@New York Rangers

I think it’s becoming even clearer why Gallant was fired and what our FO is looking for in the next HC

I think it’s becoming even clearer why Gallant was fired and what our FO is looking for in the next HC

by mattr1198


  1. lionson76

    Yeah, I just commented on this in the other thread about the full article. Big yikes if true.

    In theory I don’t have a problem with the approach that as long as you execute your game plan, you don’t really have to worry what the other team is doing. However, it was clear that after Jersey adjusted (and maybe Tampa the year before), our game plan wasn’t working and the players were desperately looking to the coaching staff for guidance, but none came.

    It reminds me of that scene in Band of Brothers where [Dike gets Easy Company]( trapped in the open when attacking the village, the platoon leaders are asking him wtf are we doing, and his terrible leadership gets a lot of guys killed. Dike is Gallant in this analogy, Winters is Drury, and [Speirs is hopefully the new head coach](

  2. Direct_Crab6651

    Wow I’ll take completely not shocking things for $1000 Alex

    Said the guy should have been fired the day after the Tampa series last year (also said we should trade the bread man). You don’t need to be a hockey genius to see that the 5 on 5 problems, the defensive breakdowns, and the inconsistent effort all fall on the head coach ….. either he coached it or he let it happen, either way it’s on him

  3. Signal_Wall_8445

    Gallant not matching lines was enough to lose me. It’s an actual advantage, that’s why the rules specify it for the home team, and he didn’t care.

    It would be like a baseball manager letting the away team bat last because he didn’t think it was important.

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