@Colorado Avalanche

NHL: Players Collapsing

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All rights go to the NHL, AHL, OHL, WHL, CHL, QMJHL, ECHL, NAHL, USHL, SPHL, EIHL, SHL, LIIGA, DEL, AIHL, NWHL, CWHL, NCAA, or any missing league and its broadcasters. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. You’ve got 2 teams out there, trying to beat the snot out each another, but when something like these collapses happen, everyone stops and it becomes one big team of concerned players.

  2. Will always love when both teams help out a down player as well as seeing a player from one team taking the medical guy from the other team to the down player I don't know why I like that when i know that everyone is helping. I think that it shows the human side and that it doesn't matter what color your jersey is there is someone who needs help

  3. Chris Pronger getting a career ending puck in the chest is funny, despite what the announcer said. Fuck Pronger, karma is real.

  4. It's always nice when a doctor is trying to talk to a downed player but some idiot has to keep the music blaring.

  5. Show this to the anti vaxxers blaming the collapse of fit athletes on the Covid vaccine! Athletes collapsing for no apparent reason has occurred for years.

  6. I love how both teams are helping out one guy even if there is a few heated moments they are all helpful and dont want anything bad ti happen to eachother it is beautiful to see how much they care for eachotger

  7. Hockey players are THE absolute best conditioned athletes in the world so watching these collapses is heartwrenching and devastating.

  8. What happened in the red wings predators game? Looked like they were working on someone. (CPR is what I mean by working on someone). Anyone know what actually happened, and if the person is ok?

  9. I came back to this because Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field Monday after what seemed to be a routine football tackle. His situation is much more extreme than all of these guys. Critical condition and didn't breathe on his own till a day or two ago (as of when this comment is posted). He's doing much better now (thank god).

  10. I was a roller hockey scorekeeper in high school and one night I saw a player have a seizure on the bench.
    I grew used to players on a trailing team yelling “STOP THE CLOCK” so I initially thought nothing of it as the puck was in play, but there was quite a commotion on the bench and players started hopping over the boards into the rink. After the refs finally whistled the play dead I heard a player yell “he’s having a seizure!” and saw a guy with his eyes rolled back convulsing like someone was making him do sit-ups, while a teammate supported him to keep him from falling and hitting something. Thank goodness he was in full gear with his helmet on.
    I definitely hit the scoreboard buzzer a few times, maybe buzzed “S O S”, can’t fully remember. But I’d never witnessed a seizure before so it was really scary.

  11. To many athletes are having this problem …All of a sudden in the last two years……what goin on?????? WTF.?

  12. Love the fact this happened 5 years ago? No national news on this? But 1 incident in the NFL? Also happens in high school sports often….

  13. I remember Jay Bouwmeester going down on the bench and not being able to sleep checking for updates 🙁 ultimately ended his career but thankfully not His life. I was too young to see the pronger incident.

  14. What the dipshit anti-vaxxers failed to comprehend was this video was from 5 years ago. Well before you clowns became medical experts lmao

  15. What the dipshit anti-vaxxers failed to comprehend was this video was from 5 years ago. Well before you clowns became medical experts lmao

  16. I like the tagline about Rick Carlisle collasping as the goalie is flat out on the ice. What are the odds?

  17. There’s no way the PA played “Killing in the Name of” after a dude collapsed on the ice

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