@Vegas Golden Knights

How The Vegas Golden Knights Became The NHLs Most Hated Franchise

In this video, we explore the reasons behind why the Vegas Golden Knights have become the NHL’s most hated franchise. From having a money hungry attitude to poor player management, various factors have contributed to the Golden Knights’ polarizing reputation.


  1. I'm an Avs fan living in Las Vegas and many VGK fans has disagreed with me and this video shows how you're wrong as well.

    I agree that this team seems to trade just to make a trade at times and I believe that the owner Bill Foley thought winning a title would be a lot easier especially if you throw money at a problem.

    But I'll explain why you're wrong about the things you said here.

    Most VGK fans I've had arguments with have been over Fleury. Fleury is a playoff choker and always has been and if the game goes into overtime, Fleury will give up a soft goal. Fleury fans have asked me what award do you want Fleury to win while they say Fleury is going to win the Vezina (every year they say this) and my response is the Conn Smythe which shuts them up every time. I also believe that Fleury is a phony and not the guy people believe him to be. He's likely not a huge dick, but not the perfect person most fans here believe him to be

    About Nate Schmidt, that guy is a good locker room guy but got paid then became a turnover machine that lead to many picks in the back of the net. A #1 dman (he's not one) can't be doing that.

    Gallant is a system guy. He comes in and gets his team to play hard in year one but after that they can't sustain his style and get worn out and he has nothing left. The Stanley Cup Finals showed how awful of a game planner he is. When Trotz wasn't kept by the Caps I told everyone that VGK should have fired one trick pony Gallant and hired Trotz and people thought I was crazy. Gallant also plays power trip games behind the scenes and is awful to the media. I'm sure those things were part of the reason why he got fired by the Rangers. Gallant also doesn't seem to like young players and trusts old players that are garbage.

    This year is the first year that I like the players and coach Cassidy. Maybe it is because of the coach that I don't have much to dislike. I do think they took a huge risk on Eichel, but Tuch is a player that I thought had to go because he seemed entitled (his nickname in Las Vegas was The Mayor which is really all that needs to be said) and needed a change of scenery which seems to have helped both key players of the trade.

    Feel free to reply back. For the record I don't like Foley and McPhee so anything negative about them I will likely agree with you.

  2. That picture from Walsh was from the year before in the bubble playoffs when Walsh was pissed that Lehner was the starter over Flower. It was extremely unprofessional and may have been damages the teams chances by creating unnecessary drama.

    There is speculation that flowers surprise with the trade has more to do with his agent than the actual management. Walsh has a doing bullshit things to try to force teams to give him and his players what he wants. Is it that surprising that the next major trade for cap space was Max Pacioretty, another Walsh client? Tho Pacioretty is not much of a play maker and i dont think he would have worked with Casasdys system.

    I will also add that I agree with the other commenter about Galant and three coaches in 6 years isn't actually that odd in today's league.

    But my main point to picture is not because of the trade and was super unprofessional of Walsh and had nothing to do with Vegas management and everything to do with Walsh trying to send a message do Deboer which is why his name is on the sword

  3. We do understand that Hockey is a buisness. Now should they talk and let the players know they are traded before ESPN does? absolutely. But everything they have done has seen its results as we only missed 1 year of playoffs since 2017. This team on the brink of making the cup finals. I don't see Dallas or Seattle giving us a hard time in the Western Conf Finals.

  4. Go ahead and hate, but they're in the western conference final again after beating the oilers. Fantastic franchise.

  5. 1. Nate under performed after his PED suspension. His contract, and the move to Petro has been great for the team. He is still loved by Vegas but cant win cups when the blue line under performs.
    2. Gallant doesnt have what it takes to win. Florida, Vegas and now the Rangers have proven that. After the complete collapse against San Jose, leading that series 3-1 then following the season up being under .500.
    3. Fleury was and is washed. He was gifted a Vezina. He played fewer games, faced fewer shots then Vas or Gru. Fan favorite sure, but was not as good as people want to make him out to be. The Blue line is what made Fleury look good, because they would constantly block shots. Look at what he did in Chicago and in Minn. At 7 million, his contract was an albatross. Also, the Allan Walsh image happened during the bubble playoffs, a full year before he was traded.

    If you wanted Real talk about why Vegas management is hated, you should have used the Haula Trade. While it was understandable, getting traded on your wedding day, and finding out because your keycard stopped working was BS>

  6. The ownership and management has a singular focus; win the cup. Fans usually love that. Haters are gonna hate. Fact is, their methods have created one of the tightest knit group of players in which the new coach says he’s never seen a team more excited to come to work and be in each other’s company both on and off the ice.

  7. I have some friends who are toxic AF because of this team. They’re clownin’ on me because the Habs missed playoffs, but like, bro?! Remember 2021? And it’s not even like they were supposed to make the playoffs they’re rebuilding.

  8. lol this is satire right? Because every team in the league has some sort of controversy. This has to be a joke lol.

  9. Dude sorry this is just a haters take and to be honest not one of the clips played were of anyone of consequence. Galant was fired again this season, he can't get the job done period. Schmidty was replaced by a far better player, Fleury also replaced with what was thought was better(Head case) but remember his playoff performances the cost us a deeper run?! 2 Turnovers that lost us the series. And if you don't think every team is driven by finances first then sorry man you don't know the sport. Not discounting the heart break the fan base felt, but a cup erases everything sad but true.

  10. The league really hates winners. Yes, it was sad when we traded Schmitty, and Fluery. But end of the day, this is a business. It was going to happen regardless. Sure, there has been some questionable trades, but there has been a lot of great ones to continually be in the mix for the cup. It sounds like a lot of jealously among other fans and players imo. If you think any other franchise is "loyal" to any of their players, I'd reassess your perspective. Just look at John Tavares and the Islanders for example. Good video though

  11. "They succeeded after we all said they'd fail because its not the same 11 cold ass cities and becuase we hate that Bettman is right way more often than he's wrong"

    That's it. That's the reason. Pack it up. Everything else is excuses. Unless you're in San Jose then you have other legit reasons.

  12. I get why Vegas is disliked by other fanbases and even some of the fans the original group of players won over, but I am so happy we have an ownership and management group willing to do whatever they can to put this team in a position to win. So many NHL franchises spend years waiting for their ownership and management to invest in the team and actually try to win. To have a brand-new team with ownership dedicated to winning is ideal. And from everything I've seen and heard about this year's team, this current team seems to have very similar chemistry and love for each other that the team did in year 1. Clearly the players understand it is a business more than any fans do. I think too much gets made of how players get traded, and not enough focus goes on how amazing this ownership group treats the players while they are on the team. Guys haven't hesitated to sign extensions here, and not one player has asked to be traded or released yet. That has to mean something.

  13. I thought the idea was to win the Cup. I guess that s for the rest of the league. My knights arent everyone's cuddly losers, what a shame. Schmidt, i liked him our first yeae. But he' s not that good. Pet is better. Same w Fleury. Great guy, fans and teammates universally loved. Also declining skills and kicked in a goal vs montreal that ruined a Cup run.
    Money hungry? They charge what the market bears
    Do you see empty seats? And further, they built T-Mobile Arena and established the franchise using NOT A SINGLE DOLLAR OF PUBLIC FUNDS. How many modern sports franchises can say that?
    So hate away haters. When they raise the Cup im sure they ll be all torn up inside

  14. What a ridiculous video – Vegas definitely not a hated franchise if there is any hate its jealousy.

  15. LoL if we are doing everything wrong why would other teams hate us? They should love it. The real reason is they became good right away and wasn't an easy out for the the vested teams and fanbase.

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