@Arizona Coyotes

The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru on Twitter: Arena Deal Voted Down. No Wins.

The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru on Twitter: Arena Deal Voted Down. No Wins.

by oldtombombadil


  1. DaddySbeve

    Wow. Genuinely sorry for y’all. I’m not from AZ but I was rooting for the Yotes to stay.

    Fuckin stupid not to pass it.

  2. DannyBoy4T5

    This is probably the end, I’m sorry y’all

  3. Duma123

    The misinformation from the No Campaign was insane. This would’ve been so good for Tempe.

  4. drrockz87

    Will be excited to see all the offers to pay for cleaning up that dump that the opposition gets.

  5. GaryBettmanIsMyHomie

    I do take some joy in knowing that if the team relocates, all the opposing team fans that live in Phoenix won’t get to watch their teams anymore. Double middle fingers to all those Wings and Hawks fans around town

  6. Shadow88882

    So how long do we wait for those magical “better deals” to come flooding in?

  7. DastardlyRidleylash

    Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

    Everybody’ll scream that it’s over, and all we’ll be hearing this summer from a group of entitled assholes is “COYOTES ARE GONNA MOVE LET’S GOOOOOOOO”. As if it’s *fun* and *good* to laugh and mock an entire fanbase who are passionate and love their team just because of preconceived notions and decades of mismanagement that was finally turning around.

    God fucking damnit, man. Why can’t we get *anything*? We lose Bedard, we lose the Tempe vote and now we’ll just be turned the team that everybody wants to be punted to some other city where the “***real*** hockey fans” are.

    Hope we have an ace up our sleeve to stick around, but I know damn well a lot of people want it to be over.

  8. If I say something about the People who made/created the False Misinformation & who Voted NO I think I would get ban immediately on Reddit 😅

  9. Riespieces16

    Can someone explain to me why people would vote no on this? I’m genuinely trying to see a different perspective.

  10. Faceit_Solveit

    Houston Texas wants an NHL team now that they have seen what my team the Dsllas Stars have done. I am in Austin and our suburb Cedar Park has the Texas Stars of the AHL. I always wondered why Portland Oregon doesn’t have a hockey team. For me, I really do hope that Arizona finds a home for the incredible Arizona coyotes. They’re a fighting franchise, and they have the coolest ssweaters. What about having it out on one of the Native American reservations? As for Tempe …

  11. Arizona_Slim

    Who financed the No campaign, and why? What was their motive?

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