@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Jay Woodcroft 05.14.23

Jay reflects as the Oilers fall by a final score of 5-2 to the Golden Knights, eliminating them from the Stanley Cup Playoffs.


  1. Hold your heads high boys. Great season. Things are moving in the right direction. Stu will get better with this experience for sure.

  2. Combination of reasons, Vegas peppered the glove side, stats showed that seemed weak. Also, other than 2 of the games, we didn’t help the cause around the net cleaning up and moving out the puck. Game if centimetres, if mcdavids shot went in instead of hitting the post and if someone saw the high stick drawing blood, they’d have had a chance. Vegas played their game well, executed and made the most of fortunate bounces, have to be good to be lucky. Sucks to be out.

  3. Woodcroft Results: 1) For 82 games of the season, this "coach" could not collect a single dangerous link, with the exception of PP (but even without him, Leon and Connor would have played the same way there). This is a complete failure of the coach as a coach 2) Broke Leon and Connor into different links just to look like someone who is smarter than everyone and sees hockey in a new way… For the whole season, he could not see that this gave the team only a minus in attacking opportunities. He doesn't really see it. 3) The most important and dominant thing, because of which many games were lost in the regular season and relegation to the playoffs = he could not establish discipline and players are removed out of the blue in unacceptable amounts per game. 4) Attempts to release Leon and Connor in the same link, when the games have already been lost, look pathetic to the point of impossibility, and this is just an admission of his own incompetence, he spoils the team's game by separating them into different links, and then, apologizing, hurries to connect them together when he realizes that this is not the case. that he had lost everything..It looks ugly and unprofessional. 5) If you remove Connor's contribution for the season = you will understand that the team would not have lifted its head from the last place in the standings, and this is a complete and absolute failure of coaching!!! All team wins are counted either by goals or by Connor's assists. That is, the coach took a ride on the account of one brilliant player and did nothing for the team and in the team. 6) Complete inability to see which of the players plays better with whom in the same link and incompetently composed links throughout the season!!! We see danger only in the individual actions of Connor and Leon, and that's it!!! Everyone else just skates badly, passing the puck. He doesn't see or understand the potential of the players he has. 7) Mediocre defensive play, and we didn't see anything that could change that. 8) A complete misunderstanding of the goalie line, it feels like the coach wasn't even looking towards the goal, and that's why we saw a bunch of goals from Campbell in the regular season, and then the same bunch from Skinner in the playoffs … 9) Kostin, who could reveal a lot more. better and more interesting, looks weakly proactive and always looking for a pass instead of throws. Yamamoto, who can't close the necessary shots every time or just misses the puck during a wrist shot…10) Hyman, who does not know how and does not want to learn to play pass, and thereby spoils a bunch of attacks – stubbornly continues to play in the same link with Connor and kills everyone knows about Connor's attacking potential…And the coach doesn't see it anymore. I have already written about mediocre links. In the end, this is not a failure of the team. THERE WAS SIMPLY NO TEAM. This person, in the role of a coach, managed to disperse the team to the state of a yard team, when those who went out for a walk today play. All season the players look confused and not played, because they move from link to link. There was no strength, will, or motivation to be seen, except for the insanely single-minded Connor. Woodcroft failed neither to set up the team, nor to force it to play in a disciplined manner, nor to assemble perfect links from players so that each link could look dangerous in attack. And the worst thing is that this person does not know how and does not want to admit his mistakes. As long as he is not suspended from hockey, the team has nothing to wait for. Nothing will change. Vegas showed a great example of the TEAM's work. There should be a captain on the ship, do you seriously think that Woodcroft looks like the captain of a pirate ship, with whom the crew can famously take the cup on board? More like the administrator of the pink pony lovers club. A terrible season because of one man and his incompetent experiments in trying to assert himself… I feel sorry for all the fans of the team and the players who are not to blame for anything and tried very hard. I repeat once again, the reason for the team's failure is that for the whole season the coach could not assemble a single attacking link and destroyed the attacking potential that was, due to the incompetent layout of the lines.

  4. Unfortunately we’ll executed verbal diarrhea won’t change the fact that goaltending sunk this ship. By a country mile

  5. Jay lost this series because he was stubborn like Tippet was. Tippet favored Smith and Jay preferred Skinner. Campbell should have started this game – Skinner's save percentage was crap in the playoffs.

  6. Broberg penalty last game was absolute BS which turned the tide and gave Vegas life, no call on Ekholm bleeding from high stick!!! Should have been a 5 min major. F U REFS

  7. 4 goals and an empty netter on 22 shots. I think that speaks for itself.


  8. Proud to say our Oilers gave 100 percent for the people of Canada. Sure next season will be another magical ride filled with excitement creativity and finish. Enjoy the summer fellas the well-earned fruits of your labor remains on your contract. 🫎

  9. I like our chances next year. A full year of Ekholm, Kane, and players like Bouchard and Broberg will develop nicely over the year. Campbell will be better next season. We've seen on other teams how good he can be. If Holland finds a way to make a couple moves on the backend, I think the Oilers are on the brink of a successful cup run. Lets Go Oilers!

  10. Pretty much seals Campbell’s time with Edmonton as clearly if you can’t trust him for ONE game on the line you’re not moving forward with him next season and they’ll take that money to pay Bouchard imo.Skinner clearly hit a wall should have sit especially this game and why would he start the 4th line ? And then gets scored on in 30 seconds. Just trying to be smarter isn’t always the answer but this loss to Vegas and ADIN HILL?? Not acceptable!

  11. Parros bettmen sxreqed the oilera again and woodcroft was to soft .. he ahouls have played cambell whats there to loose . Back wnd needs serious help . And skinner im still not sure about u !! Go after ryan reaves for f sakes . Congrats vegas .. oh and rwfs and ni one talking about the hihgstick missed blattenly to elhom thw wone ware he got ripped open

  12. The Oilers have the player talent, but not the coaching talent. Coaching is not only having a strategic mindset but knowing who to play and when. If the Oilers don’t win the cup in the next two years, Woody should be sent back to Bakersfield.

  13. Don't see Woody staying around for very long at this point. Well-spoken but ultimately inexperienced and still makes many rookie coach mistakes that are costing us. Getting swept by the Avs last year + a round 2 exit this year simply isn't good enough for the team the Oilers have. Also seems to lack any kind of inspiring effect on his players.

    Ken Holland has made some stinkers as well and will need to make some serious moves happen this off-season to improve us defensively or his time here might be coming to an end too.

  14. Edmonton is arguably the toughest opponent Vegas has faced in their entire playoff history since Washington 2018.

    Thanks for an amazing and entertaining series, Oilers! 97 and 29 are an absolute beauty to watch (just not against my teams).

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