@National Hockey League

The Stanley Cup Curse lives on

The Stanley Cup Curse lives on

by TheCutterButter


  1. from125out

    Plenty of Canadians have won the cup in the last 30 years!

  2. TayOs1998

    I only care about one Canadian team the rest can go fuck themselves. I don’t care if the cup stays in the US unless my team is the one hoisting it. Don’t ask me which team I cheer for 😂.

  3. Kamohoaliii

    As a Canucks fan, I would rather keep the trophy case empty than seeing the Oilers or Leafs win it “on our behalf”*.* Fuck off with that, watching the Panthers kick the Leafs in the teeth made me as giddy as a Canucks playoff win used to back when they didn’t suck.

  4. midnightrambler108

    The statistical probability of a Canadian team not winning the Stanley cup over the last 30 years is about 0.05%.

    There is a number of things at play.

    1) Easier to perform out of the spotlight. I am pretty sure a guy like Jonathan Marchessault can go walk the streets of Vegas and hardly anyone would know who he is. Leon Draisaitl couldn’t go for a beer with out being hounded in Edmonton.

    2) Players want to play down south for a few reasons, nicer weather and less tax burden, and for the above mentioned spotlight.

    3) There does seem to be some favoritism for American teams with officiating, DOPS, and scheduling.

  5. WideDocument5475

    Isnt Hockey their nation sport? Lol

  6. wildsamon

    I think about all the revenue that the
    league/advertisers would lose if it was two Canadian teams in the finals. I doubt ESPN would even cover it.

  7. SLRMaxime

    If Canadians teams were not managed like absolute garbage over the past 30 years maybe we would have gotten one

  8. TherealDJStryker

    Last time the Leafs won a Stanley Cup my dad wasnt even born.

  9. buttchugging_soylent

    The data makes it very clear that Canadians just don’t have the hockey culture to win national championships. Canadians with raw talent have to come to the US to really develop and learn the finer points of the game.

  10. mattcojo2

    There’s too many people that are eager to spout dumb conspiracies about why the NHL is against Canada… while ignoring that for most of this time their teams have been poorly run and poorly managed.

  11. felixorion

    America has a Grey Cup more recently than Canada has Stanley Cup.

    Let that sink in.

  12. cams0400

    We’ll get there eventually, I don’t believe in curses : teams that wins the cup deserves it and does who don’t well they don’t. I hope Montreal will be the first Canadian team to win the cup since 93.

  13. jimhabfan

    ..and Gary Bettman has been commissioner for 30 years. Coincidence?

  14. vatexs42

    I’m kinda disappointed. I was hoping the maple leafs won and Kraken’s win tonight so they could play each other. I have a friend that moved from there and i was hoping to have banter with him

  15. wpglatino

    Ya like im sure the Calgary fans were cheering on the oilers, numb nuts

  16. Kevsbar123

    Not a Canadian meme, that’s for sure.

  17. Feels like Americans are far more concerned with this than we are.

  18. mkraft418

    Every team still alive in the playoffs has more Canadian-born players than American-born players on their rosters.

  19. NoDuck1754

    There are 9 American teams in the same situation.

    This narrative is so tired.

  20. hippiedancevibess

    Is this how all the American hockey fans cope with the fact that the best players on their teams are Canadian?

  21. Freak_Out_Bazaar

    Well at least the cup is in Canada when no one has won it yet

  22. OrganizationRude5003

    This is the NHL not hockey world cup

  23. aBeerOrTwelve

    Damned Leafs leaking all over the country.

  24. myballz4mvp

    I don’t know anyone who actually cares if it is an American team or Canadian team who wins if it isn’t their favorite team.

    Probably cause Canadians know that all the best players literally of all time are Canadians. Or maybe it’s because when the players get divided by country and have a tournament, ya know the Olympics or World Championships, we win more than anyone.

  25. IRLToroRossoCDN

    Don’t really care considering the cup is at my local course or bar almost every year with one of the
    players that brought it back home.

  26. jerseygunz

    The sad part is they could have had three

  27. MontEcola

    When Dallas plays Seattle tonight, I am betting the majority of the Canadians watching know who the Canadian players are on both teams, without looking in the program. I am betting most casual US fans have no clue.

    And while the Canadians may not have a favorite US team, they are paying attention to those Canadian players. And they smile a little when a Canadian gets a goal, blocks a shot or makes a good hit. And maybe they even know where they played JR hockey, and where they played before that.

  28. m_ghesquiere

    Americans really have nothing better to do then spout this today? No one in Canada cares if another Canadian team wins. They only care if their team wins. As far as Canadians winning the cup you should do a little research on players left in the Stanley cup chase. There are plenty of Canadians on that list

  29. dukezap1

    The teams winning are made up of Canadian players and coaches, so isn’t this meme completely incorrect? 🤔

  30. Equivalent_Fox_1546

    Countries don’t win Stanley cups, club teams filled with Canadian and European players do. Canada wins gold practically ever year at the international level.

  31. Darwing

    1993 is.. 10,20,30 years??? Wait so Canada has won exactly 30 years ago this meme is wrong

  32. Darwing

    Montreal won it exactly 30 years ago so this meme is stupid

  33. skruiss

    I feel like these posts should be thanking Canada for what hockey has finally become in the US.

    Oh and basketball. 🤷‍♂️

  34. thecoolerllcoolJ

    I kinda don’t want Canada to win the cup till the very next year after Bettman finally leaves. The conspiracys would run wild.

  35. Darwing

    “Over the past 30 years”

    Montreal won less than 30 years ago

    “If I only had 1”

    I just said Montreal / a Canadian team has won in the past 30 years

    This is stupid

  36. canadianbroncos

    Good thing countries don’t play for the Stanley Cup and Canada went back to back at last best on best competitions.

  37. J_Bizzle82

    Most teams are primarily comprised of Canadian players so like.. It’s always going to come to Canada. Every season. So, there’s that.

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