@National Hockey League

Has the Onion gone too far?

Has the Onion gone too far?

by info-warz


  1. AnyTomato8562

    The Onion is my trusted source for up to the minute news!

  2. Chungo420lol

    I honestly feel bad for them but as a jets fan it almost feels like karma

  3. AtomicBombSquad

    **Kay :** [at newsstand] We’ll check the hot sheets.

    **Jay :** *These* are the hot sheets?

    **Kay :** The Onion; best investigative reporting on the planet. Go read the New York Times if you want, they get lucky sometimes.

    **Jay :** I cannot believe you’re looking for Coyotes hockey news in The Onion.

    **Kay :** [front-page article about Arizona’s stolen team] Not looking for. Found.

    ^(I’m old enough to remember when The Onion was a print publication.)

  4. JonTheWizard

    Bit cruel, but still pretty damn funny.

  5. Ballsahoy72

    The Onion hates hockey. Comedy writers are usually nerds and nerds usually hate hockey, so…

  6. horst-graben

    Too far? No. But it’s not funny either.

  7. thingsandstufffs666

    I thought the onion only did joke news…

  8. TheGreatPervSage_94

    Wherever they end up

    They better keep the coyote howl

    Best goal horn sfx

  9. Say what you will about the Yotes, STILL the best goal celebration sound ever. The howwwlllll. Chilling.

  10. MaverickX713X

    I’m sure all 7 of the yote’s fans voted yes

  11. Medium_Tangelo2789

    No.. team should never have been there

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