@Edmonton Oilers

The Cult of Hockey’s “Oilers wiped out at even strength vs Vegas” podcast

Let’s do this! The Cult of Hockey podcast. By the Faithful and for the Faithful, tonight with Bruce McCurdy and David Staples. They dig into Edmonton’s 5-1 loss to the Golden Knight of Las Vegas.


  1. You guys know why the NHL doesn’t have their refs speak and why there is no accountability? Because they officiate how the league wants them to and there is no way to answer for that. They know what they are doing, and you can bet the refs see things. They do their job exactly how the league wants it for whatever reason be it sports bets or who knows. I would bet the league wants the games to go a certain narrative and they’d like to manage teams to win/lose games through their influence to get games to go to a certain amount and teams to play each other, and which teams get to play to the Stanley cup. When you see games like this it’s hard to not be suspicious not to mention we already witnessed the Tim Peel incident and that was a mistake that got out, you think all refs and the league aren’t doing that? I would say they are all doing that and maybe even the league is speaking with them during the game potentially.

  2. worst game the Oilers played these playoffs so far. You could see the change in their energy after they scored first: they set cruise control and gave the game away. Vegas outplayed them, won most the battles and were more disciplined. Yes I agree that Eichel high sticked Yamo, I did see a cross check that wasn't called, I just think the Oilers need to get past those things and not deflate.

  3. How difficult is it to motivate players to try to bring their A-game in the playoffs ?
    I don't get it – or maybe, they just look, that they don't bring it – maybe that was their A-game that day.
    Home-ice is so not an advantage and all the praise for Leon from all over the NHL media over the last few days…probably wasn't all too helpful either.

  4. And honestly, i do not understand, why the oilers organization keep going back to the same players for interviews.
    Never once, i heard McLeod, never once Broberg….all the time going to McDavid and Draisaitl….i do not like it, it's boring and it's not good for the team balance.
    Drai and McDavid got enough on their table.

  5. The Oil seemed rather uninspired and undisciplined. But they will rebound! They always do 😅

  6. Stone and couple others playing some cheap shit hockey. I say fight fire with fire set him up and floor him hard. Nothing pisses me off more is dirty shit cross checks to head neck into the boards kinda shit. If refs want to go this route i would play without a puck kinda game.

  7. Thats why the league told the refs to chill on the penalties against Vegas. There were a few egregious calls missed, then retrospectively called against the Oilers. WIth that said Vegas outskated them everywhere.

  8. Gotta give vegas credit. With all their crease chaos with Lehner Hill Broissoit Quick they still finished #1. Meanwhile oilers r complaining abt Campbell vs Skinner.

  9. The fix is in. Vegas called bettman bc refs. Is affect oilers bc without the pp the oil r nothin.

  10. Holy Jekyll & Hyde, it was obvious in the first ten minutes that Mr. Hyde was back…missed passes, missed assignments, shaky goalie, we really didn't need a poor officiating night also! I like that this team has some bite to their game but when everyone is getting out of position chasing a hit it is counterproductive. We also need to be way stronger net front Vegas had clear and easy paths all night.

  11. Bruce Mccordy s voice is like a warm blanket of comfort, and Im a VGK supporter!
    And you are correct David, the Knights are not the Avalanche…they are not the Avalanche

  12. Hope that “The League” looks at the charging cross checking penalty on Kane to Pietrangelo. Looked like Kane cross checked Pietrangelo’s neck. That was completely uncalled for by Kane.

  13. I understand your discussion on referees. I see this throughout the NHL. I truly believe that they have direction to control the outcome of games. They seem to be God like, untouchable to anyone. How do they get to this status? We just have to outplay the referees also to win a game. And We Can. Go Oilers.

  14. Nurse often out of position too high up boards had a bad game and wow Bouchard was so lazy, tentative and clumsy tonight. His worse game in a long time. Even Ekholm was barely average. Skinner misjudged 2 of those shots high glove side. 😮

  15. The oil have always been susceptible to a fast and high pressure offense. Nurse and Bouchard can only process events up to a certain speed., then they start thinking with their eyeballs. 2 rookie D and 2 that defend slowly. There are going to be games like G1,G3. Oil in 6?! They will adjust

  16. When VGK was down 5-1 in Game 2, they mucked it up and brought physical play to carry into Game 3… I didn't see any of that from Edmonton last night. Marchessault took a whack at Campbell's glove w/ under 5 mins left and Desharnais just let him walk…for example. They needed to set the tone for Game 4, and they didnt do it.

  17. Why aren’t there more fundamental questions about what’s going with this team? Being payed pro athletes is enough that they should put the effort in every game. They’re in a window where Connor and Leon are ready to win a Stanley cup. They got Ekholm. But then they play at least a quarter of their playoff games like it’s not important. They lose due to not being ready (?) thinking they’re too good to lose(?) I don’t know what that is.
    Look how they played against Chicago in the play in year. Last year they failed to play one game against Calgary (but overall it was better last year).

    This may be unrelated but I remember when Ethan Moreau was captain, they’d play like 22 bad games in a row and wouldn’t even call a spade a spade after the game. They would act offended that the media were suggesting they could have done better. Really galling.

  18. OPPOSITION SOONER OR LATR FINDS THAT DARNEL NURSE IS THEIR KEY TO SUCCESS.. we all know it like a goalies weakness the other team knows about, Nurse is ours.. winning a cup with this uninsightful defenceman .. this player is cancer

  19. It's hard to believe that the WHOLE TEAM can have a bad game, "not good enough" ?

    There is something else going on. This makes no sense at all.
    Everyone can see it.
    Last game- fast skating, This game-coasting
    Last game-aggressive hitting, This game-Less hitting, lacking aggression
    Last game-Skinner fantastic, This game-Skinner let in goals that should have been saved
    Last game-winning battles, This game-losing battles
    Last game-aggressive defense, This game-lacking defense
    Last game-McD and Drai, This game-zero?
    It's like two different teams. Hockey never used to be like this.

    Ya, you can blame everything, everyone, but, something is not right. . .

    Do the players know something we don't know?
    Has the game come down to which team gets the bounces, luck?
    Gambling? Bettman? Something else?

    I expected the Oilers to demolish Vegas, so did everybody. But when stuff like this happens, and we keep getting let down, over and over. Why even watch the games when we all know, this is not real?

  20. vegas doesnt have much for commentary, so us vegas fans are forced to go to the opposition for additional insight… that being said, you guys have been the best, by far, this series. you're the only oilers channel ive seen talking specifics, and youre level headed with both the positives and negatives. in short: it doesnt seem like youve been drinking the koolaid. i love it.

    i do recognize there were some missed calls on both sides… favored vegas in the end. the hauge one in slow motion looks bad, but in real time i can see why it wasnt called. in slow motion, theres even and argument against hyman on that hit. i'm just glad nobody got hurt. but i think the refs kept a lid on this game overall. we've gotten a different style of reffing each game… i'd like to see the rest of the series called like this one, even if it means the shoe will be on the other foot.

    on the whitecloud goal: no way you can put that on nurse. woodcroft's strategy agaisnt the knights (and its worked well so far) is to play man on man, push vegas to the corner and then out… id be surprised if vegas hadnt worked on that because every single VGK skater got the inside of their man on that goal. whitecloud had a pass option, a tip option and a grade-a shot option. complete defensive breakdown… that's on woodcroft.

    i havent seen anyone really talking about this, but i lived in edmonton for several years so i have a general interest in the oilers: all of edmonton's regualar season stats come from mcdavid and draisitl being on seperate lines. i think edmonton is a much worse team overall when mcdavid and draisitl are forced to play on the same line. every time EDM keeps the duo seperated against vegas, it goes poorly for them. i think thats a really really bad sign. it means edmonton has to play a completely different strategy than what has gotten them this far… and i dont think woodcroft can handle it.

  21. Oilers defence is hidden only because they have Leon .Oilers defence is not good enough to win a close nhl playoff game

  22. Cry all you want Oiler fans your team is just not good enough playing five on five,your team lives off power play goals.

  23. Yes it's all a conspiracy against the Oilers. Come on guys. The long and the short of it they played bad for the majority of the game, unlike game 2 they weren't moving as a unit with speed to break the forecheck and they deserved the result. You're becoming Toronto media.

  24. I hope Yanmark can play next game! Oilers should go with 4 lines and separate Connor & Leon for most of the game! Woodcroft needs to sit Yamamoto and put Holloway into the lineup! Holloway's speed and strength can only make them better!!!✌😊

  25. I didn’t like seeing Broissoit injured for obvious reasons, but I also feared Hill would play the way he did. Hopefully we can solve him next game

  26. If the defense does not smarten up. we're losing the series. Simple coverage mistakes. If your leader (Nurse) is making major mistakes the rest follow suit. Nurse and Bouchard made the most. Forwards should help out too!

  27. Boo hoo – There are plenty of missed calls to go around on both. there were at least 3 missed tripping calls the Oilers dodged.
    Knights beat Oilers fair and square. If Oilers are that dependent on getting the power play, then good luck winning the cup.

  28. Nurse needs to take Lidstrom's philosophy to not follow a player to the blue line, taking himself out of position! sounds common sense to me. Someone needs to go to Nurse and yell that in his face!

  29. Awesome podcast, gentlemen. I get no inside coverage out here in winnipeg just hate. Lol but yes oilers gotta figure out the 5 on 5 situation man defence defense and think like Derek Ryan. Woooo let's go oil

  30. The team that has the puck the least, most times have the most hits, because, you have nothing else to do. Never heard such a BS podcast. Penalties that weren't called, that never happens. Did it happen in game two?? No, of course not, right??. Used to think y'all's fan base was decent, not anymore. See y'all next year, if you can keep up. It's been a fun series, but, gotta smoke ya now…BYE BYE

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