@Montreal Canadiens

Button has Sandin-Pelikka at 5, ahead of Will Smith

Some more pre-draft click bait for you fine folks, but I think it’s interesting that Button has Axel Sandin-Pelikka at 5 ahead of Will Smith. You don’t hear a whole lot about this kid. It’s Button though, so…grain of salt.

by DogNard


  1. shogun2909

    It’s gonna be a long month and a half

  2. DogNard

    Axel Sandin Pellikka. I f’d his name up and can’t edit.

    Sorry kid

  3. kingimpecable

    I like Sandin-Pelikka. If we were picking 7th, I’d pick him. Especially now with Reinbacher’s injury, I think he’s the best dman and exactly what we need. Maybe we trade down for him?

  4. kingdekar

    Button always has an off-the-board prediction in every aspect of the game, and they’re never right. This means and should mean nothing to anyone.

  5. DiscoStu1618

    He also has Sale at #7 and Reinbacher at 24 which really makes me doubt his whole list.

  6. Sharks9

    I’d rather him over Reinbacher at least

  7. SpatialChase

    I’ve read several analyst reports of Will Smith letting his line mates do the leg work both defensively and along the boards while he cheats and waits at the blue line for the high risk/high reward pass.

    The kids got offensive skills don’t get me wrong, but if he’s gonna become a Michael Ryder type player I’d rather we reach for a Leonard or Dvorsky

  8. Kotkaniemint

    If you’re going by upside then I’d have have him over Reinbacher too.

    Reinbacher seems like such a safe and boring pick to me, everything I’ve seen about him makes me think his floor and ceiling are both hovering around a 2nd pair defenseman. I just don’t see him varying away from that by much. I could see him being an ok, but not great 1st pair defenseman.I could see him being a great 3rd pair defenseman, but not a bad one.

  9. If it was Bob McKenzie saying it, I’d take it seriously.

    Craig Button? Noise.

  10. theflower10

    Craig “the Habs won’t win 1 game against Toronto” Button? That Craig Button?

  11. OkAnything4877

    Button always slots a few players into controversial spots to generate clicks and buzz about his list. He does this every year and it works. Take it with a grain of salt. The one year he had Zachary Fucale ranked 7th overall, called him “sure-fire franchise goaltender” or something ridiculous.

  12. Slubber-Degullion

    It’s real simple folks, Don’t Click On Clickbait.

  13. grimandnordic1

    Literally 1 week ago Button said we’d pick Dvorsky. I think he just says shit to get Habs fans riled up. Probably lots of fun for him lmao.

  14. zombiejeesus

    Button is an idiot though.

    His laugh when asked if the Habs could come back from being down 3-1 always makes me smile though. Moron

  15. shunassy86

    Craig button is an absolute moron anyway

  16. MasterMatt25

    Hot take but Sandin Pellikka is gonna be better than Reinbacher

  17. joellemieux4

    We are taking about the same idiot who said Toronto would beat Montreal in 3 games the year they made the finals so i have very little confidence in his opinion.

  18. zan9823

    What do yous think of Lukas Dragicevic with FLA pick? Right hand shot Offensive Dman

  19. habulous74

    Button is the most safely ignored prognosticator in hockey.

    He’s irrelevant.

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