@New York Rangers

Joe Finley vs Ryan Reaves Jan 21, 2012

Joe Finley vs Ryan Reaves from the Buffalo Sabres at St. Louis Blues game on Jan 21, 2012.


  1. Holy Reaves batman! Solid heavy, wasn't expecting that out of him when I first heard of him.

  2. @cjc2012ad skatevid just likes to rip buffalo vids. He's also a bit delusional. Pay no attention.

  3. nah reaves kicked his ass. finley put his hand over his head so he didnt get beat up even more. and besides those first swings didnt even hit reaves.

  4. @keysor714 they hit reaves helmet. Just like reaves last shot hit finley in the helmet and finley fell down. So if one of the haymakers that finley threw that hit reaves in the helmet and reaves fell down, then finley "kicked his ass"??? This isn't an "ass kicking" at all lol. C'mon dude. Be serious..

  5. @Thorty77 Agreed. Reaves is a beast and can put the smack down, but he's not dirty at all.

  6. Why dont you shut the fuck up. You are just jealous that UND is one of the best college hockey teams that have ever played. You do not know the emotion, honor and pride here in the University of North Dakota. We take so much pride here. We have an amazing arena. You just do not understand the power of the University of North Dakota.

  7. I'm a Caps fan, it sucks we used a first round pick on Finley. Another great move by our waste of space GM George McPhee. Thanks again George, nice move!

  8. "Finley throws a big right, oh and another big right" from what I saw it was a big miss and another big miss

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