@Vancouver Canucks

Thomas Drance on Jonathan Lekkerimaki, the Canucks cap crunch and more

Thomas Drance from The Athletic joined the guys to talk about Jonathan Lekkimaki’s future, the Canucks cap issues and more.


  1. Drance hit the nail on the head. The #Canucks failed last year at the minimal or basic requirements. And thats exactly why they will have a contender.

  2. Anyone with a half brain knows now its not the managements fault, its the owner. You can see the pattern of idiotic moves made by the management no matter whos in charge. Theyre clearly told to go after it no matter the cost otherwise how could these smart, savvy, experienced men that knows how winning is done in the league make such "short term, now" moves.

  3. I am so shocked that no NHL franchise has hired Thomas Drance to be their GM! He seems to have all the answers to everything and could do no wrong!

  4. Drance is the Ernst Stavro Blofeld of hockey journalism. A badass. The Telly Savalas version – not the Christoph Waltz version.

  5. I blame the current regime more than Benning's for the financial mess the Canucks are in right now. The current regime inherited a mess, but as Drance said, they continued to sign more bad deals to further cripple this team's financial flexibility. I trust the owner's meddling has much to do with this, but you would think someone with Rutherford's pedigree would at least stand up and say no… I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Him getting fired? He probably has made enough and at his age, should care more about his legacy than whether he can keep a job…

  6. I’d like to think Rutherford and Allvin aren’t completely incompetent, so it would make sense they’ve acted this way because the owner wants it.

  7. Canucks are so stupid. Can't wait to see everyone's reaction when the first round pick is traded. 😂😅😊

  8. Drance nails the fact that Team Rutherford have done a terrible job managing the cap and shouldn't get a medal whenever they manage to do the bare minimum of basic day to day activities for a professional sports franchise.

  9. Pretty hard to pin the Boeser contract on management. They either qualified him for 7.5 (gulp) or signed him for less, but still a lot, and couldn't move him for the same reason. If Miller is a "bad contract", then Horvat would have been as well. He essentially got flipped for Hronek, younger and a defenceman, throwing in a prospect. Beauvillier will be movable for some sort of a pick. But, for Drance and co, all contracts are bad because they just want to burn it all down.

  10. please stop with the producer forcing out background laughs, its annoying. i know its popular with certain youtube shows, but its terrible. lets talk sports like we used to. more facts, less fuff. okay?

  11. I wish someone would call out Drance once in a while. He pounds the drum for the Canucks to get a top 4 then says it was a terrible move. He says the Canucks cannot let both Miller and Horvat walk but then complains about the signing. He wants the team to tank and rebuild but you can't get rid of Hughes or Petterson. He sells negativity and lucky for him the Canucks manufacture some of it and when they do something positive he spins that into a negative as well. It is getting tiring to listen. Donnia and Dhali are great but time for some new voices for guests.

  12. Come to think of it how did they not manage to throw Myers or something into that Hronek deal. We gave the two top 45 picks.

  13. Thomas Drance has taken the opposition role that used to be held by Neil Macrae and Tony Gallagher and does a great job. He tells it like it is directly without couching it with some positives. His line “a bill that comes due” sums up the Canucks fits well.

  14. THANK YOU! I've been saying all along, ANYONE who thinks GARLAND is the problem with The Canucks, doesn't know hockey. HIS isn't the contract that needs to be dealt with. Thanks for the support, Mr. Drance. 🥰

  15. There was always going to be a bill coming due with what Jim Benning left behind. And it has to be paid, not continually kicked down the road.

  16. Thomas drance as gm would be a disaster. This guy knows nothing about running a team he was in marketing for the Florida Panthers not running the team in any way.

  17. Drance knocks it out of the park here yet again, while also looking like a million bucks in his vacation suit.
    Sharp as a tack, there is nothing he ever states about the Canucks that can be refuted.
    The facts are what they are.

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