost like another country and if they get insufferable fuck it who knows what they are saying

    Ottawa is like the sad side piece you go to after your team got eliminated, I won’t commit to cheering for you but if I’m bored fuck it why not

    Toronto’s in a sweet spot of cheering a little cause you feel bad for them then lolling at their inevitable demise. We Want Florida!

    Winnipeg is like Ottawa 2.0 with a bit of Rudy “he ain’t winning shit but your glad he tries” vibes, if they get an airport maybe the team can get off those no trade lists

    Oilers I overdosed on hating them from ground zero for 20 years and my son cheers for them so I’ve brain washed myself to try and like them, at least McDavid and Drai are amazing to watch. Can’t wait for the day they leave, I’m going to have priapism listening to talk radio

  22. Canadian_gOaTtt

    What I’m getting from this sub is that people would rather kill themselves than cheer for the Leafs

  23. freefrompress

    It’s true, I was a Nordiques fan and I’ll never cheer for the Canadiens. NEVER!

  24. i-like-your-hair

    Leafs fan here, most Leafs fans I know (myself included) wanted the Leafs, Jets, and Oilers in round 3. Now that the Leafs and Jets are out, I’m rooting for the Oilers and probably the Canes from the East because of Fuck You Freddy. I think that’s the case for most Leafs fans I know in real life.

  25. Spiritual_Toe_1825

    Lol every comment I’ve been reading with a Canadian/Minnesota accent… sorry been drinkin a bit.. happy Mother’s Day y’all!

  26. OutArcticFoxed

    That’s how most everyone thinks about Florida as well but I’ll be damned if I ever root for the Lightning

  27. Daftmunkey

    I explained to it like this to someone else: if my kid was in a coloring contest and lost, I wouldn’t start cheering for another kids coloring. I cheer for a team…they’re out, I don’t care about any other team or I’d be cheering for them in the first place. I can watch other teams play, I just don’t care who wins, it’s not like it’s Canadian players on our teams or anything like that, it’s just a logo on a shirt.

  28. emeraldraf

    I don’t know the way they bitch and moan about it when there’s not a Canadian team and it’s all some conspiracy by bettman to ruin hockey and how they’re not going to watch a southern hockey match up there might be some fire to this smoke.

  29. muffler11282

    Or me as an American rooting for Canadien team to win because it’s been 30 years for you guys.

  30. Looney_forner

    I don’t think people like us very much

    Even other fans of the team.

  31. dusty1ightbu1b

    Personally I cheer FLAMES, LEAFS, and then ANY CANADIAN TEAM. And then I cheer Kraken cause I love an underdog. I love hockey and I love Canada and I dislike hating anything related to hockey.

  32. kingnoodle30

    Once all the Canadian teams are out:

    Canadian Fans: Gary Bettman is conspiring to keep Canadian teams from winning the Cup!

  33. sacdecorsair

    Dude I was rooting for TOR so bad so that tells a lot.

  34. Give-Me-The-Bat

    I can cheer for the Habs but that’s about it.

  35. deschamps93

    I’m a Leafs fan living in Alberta. Once we got bounced I’m hoping the oilers make a deep push and come back tonight

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