@Toronto Maple Leafs

Mlse wants a dubas decision today or tomorrow

Mlse wants a dubas decision today or tomorrow

by Forum_ryder74


  1. peanuts421

    Read this too fast and it sounded like /r/prequelmemes

    “meesa wants a dubas…”

  2. lbc1358

    I’m not saying CJ is wrong, but dude has become a bit of a hack in recent years. The fact that his “articles” are now posted to a gambling site is just gross.

  3. HankHillStanAccount

    CJ posts his articles to a gambling site now? A couple years back I thought he was going to become the next big insider but this is not what I had in mind

  4. Different-Project-52

    Is this a bit “source: trust me bro”?

  5. LicenseToKill004

    Until JTs contract is up we gotta stick with this group, keep Dubas, new coach only if theres a better option. Run it back🙃

  6. McGrevin

    I’m not sure why so much doubt is being cast on this. Theres really not much time between now and the off-season stuff kicking off like the draft, and if you’re gonna replace your GM you want to know asap to maximize the time the new guy will have in the org

  7. christian10_O

    OP is in the trenches right now defending CJ.

    Well see if this comes true, hes had some misses. Dont love that articles are on sports betting sites but get the bag i guess.

  8. McJoe77

    I want Dubas to stay. Watching the media stuff yesterday and the way Shanahan didn’t speak makes me think he’s going to leave. Dubas probably doesn’t need to take this shit from MLSE because if he left, he’d basically have his choice of job and MLSE is jerking him around.

  9. 34GoLeafsGo34

    god i hope we don’t lose dubas. this dude really cares about the players and the organization. you can tell the players have a great deal of respect for him as well. he has been with them for so long that they’ve grown with him. i still think we were just about a goalie and a defenseman from a deep run. hope he decides to extend

  10. Current-Own

    I like Pridham. Not sure if I want him as my GM. It’s just a sense but my choice is and always has been Dubie.

  11. reggierock2010

    Logically it makes sense, there’s a lot that needs to happen between now and the season. Mathews saying he wants to stay and hopes it gets done this summer puts more pressure on the team too now.

  12. The_Quackening

    Not surprising.

    There are some decisions that need to be made very quickly by the leafs GM, dragging out who that is will not be a positive thing.

  13. georgie336

    I feel like this was clearly a mistake on MLSE’s part. This should have been decided last summer, not rushing it now. What happens if we won 2 rounds and Dubas still wasn’t sure about re-signing? They would have even less time to replace him and figure out all the contracts.


    P.S. Everyone can stop the CJ slander, dude has been the best leaf insider for the last 3 years. He also doesn’t have dumb takes he just reports what he hears.

  14. patchdouglas

    I think all that stuff about his family was just posturing for a big contract for himself. He’s saying he doesn’t know what his family will say about an extension. Really???

  15. This makes a ton of sense. If Pridham is being seriously looked at for the Flames job, knowing what Dubas will do helps plan for either that, or promoting Pridham.

  16. thismadhatter

    this screams “we have to have Matthews extended before the draft” because they will dangle him to teams for high picks in a package.

  17. howsshegoin

    Considering the timelines a full Run it Back is almost the only course that makes sense

  18. dicky72

    the wording yesterday in the presser was concerning… he really seemed defeated and like he needed to step back.

    as much as taking on the presidency would be a bigger, not lesser role…. wondering if MLSE giving him Shanny’s hat as well… forces him to stay home from some road trips and send some of his 142 assistant GMs on those trips instead. allows him more help and support to his family at home?


    pure speculation from a complete outsider…but there’s definitely something going on behind the scenes at MLSE

  19. tubes92

    Idiots. How do you not have a plan B. I want Dubas to stay, but you should have extended by now.

  20. Just promote Pridham and let Kyle enjoy his family time. At this point it solves a lot of financial problems that can be sorted out and doesn’t put any bad feelings between Dubas and Keefe when Sheldon is relieved of his duties.

  21. Heldpizza

    I hope he comes back but the man seems like he has his priorities in the right place with his family

  22. Jonesdeclectice

    I hope he’s back. That all said, nobody should expect Nylander to sign an extension until after near TDL this season given his limited NTC. His worry will be the same as his current contract: that he’ll sign a deal with Toronto and then be traded to another team.

  23. Medium_Well

    I think this is a reasonable expectation DEPENDING on what the offer actually is. If Dubas wants more authority or some huge salary number and MLSE isn’t meeting the baseline, then he’s within his right to not be strongarmed.

    MLSE needs to bear some blame here for not extending Dubas earlier.

  24. Survious

    Coaching is the issue atm not management…

  25. thedrunkentendy

    Makes sense. It has to be quick and there arent many options available. Fire him next year if need be but we need a gm to navigate the core four and their impending NTC’s.

  26. Tinypeepeecommy

    I was hoping he would stay, but that Keefe would be fired. It seems much more like coaching issues to me more then anything else

  27. Tiny-Bend6060

    I’m shocked that no one from the Leaf management team has been fired yet.

    When you factor in this years performance then add in the recent post season history it’s a miracle they they all still have their jobs & apparent support from many of you.

    Astounding really.

  28. wallsofjerich0

    I have no sympathy here, they had all year to come up with something.

  29. LegendaryVenusaur

    Sports gambling is cancer. Hope the money dries up very soon and they can’t afford to sponsor anymore.

  30. Seagal_Bullshido

    It’s Spezza’s time to shine.

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