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Buffalo Sabres GM Kevyn Adams | NHL Free Agency and Staffing Changes

Buffalo Sabres GM Kevyn Adams addressed the media about NHL Free Agency and staffing changes for the team on Thursday, July 29.

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  1. Let’s put it this way leanness UllMark got paid $5 million a year I think that’s a bit more than what is worth but if I were him I would take it as well I think the Sabres offer him 3.5 maybe $4 million would be the top end for us so I agree with him especially with what happen with Carter Hutton who is vastly overpaid for doing absolutely nothing good for us. I am happy for Ullmark because I think he’s a good addition but at the same time they definitely overpaid he is not proven to be healthy he is injury prone. A lot of those other goalies I’m free agency we’re also receiving huge contracts were in a rebuilding year it’s blatantly obvious why would we give a go in their 30s in a Normas contract I mean it would be nice but it just doesn’t fit we’re doing. However clearly he was in a panic mode when you sign to go always like that last night it’s like come on a 40 year old yeah he played good in the playoffs don’t get me wrong and I like the guy but yeah

  2. No goalies, no future, give away best players, no scouts, give big money to players that are not giving anything back – and now give Dahlin big money for what how good was he last season. All you give to us the fans are headache. We Will never have any success and we have been waiting for ages. Different people in the management and Yada yada yada the same happends anyway.

  3. does anyone believe what buffalo is saying? Pathetic and fans keep pouring the money in! Pathetic too ! Says it about competing? how about competing for players and contracts! The Worst hypocrite!

  4. As much as people disliked Darcy Regier… there was one quote that he said that is more true now than ever before and he said this when he fired Lindy Ruff: “Either the people have to change or you have to change the people”. The problem is no one changed after he was fired himself…. So the sabres just kept hiring people, trading-signing-drafting players that never changed their mindset. It hasn’t worked in however many years since Darcy was removed. If you continue to think like you’ve always thought you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got.

  5. It would be nice if the team didn't have to turn over half the roster every year. Someday maybe.

  6. As laughable as this is at least they might be on a path here probably not the right one but one has to start somewhere.

  7. I love Kevyn Adams. Can't tell if he's a good GM or a terrible one, but I still love the guy.

  8. This Guy has it. I believe in his vision. He's no dummy. Finally Sabs have a solid GM with patience and talks about being proud of being a Sabre. He is not going to waste money right now makes zero sense given the team's outlook. This guy would have NEVER over paid for Jack @ 10 and Kyle @ 6 and Skins @ 9 no way. KA took on a team with bad culture, bad contracts , missed playoffs , bad attitudes and so on. He will turn this organization completely around.

  9. Kevyn is doing it right. We have two young high value guys in goal, a mass of young skaters and picks. Why try and compete now when you can build up and shoot for three years? Nailed it!

  10. This franchise is a joke. At least they finally standing their ground with Jack. Trade Skinner for Goalie Bob on Panthers one for one. Trade and tank free up Cap, its not that hard look at Arizona , they are getting a ton compared to Sabres to rack up picks.

  11. It's obvious we are on the right path or was or the Bruins wouldn't be signing 3 Sabres

  12. He’s sticking to his guns and following through on the plan. Murray prematurely jumped the gun, Botterill did the same why we are in this mess

  13. If we are going to trade Eichel…we better get a Top 5 goalie out of it. Or I wouldn't even trade him.

  14. I would have liked to have seen them Take Berniers with that #1 …I dont see this giant defensemen Power as any kind of game changer . Matthew Berniers will turn out to be the best pick in that draft

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