@Florida Panthers

NHL Is Getting DESTROYED Over Woke LGBTQ Pride Night | Multiple Teams And Players REFUSE To Do It!


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#NHL #Pride #LGBTQ


  1. It’s no longer about supporting the alphabet group, you must worship them, yield to them or forever be deemed a bigot/prejudiced and wanting to harm them.

  2. It's great for publicity and we all know that even bad publicity is better than none. It's a win win for the teams owners. The players should be compensated for endorsing the LGBTQ "community" though. It's like any other promotion or ad.

  3. The NHL can't do anything right. From pride nights, to lousy officiating, to horrible broadcasting personnel the whole sport is gone down the toilet.

  4. E.J. Hradek should be fired for telling a Christian player that stood up against this when it wasnt as fashionable to go back to where he came from and fight in a war. Free Don Cherry!

  5. The only professional sports that didn't kneel to burn murder loot was golf and I believe viewership went up because they didn't kneel to burn loot murder.

  6. Stop watching. Stop giving them your money. It will stop overnight.

  7. It's sports holy crap. Why the need for this pride crap! It's dudes beating up other dudes! No need for this pride crap.

  8. The trans community has been very negative lately and I can not support a group that harasses others into submission. I believe no one should be harassed unless then did something deserving of it and playing a video game or being Christian is not deserving.

  9. They aren't getting destroyed. The season and the league will go on and endure. Let the sissies stomp away and hold their breath. No one cares.

  10. So weird that they say they don't want special treatment BUT they want special treatment. Give it a rest. Victims. Stop playing that card. Victim. Whoa is me.

  11. All my favorite sports (ufc and hockey) are standing up against the left and I couldn't be happier.

  12. This has caused a lot of soul searching in me. NOT because I am tired of all this stupidity. No, I am beyond sick of it. No, I now have to say I stand with the Blackhawks…… but I am a Blues fan.! Hockey fans will understand how tough this has been on me. But, all kidding ( kinda) aside, God bless Chicago! So sick of people telling me that I have to not only accept but celebrate the way someone decides to have sex. No one must give a reason to anyone defending a personal belief. If it's religion or just the fact that you don't want to, it's fine.
    By the way, if you are gay and want to go to a game, go. There is no one outside checking if people are gay. Just don't expect people to be all for it and you'll be fine. No more " look at me" and just enjoy the game.

  13. The problem is the LGBTQ or alphabet mafia as I call them. Are always asking for people to accept them for who or what they are. When they can't even accept themselves for what they are. No thanks. Now I'm from Nashville and a Trans girl shoots up the covenant school which I drive by all the time. She killed 3 kids and 3 adults. Now the alphabet mafia is making her a martyr like she was the victim. No she was evil. Getting tired of this and others are too. I No longer support any of it. They attack Christians and their values. I do not care if you are of faith or not. Everyone has the right to their own beliefs. Now the LGBTQ says if you don't believe what they do then you are phobic and they are victims. No thanks. Move on Everyone else should too.

  14. Too late, NHL. As a formerly religiously devoted Flyers fan……F*CK OFF. You’re dead to me. Forever. I am 52. With money and two sons. But for your submission to Satan, you would have otherwise profited from my allegiance to my now-dead Flyers. Again…..F*CK YOU. I hope your franchise and league die and rot like vermin.

  15. Just shows that anything and everything that woke bs touches turns to shit. Comedy gets bland, companies go broke, TV and shows get weird and boring, everything feels forced which is tyrannical in itself, sports get unfair and unwatchable, and basically its just the worst and belongs absolutely nowhere. Especially not in politics and around children.

  16. Someone is paying the NHL to promote this, just like the NFL and other professional sports. The owners need to push back with the players.

  17. Some of these NHL Teamsn and player have ballz and a backbone, unlike the NBA, NFL and other professional sports…

  18. Why do people have to celebrate others gay stuff, no one cares about that LGBTQ, if you do then where some dumb shat

  19. The ways of the news outlets make it sound that every man wants a dick in his mouth and every woman wants a dick in between her legs. Live your life how you want to but when you start cramming it down my throat go f*** yourselves

  20. as a wise guy said : changing your gender isoke, being lesb or other orientation isoke, what is not ok is imposing your choice on other, like some vegan would do

  21. Stop using the word woke. That is a word that was created by Black Americans to promote self/cultural awareness regarding FED Govt and its anti Black agenda & propaganda. Not a word to be used by White bigots and conservatives idiots because they feel threatened or triggered by anyone else who doesn’t happen to be White & bigoted

  22. If a hockey player refuses to wear something that represents something else he becomes a victim of the Left and he is target of the crazy out there !!!

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